Understand Qualitative vs Quantitative Research | SurveyMonkey (2024)

Are surveys qualitative or quantitative? Turns out, they can be both. Learn when and how to use them, then explore our expert survey templates to run your own research.

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Understand Qualitative vs Quantitative Research | SurveyMonkey (1)

Quantitative and qualitative research are complementary methods used in surveys to gather results that are both wide-reaching and deep.

Choosing the method depends on the type of data and insights you aim to capture to serve your research goals. Qualitative data provides details and context to better understand individual responses, while quantitative data can supply the cumulative results you need to prove the general ideas or hypotheses of your research. To get the best results from these methods in your surveys, it’s important to understand the differences between them. Let’s dive in.

The difference between quantitative and qualitative research

Examples of when to use qualitative vs. quantitative research

3 tips for combining quantitative and qualitative research

The benefits of quantitative vs. qualitative data

Examples of qualitative and quantitative questions

The definition of quantitative research

Quantitative research is a methodology that provides support when you need to draw general conclusions from your research and predict outcomes. These methods are designed to collect numerical data that can be used to measure variables. The resulting quantitative data should be structured and statistical to present objective and conclusive findings, relying on systematically analyzed data collection.

The definition of qualitative research

Qualitative research is a methodology designed to explain the “why” behind research findings. With less of an emphasis on statistics and structured data, itprovides an in-depth understanding of human behaviors, motivations, and emotions through text-based information.

Qualitative research methods usually involve first-hand observation, such as interviews or focus groups. This type of market research is usually conducted in natural settings, meaning that researchers study things as they are without experiments and control groups.

While qualitative approaches bring depth of understanding to your research questions, it can make the results harder to analyze.

Qualitative data collects information that seeks to describe a topic more than measure it. This type of research measures opinions, views, and attributes vs. hard numbers that would be presented in a graph or a chart.

Understand Qualitative vs Quantitative Research | SurveyMonkey (2)

Examples of when to use qualitative vs. quantitative research

In essence, qualitative and quantitative research methods shine light on different survey objectives. Quantitative data can help you see the big picture. Qualitative data adds the details and can also give a human voice to your survey results.

Let’s break down how to use each method in a research project.

  • Formulating hypotheses: Qualitative research helps you gather detailed information on a topic, typically for exploratory research. You can use it to initiate your research by discovering the problems or opportunities people are thinking about. Those ideas can become hypotheses to be proven through quantitative research.
  • Validating your hypotheses: Quantitative research will get you numbers that you can apply statistical analysis to in order to validate your hypotheses. Was that problem real or just someone’s perception? Through the answers you collect, you'll be able to make decisions based on quantifiable information.
  • Finding general answers: Quantitative research usually has more respondents than qualitative research because it is easier to conduct a multiple-choice survey than a series of interviews or focus groups. Therefore it can help you definitely answer broad questions like: Do people prefer you to your competitors? Which of your company’s services are most important? Which ad is most appealing?
  • Incorporating the human element: Qualitative research can also help in the final stages of your project. The quotes you obtained from open-ended questions can put a human voice to the objective numbers and trends in your results. Many times it helps to hear your customers describe your company in their own words to uncover your blind spots.

3 tips for combining quantitative and qualitative research

In a world of Big Data, there’s a wealth of statistics and figures that form the strong foundation on which decisions can rest. But that foundation is incomplete without the information collected from real people that gives the numbers meaning. Therefore, these two research methods don’t conflict with each other—they actually work much better as a team.

Here’s our top tips for how to combine the two research methods:

  1. Conduct qualitative research before quantitative methods
    Qualitative research is almost always the starting point when you seek to discover new problems and opportunities–which will help you do deeper research later. Quantitative data will give you measurements to confirm each problem or opportunity and understand it.

    For example, a conference organizer distributed a post-event survey to understand what attendees enjoyed the most about their event and how to improve using open-ended questions. In addition, they used close-ended questions to track attendance rate, overall satisfaction, the quality of speakers, and the value of information presented. Many responded that the difficult-to-reach location was frustrating. For the next conference, the organizer added quantitative questions on preferred location options based on this qualitative finding to improve accessibility.

  2. Decide how to get the qualitative data you need
    There are many methods you can use to conduct qualitative research that will get you the richly detailed information you need on your topic of interest.

    - Interviews: One-on-one conversations that go deeper into the topic at hand.
    - Case studies: Collections of client stories from in-depth interviews.
    - Expert opinions: Highly-researched information from well-informed sources.
    - Focus groups: In-person or online conversations with small groups of people to hear their views.
    - Open-ended survey questions: A survey response that lets respondents express their thoughts.
    - Observational research: Observing people using a product or service in daily life. Here are some survey question examples

    However, this open-ended method of research does not always lend itself to bringing you the most accurate results to big questions. And analyzing the results can be challenging—people will use different words and phrases to describe their points of view, with open-ended responses veering off topic from pre-selected responses.

