Why Using Lye Is Key to Making German Pretzels | Cook's Illustrated (2024)

For real-deal German pretzels with a deep chestnut exterior, satiny sheen, and mineral-y-tang, a dip in lye solution is a must.

Why Using Lye Is Key to Making German Pretzels | Cook's Illustrated (1)By

Published Aug. 8, 2022.

Why Using Lye Is Key to Making German Pretzels | Cook's Illustrated (2)

Jürgen Krauss, semifinalist in the 2021 season of The Great British Baking Show, can’t remember his first pretzel, but that’s only because during his childhood in Germany’s Black Forest, the chewy, salted twists were almost as ubiquitous as the air he breathed.

Pretzels for Prayer—andGood Press

Pretzels have been depicted in religious art since at least the Middle Ages, when monks supposedly twisted bread dough scraps to form pious shapes: The gaps between the strands represented the Holy Trinity, and the crisscrossed ropes represented arms folded in prayer. They were also Lent friendly, free of animal products such as eggs and butter that the medieval church forbade during the spring fast, and they occasionally show up in medieval renderings of the Last Supper.

But at Freiburger Münster, the medieval cathedral in Freiburg, Germany, pretzels were incorporated into the stained glass windows lining the nave for a more secular reason: They promoted the bakers guild that helped fund their construction. The twists are prominently displayed in a coat of arms alongside windows with equally glorious emblems of beer pitchers for the brewers, boots for the cobblers, and scissors for the tailors. Devout donations, with a side of advertisem*nt.

“When you go into town, and you’re feeling snack-y, you get a buttered pretzel,” he told me on a video call from his home in Brighton, England.

Lest Krauss’s recollection inspire visions of pallid, floppy, butter-slicked twists from a mall food court, let me be clear: The German pretzel is a more noble beast, as revered in its home country as the baguette is in France. Maybe it’s the alluring chestnut exterior, with that satiny sheen and pretzel-specific mineral-y tang, all results of a quick alkaline bath before baking. Maybe it’s the fine yet satisfyingly chewy crumb. Maybe it’s the versatility: Pair a pretzel with sausage and mustard for breakfast as they do in Munich, enjoy a few with beer, or slice one horizontally and fill it with meat and cheese or simply smear it with butter.

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The more Ilearned about German pretzels, the hungrier Ibecame—not just to eat them, but to make them. More than anything, Iwas intrigued by the purportedly magical qualities of that alkaline bath and was determined to work out a plan for using it safely so that anyone could turn out these glossy, saline wonders.

How to Work with Lye Safely

Dipping the dough in a lye solution gives traditional German pretzels their characteristic salinity; chew; and smooth mahogany exterior, but the strong alkali (sodium hydroxide) is corrosive and can burn your skin, so it must be handled with caution. (Don’t worry about eating it: Baking neutralizes lye and makes it perfectly safe to consume.) Follow this guide to make your experience safe and comfortable.

Burst the Bubbles

My dough was straightforward: Bread flour (its abundant gluten-forming proteins would provide the requisite chew), yeast, and salt mixed in a stand mixer, along with a bit of softened butter for richness and just enough water to bring everything together into a smooth, firm mass. After letting the dough rise for about an hour, Idivided it into sixportions; rolled each into a long rope; and twirled them into pretzel shapes. Tiny air bubbles had formed in the dough, and the gluten began to retract, transforming my elegant, looping twists into chunky, misshapen buns. But Icarried on with dipping (for now, into a baking soda solution Ikept simmering on the stove) and baking them in a hot oven for about 10minutes. Itore into one that was still warm. Besides being malformed, it was riddled with gaping holes.

Sometimes it’s helpful to think of a glutenous dough as a recalcitrant teenager: Force it to do something it doesn’t want to do, and it’s likely to defy you. Gentle, patient persuasion is usually more effective, so Itook my time shaping the next batch—starting with a 10-minute rest after portioning that allowed its gluten to relax. Then, to rid the crumb of the pesky air bubbles that had ballooned as the pretzels baked, Iworked each piece one by one, flattening it with a rolling pin and rolling it up into a snug cylinder. Only after shaping all the portions did Igo back to the first and extend it out to its full length, rolling from the center to the ends to dislodge any lingering air bubbles before Itwisted it up.

The pretzels maintained their graceful shapes through baking and emerged with a fine, even crumb.

The Truth About Lye

Dunking dough into a strong alkali such as lye is an admittedly curious thing to do, and there are theories as to how this process came about—including one of a baker who mistakenly brushed his pretzel with cleaning fluid and decided to just go with it. But the base agent’s impact on the dough is actually terrific: It boosts flavorful browning by accelerating Maillardization and caramelizing sugars in the dough. It imparts that unique pretzel smell and taste by inhibiting the creation of typical baked-good aroma compounds while spurring the formation of others and also adds unmistakable mineral flavor. And it gels surface starch, so the pretzels bake up smooth and shiny.