  3. Know why and when to collect quantitative data
    Before collecting quantitative data, first be clear on the specific questions or trends you want to quantify to produce statistically significant insights. As rich and insightful as qualitative data can be, it can also run the risk of being too vague.

    Whenever possible, avoid confusing your respondents with questions that are too general and don't hit at the type of feedback you need to reach your research goal. For example, if you were an internet provider and you asked, "What do you think about your internet service?" you may not be able to glean the details needed to measure specific aspects of customer satisfaction.

    In this example, a more targeted question to gauge satisfaction might be:

    My internet service is reliable:
    - Always
    -Most of the time
    -About half the time
    -Once in a while

Understand Qualitative vs Quantitative Research | SurveyMonkey (4)

The benefits of quantitative vs. qualitative data

Gaining both types of insight can provide a comprehensive understanding of research subjects; however, if you've already decided you need to know the "why" vs. the "what" (or vice versa), it may be simpler to choose just one research method. Let's break it down one more time:

Quantitative data (what):

  • Enables you to measure behaviors, opinions, and trends through close-ended questions
  • Provides numerical and statistical data to analyze patterns, averages, and correlations
  • Allows generalization of findings by collecting data from large sample sizes
  • Establishes statistical significance, tracking metrics over time and benchmarking against goals

Qualitative data (why):

  • Gives context to behaviors, motivations, and attitudes through open-ended feedback
  • Captures more subjective insights like feelings, opinions, and unique perspectives
  • Enables the discovery of more intangibles like company culture and unmet needs
  • Allows new ideas and themes to emerge organically from participants

Examples of qualitative and quantitative questions

Our customer satisfaction survey template includes some good examples of how qualitative and quantitative questions can work together to provide you a complete view of how your business is doing.

Quantitative questions:

How long have you been a customer of our company?

  • This is my first purchase
  • Less than six months
  • Six months to a year
  • 1-2 years
  • 3 or more years
  • I haven’t made a purchase yet

How likely are you to purchase any of our products again?

  • Extremely likely
  • Very likely
  • Somewhat likely
  • Not so likely
  • Not at all likely

Qualitative follow-up question:

  • Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

The following is another example from our employee engagement survey.

Quantitative questions:

When you make a mistake, how often does your supervisor respond constructively?

  • Always
  • Most of the time
  • About half of the time
  • Once in a while
  • Never

Qualitative question:

  • What does your supervisor need to do to improve his/her performance?

Now that you know the definition of qualitative and quantitative data and the differences between these two research methods, you can better understand how to combine them, or zero-in on one. Put them to work in your next project with one of our expert written survey templates.

We’ve got templates for all types of questions. Check out our library of expert-designed survey templates.

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Understand Qualitative vs Quantitative Research | SurveyMonkey (2024)


Understand Qualitative vs Quantitative Research | SurveyMonkey? ›

Qualitative data provides details and context to better understand individual responses, while quantitative data can supply the cumulative results you need to prove the general ideas or hypotheses of your research.

How do you understand qualitative and quantitative research? ›

While both share the primary aim of knowledge acquisition, quantitative research is numeric and objective, seeking to answer questions like when or where. On the other hand, qualitative research is concerned with subjective phenomena that can't be numerically measured, like how different people experience grief.

What is qualitative vs quantitative answers? ›

Basically, quantitive data will tell you what your respondents are doing, while qualitative data offers deeper insight into why.

Is quantitative vs qualitative research easier? ›

In general, quantitative studies are easier to conduct, but require more participants than qualitative studies. Specifically, data collection in quantitative studies tend to require less time commitment from participants, and the data analysis can be conducted relatively quickly.

Is quantitative data easier to understand? ›

Quantitative data, as the name already implies, is the data that is quantifiable or, in other words, that is countable. The data is expressed in numerical figures, making it easier for analysts to understand.

How does a qualitative study answer a clinical question differently than a quantitative study? ›

Quantitative studies rely on numerical or measurable data. In contrast, qualitative studies rely on personal accounts or documents that illustrate in detail how people think or respond within society.

How to choose between quantitative and qualitative research? ›

Quantitative research is very well suited to establishing cause-and-effect relationships, to testing hypotheses and to determining the opinions, attitudes and practices of a large population, whereas qualitative research lends itself very well to developing hypotheses and theories and to describing processes such as ...

What is qualitative vs quantitative in layman's terms? ›

Quantitative data is numbers-based, countable, or measurable. Qualitative data is interpretation-based, descriptive, and relating to language. Quantitative data tells us how many, how much, or how often in calculations.