The stronger the alkali, the more intense and impressive the results, which is why German bakers use lye; it features a chart-topping pH of 14and produces the ultimate pretzel experience. (Rest assured, you’re not ingesting a dangerous chemical: The oven’s heat completely neutralizes lye and makes it safe to consume.) That said, if sourcing and handling lye isn’t for you, you can use a simmering baking soda solution instead. With a pH of roughly 8.3, it reacts less than lye and yields pretzels that are lighter in color and flavor, but the results are still impressive.

Take a Dip

An alkaline bath is what makes a pretzel a pretzel and not just a tanned twist of dough. The base reacts with proteins, sugars, and starches at the pretzel’s surface to intensify browning and give the skin its tight, glossy sheen. It also imparts that saline, mineral flavor.

A simmering baking soda solution is a pantry-friendly option with a moderately high pH that encourages ample browning and pretzel-y flavor. All you do is dissolve ½ cup of baking soda in 8 cups of water, bring the solution to a boil, lower it to a simmer (heating the solution makes it more reactive and effective), and briefly dunk each pretzel in it. Then you salt and bake the pretzels.

Do The Twist

After making an inverted U with the dough rope, forming the twist is simple.

  1. Cross rope ends once, andthen again.
  2. Lift ends and attach them to curve of inverted U at about 10o’clockand 2o’clock. Press ends firmly into body of pretzel.

But if you want the genuine article, you have to do as German bakers do and dip the dough in a room-temperature, food-safe lye solution. (The native name, Laugenbrezel, means “lye pretzel.”) It’s the strongest alkali, and its color, flavor, and textural impact on the dough is simply unmatched. Fifteen seconds in a lye bath plus a hot bake equals deeply bronzed, distinctly saline pretzels that shine like polished mahogany.

Of course, lye is caustic stuff that can burn your skin and discolor surfaces, so it’s important to approach the dipping process with respect and caution. So before baking Ipored over lye safety documents and consulted with our senior science research editor, Paul Adams, to work out safety best practices. Idonned some stout latex gloves and safety goggles and then carefully mixed 40grams of lye crystals into 1,000grams of cold water until the crystals dissolved. (Starting with cold water is important because lye raises the temperature of the solution when it dissolves.) Itransferred each pretzel individually to the bath, let it hang out for 15seconds, and then drained it on a wire rack. Imoved the drained pretzels to a baking sheet, sprinkled them with pretzel salt (a coarse, slow-melting salt), and slid them into the oven.

Why Using Lye Is Key to Making German Pretzels | Cook's Illustrated (3)

The surface of these twists was dark, lustrous, and smooth around the plush, chewy crumb. Ibit into one and immediately recognized that characteristic mineral flavor. It was all the convincing Ineeded that lye is worth the effort—and, frankly, once Ihad my dipping station and safety practices in order, working with lye was quicker and simpler than the simmering baking soda dip. (But don’t pass on pretzel making because you’re not comfortable using lye; the baking soda treatment produces perfectly acceptable results, and I’ve included directions for both.)

It’s often said that the German language has a word for everything. The one that came to mind as Isettled down with a pretzel, which I’d buttered liberally in Jürgen’s honor, was “wunderbar.”

Why Using Lye Is Key to Making German Pretzels | Cook's Illustrated (4)

Laugenbrezeln (German Lye Pretzels)

Making pretzels the way German bakers do combines science and arts and crafts with a frisson of(manageable) risk. The process isfun; the payoff is spectacular

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Why Using Lye Is Key to Making German Pretzels | Cook's Illustrated (5)

Why Using Lye Is Key to Making German Pretzels | Cook's Illustrated (2024)


Why Using Lye Is Key to Making German Pretzels | Cook's Illustrated? ›

Dipping the dough in a lye solution gives traditional German pretzels their characteristic salinity; chew; and smooth mahogany exterior, but the strong alkali (sodium hydroxide) is corrosive and can burn your skin, so it must be handled with caution.

Do you need lye for pretzels? ›

Lye is primarily used to make pretzels, and it's the reason for their unmistakable shiny, mahogany color. To prepare, shaped pretzels are dipped in a lye bath, then baked in the oven. This method can also be used with rolls or buns. Once lye-dipped pretzels are baked, they're totally safe (and delicious!) to eat.

What is the significance of pretzels in Germany? ›

Originally German children looked for hidden pretzels and hard-boiled eggs throughout their parent's farms. Hiding places such as the straw lofts and barns eventually introduced the tradition of egg hunts. It became a tradition for German children to wear pretzels around their necks on New Year's for good luck.

Why is sodium hydroxide in pretzels? ›

Its main purpose in pretzel making is to give the pretzels their distinct chewy texture and shiny, golden-brown crust. Without caustic soda, pretzels would lack that classic pretzel flavor and appearance we all know and love.

What is lye used for? ›

Lye is used for purposes as varied as baking, soap-making, and cleaning, to dissolving animal tissue. Primary lye uses include: Soap making: The most common use of lye is for making soap and cleaning agents. Technically, a soap without lye is not a soap as defined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

What is the history of lye pretzels? ›

According to some historians, the soft and delicious modern lye pretzel we know today was a tasty mistake. Legend has it that a baker at the royal coffee house in Munich inadvertently glazed his pretzels with a lye solution he had on hand for cleaning baking trays, instead of the usual sugar water, prior to baking.

What are the side effects of lye in food? ›

Sodium hydroxide is a potentially dangerous substance. It can hurt you if it touches your skin, if you drink it or if you breathe it. Eating or drinking sodium hydroxide can cause severe burns and immediate vomiting, nausea, diarrhea or chest and stomach pain, as well as swallowing difficulties.

Does lye expire? ›

Using expired lye can mean your soap won't reach trace. To avoid any wasted soap, make sure to keep your lye tightly sealed in a cool, dry place. We like to mark all of our bottles in the Soap Lab with the date it is opened. That way we can replace the lye after a year to prevent it from going bad.

What does lye do to skin? ›

Lye is a caustic substance that can certainly damage your skin if you're exposed to it. It can cause a number of problems, such as burns, blindness, and even death when consumed. But, and this is a big but, soap that is created with lye (which is all real soap) will do absolutely no harm to your skin.

How are German pretzels different? ›

In the state of Bavaria, pretzels are more evenly formed and soft all over, with arms just about as thick as their belly. Before baking, however, they are all dipped in lye, a sodium hydroxide solution that gives them their glossy, chestnut brown crust and unmistakable alkali flavor.

What do Germans put on their pretzels? ›

Ways to Enjoy Your Homemade German Pretzels

While salt's usually the go-to topping, a typical pretzel will see a side of cheese sauce or mustard to dip. Other toppings for pretzels have expanded to include cinnamon, powdered white/brown sugar, glazes (typically sweet ones), seeds, and nuts.

Do Germans eat pretzels for breakfast? ›

From there, pretzels quickly spread throughout Germany, becoming a staple food in many regions of the country. In the state of Bavaria, for example, pretzels are often served as a breakfast or snack food, and are typically accompanied by sweet mustard or obatzda, a Bavarian cheese spread.

Is lye in pretzels bad for you? ›

(Pretzels are safe to eat because the lye on their surfaces reacts with carbon dioxide when heated, transforming it into harmless carbonate.)

What is a good substitute for lye in pretzels? ›

That is by taking baking soda, spreading it out on a baking pan and putting it into the oven at about 250-300 degrees Fahrenheit for about an hour. That changes the chemical properties in the baking soda to make it behave more similarly to lye.

How toxic is lye? ›

Lye water (sometimes called 'Lime Water') is a strong (caustic) liquid that is safe to use in very small amounts in cooking, but it can be dangerous if lye water is swallowed undiluted straight from the bottle. It can cause severe corrosive burns to the throat, oesophagus and stomach with permanent damage if swallowed.

What is the difference between American pretzels and German pretzels? ›

Unlike their American counterpart, Bavarian pretzels pack a denser, chewier inside and a darker, crispier outside. And there's a certain "tang" to the Bavarian-style pretzel that sets it apart from other soft pretzels. But best of all, it doesn't need to be dipped in cheese or drenched in butter to taste delicious!

Is baking soda the same as lye? ›

Lye is a stronger alkaline than baking soda or sodium bicarbonate, with a pH reading ranging from around 13 to 14. Its base of sodium hydroxide is created commercially by the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution, as well as reacting calcium hydroxide with sodium carbonate, according to the FDA.

What is the secret ingredient which makes a pretzel taste like a pretzel? ›

The answer lies in a brief dip in an alkaline water bath before baking. This bath essentially gelatinizes the outside of the pretzel, preventing it from fully “springing” during baking (as bread does) and giving pretzels their signature chewy crust. It also gives them their unique and indelible “pretzel” flavor.

Does Auntie Anne's use lye? ›

Well, the cheery ladies were very clear with me: they do NOT use lye. No sodium hydroxide/poison/caustic soda—none whatsoever—in their pretzels. (They do, however, dip their pretzels in a baking soda solution.) So there you have it.

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