How do you analyze qualitative and quantitative? ›

Quantitative data is analyzed using statistical analysis, while qualitative data is analyzed by grouping it in terms of meaningful categories or themes.

What are 5 examples of quantitative research questions? ›

Let's look at a few examples of quantitative research question types. Question 1: How much fast food do Americans consume per week? Question 2: How often do students between the ages of 15 – 18 use Facebook weekly? Question 3: How often do male and female university students use a food delivery app monthly?

What are 3 differences between quantitative and qualitative research? ›

Simply put, Qualitative Research is about understanding User Behavior from smaller sample size, and data is collected and synthesized in Textual Form. In contrast, Quantitative Research collects Information from larger sample size of users in numeric form , and data is analysed in numeric form as well.

How do you know if a question is qualitative or quantitative? ›

Quantitative surveys ask close-ended or multiple choice questions for easy analysis. Qualitative surveys ask open-ended questions in which respondents write in their answers, which makes analysis more difficult. Most surveys use both methods.

What is the hardest, qualitative or quantitative research? ›

Qualitative data is more difficult to analyze than quantitative data. It consists of text, images or videos instead of numbers. Some common approaches to analyzing qualitative data include: Qualitative content analysis: Tracking the occurrence, position and meaning of words or phrases.

Why is qualitative research difficult? ›

Limitations of Qualitative Research

Rigor is more difficult to maintain, assess, and demonstrate. The volume of data makes analysis and interpretation time consuming. The researcher's presence during data gathering, which is often unavoidable in qualitative research, can affect the subjects' responses.

What is more precise, qualitative or quantitative? ›

Lack of numerical precision: Quantitative data can often be more precise and actionable than qualitative data. Issues with data collection: Collecting a representative sample of data can be difficult when conducting qualitative data analysis.

What is easier, qualitative or quantitative research? ›

Analyzing quantitative data is easier and requires less effort than qualitative data. Answers are turned into numbers and statistics that you can use to fuel your business strategy. The first question will yield quantitative data.

Why is quantitative research difficult? ›

2 Challenges of quantitative research

Quantitative research often requires a large sample size, a rigorous design, and a high level of expertise and resources. It can also be difficult to access or collect relevant and accurate data, especially in sensitive or dynamic contexts.

Why is quantitative analysis so hard? ›

Complexity: The methods and models used in quantitative analysis can be very complex, requiring a high level of expertise to develop, interpret, and act upon. This complexity can also make it difficult to communicate findings to individuals who lack a quantitative background.

What are the weaknesses of quantitative research? ›

One limitation is that it may not provide a deep understanding of users' experiences, emotions, or motivations. Quantitative methods often rely on self-reported data, which may be subject to biases such as social desirability or memory errors.

Why is qualitative research better? ›

Qualitative research is very important in educational research as it addresses the “how” and “why” research questions and enables deeper understanding of experiences, phenomena and context. Qualitative research allows you to ask questions that cannot be easily put into numbers to understand human experience.

Why is quantitative research better? ›

Quantitative studies are often fast, focused, scientific and relatable. The speed and efficiency of the quantitative method are attractive to many researchers. Data computing equipment makes it possible to process and analyze data quickly, even with large sample sizes.

When not to use quantitative research? ›

However, quantitative research would not be appropriate if/when measurable variables are not known and/or cannot be measured for statistical analysis, such as to determine possible correlations.

Is it okay to use both qualitative and quantitative research? ›

In practice, most researchers agree that combining quantitative and qualitative techniques (sometimes called “mixed method” research) produces a richer and more comprehensive understanding of a research area.

What are 5 examples of qualitative and quantitative? ›

Examples of quantitative observation include age, weight, height, length, population, size and other numerical values while examples of qualitative observation are color, smell, taste, touch or feeling, typology, and shapes.

How do you understand quantitative research? ›

Quantitative research involves analyzing and gathering numerical data to uncover trends, calculate averages, evaluate relationships, and derive overarching insights. It's used in various fields, including the natural and social sciences.

What is your understanding of qualitative research? ›

Qualitative research is concerned with participants' own experiences of a life event, and the aim is to interpret what participants have said in order to explain why they have said it. Thus, methods should be chosen that enable participants to express themselves openly and without constraint.

What are qualitative and quantitative research examples? ›

Qualitative data focuses on descriptive variables that cannot be measured or assigned a numeric value. An example of this is the color of fruit, or the feelings of a person to a specific stimulus. Quantitative variables are measurable. They include variables such as height, weight, or speed.

What is the best explanation of qualitative research? ›

Qualitative research seeks to gain insights and understand people's experiences and perspectives by studying social organizations and human behavior. Data in qualitative studies focuses on people's beliefs and emotional responses.

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.