Prunes vs Dates for Constipation - (2024)

Leave a Comment / By Michelle Saari MSc, RD / December 12, 2023 December 12, 2023

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Constipation, a common digestive issue, often leads to discomfort and impacts quality of life. Prunes and dates are renowned for their natural efficacy in alleviating this condition. Thanks to their rich nutritional profiles.

Prunes vs Dates for Constipation - (1)

But the important question is prunes vs dates for constipation, which one is better? As a Registered Dietitian with almost a decade of experience working with people struggling with constipation, I can help.

Understanding their roles and benefits is crucial for anyone seeking natural digestive health solutions.

I will explain the effectiveness of prunes and dates in constipation relief, compare their nutritional content and impact on digestive health. I will also get into the nitty gritty of the science behind their laxative properties and how they can be incorporated into daily diets for optimal benefits.

Understanding Constipation

Constipation is more than just an occasional inconvenience; it’s a prevalent digestive problem that affects a significant portion of the population.

Characterized by infrequent or hard bowel movements, it often leads to discomfort and bloating. Understanding its causes and symptoms is the first step towards effective management and relief.

A primary cause of constipation is a diet low in fiber, which is essential for softening stools and promoting regular bowel movements.

Other contributing factors include inadequate hydration, a sedentary lifestyle, and certain medications. Recognizing these causes helps in identifying lifestyle changes that can alleviate symptoms.

The symptoms of constipation vary but typically include difficulty in passing stools, a feeling of incomplete evacuation, and less frequent bowel movements.

While it’s a common condition, persistent constipation can sometimes indicate more serious health issues, making it important to seek medical advice if symptoms continue.

The Role of Diet in Constipation Relief

Diet plays a pivotal role in the prevention and relief of constipation, with particular emphasis on fiber intake and hydration.

A diet rich in fiber not only softens stools but also increases their bulk, facilitating easier passage through the digestive tract. This is where nutrient-dense foods like prunes and dates become crucial, as they are high in dietary fiber.

Incorporating a variety of fiber sources is key. There are two different types of fiber, and both are equally important in constipation relief, soluble and insoluble fiber.

Soluble fiber, found in oats, nuts, and apples, absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance, easing stool passage.

Insoluble fiber, present in whole grains and vegetables, adds bulk to the stool. A balanced intake of both types of fiber is essential for maintaining regular bowel movements.

Hydration is equally important in managing constipation. Adequate fluid intake ensures that the fiber works effectively, preventing the stools from becoming too hard.

Water is the best choice, but other fluids like herbal teas can also contribute to daily hydration needs. Together, a high-fiber diet and proper hydration form the cornerstone of dietary strategies for constipation relief.

Overview of Prunes

Prunes vs Dates for Constipation - (2)

Prunes, the dried version of plums, are often hailed as a natural remedy for constipation. Their effectiveness is rooted in their rich nutritional profile, which is particularly high in dietary fiber.

100 grams of prunes offers 6.7 grams of fiber, contributing significantly to the daily recommended fiber intake.

The key to prunes’ laxative effect lies in their composition. They contain sorbitol, a natural sugar alcohol with a laxative property that helps draw water into the intestines, softening the stool and making it easier to pass.

This, combined with their high fiber content, makes prunes an effective, gentle, and natural solution for alleviating constipation.

Beyond their role in digestive health, prunes are also packed with essential vitamins and minerals. They are a good source of vitamin K, crucial for bone health, and potassium, which aids in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Their rich antioxidant content also contributes to overall health and wellness, making them a nutritious addition to any diet.

Overview of Dates

Prunes vs Dates for Constipation - (3)

Dates, the sweet fruits of the date palm tree, are another natural and effective remedy for constipation. Renowned for their high fiber content, dates aid in digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements.

100 grams of dates contains approximately 8.0 grams of fiber, a huge amount of daily fiber requirement essential for smooth digestion.

What sets dates apart in their role against constipation is their balanced composition of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps in softening the stool by absorbing water, while insoluble fiber adds bulk, facilitating easier bowel movements.

This combination ensures that dates are not only effective in relieving constipation but also in maintaining overall gut health.

Dates are also packed with essential nutrients. They are a rich source of potassium, which aids in muscle contractions and thus can help in bowel movements. Dates also contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them a wholesome snack that supports overall health beyond just aiding digestion.

Prunes vs Dates for Constipation: Comparative Analysis

When comparing prunes and dates for constipation relief, we need to consider their specific nutritional content, calorie counts, portion sizes, and fiber content.

Calorie Counts and Portion Size:

  • Prunes: A single prune contains about 23 calories. A standard serving size, typically about 4-5 prunes, provides roughly 100 calories along with 4-5 grams of dietary fiber.
  • Dates: In contrast, a single Medjool date, which is larger than a prune, contains about 66 calories. For a similar serving size of about 4-5 dates, the calorie count can go up to 330 calories with approximately 6-8 grams of fiber.

Fiber Content:

  • Prunes: Prunes are known for their high fiber content, with about 2 grams of fiber per prune. This fiber is predominantly insoluble, which adds bulk to the stool and aids in bowel movement.
  • Dates: Dates also offer a significant amount of fiber, with a single Medjool date providing around 1.6 grams. They contain a mix of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which not only adds bulk to stools but also helps in softening them.

Effectiveness in Constipation Relief:

  • Prunes: The high fiber content in prunes is complemented by their sorbitol content, a natural laxative that helps retain water in the stool. This combination makes prunes particularly effective in relieving constipation.
  • Dates: While dates have a higher calorie count, their balanced fiber profile makes them beneficial for digestive health. However, their lower sorbitol content compared to prunes means they might be slightly less effective as a laxative.

Both prunes and dates are excellent choices for constipation relief due to their high fiber content.

Prunes, with their lower calorie count and higher sorbitol content, might be more effective for some individuals. Dates offer a richer source of fiber with a higher calorie count, making them a nutritious choice for overall digestive health.

The decision between the two can depend on individual dietary needs, calorie considerations, and personal taste preferences. So whether you choose dates or prunes, you can’t go wrong in treating constipation. Pick based on what you enjoy.

I personally love dates and the versatility in how you can eat them. Whether served on crunchy toast, blended in a smoothie, or by themselves, I prefer to have dates.

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How to Consume Dates and Prunes

Consuming Dates

Dates, the sweet, chewy fruits of the date palm tree, are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients. Here’s how to enjoy them:

  1. Selecting and Storing: Choose plump, moist dates for the best flavor. They should be glossy and have a uniform color. Store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. For longer storage, you can keep them in the refrigerator.
  2. Preparation: Before eating or using dates in recipes, remove the pit by making a small incision along the length and pulling out the seed. Ensure they are clean and free from any debris.
  3. Eating Raw: One of the simplest ways to enjoy dates is to eat them raw. Their natural sweetness makes them a perfect healthy snack.
  4. Incorporating into Recipes: Dates are incredibly versatile in cooking and baking. They can be chopped and added to oatmeal, yogurt, or salads for a touch of sweetness. Dates are also excellent in smoothies, providing natural sweetness and a creamy texture.
  5. Making Date Paste: For a natural sweetener, blend pitted dates with water to make a smooth paste. This can be used in place of sugar in baking and dessert recipes.

Consuming Prunes

Prunes, or dried plums, are known for their rich, deep flavor and health benefits. Here’s how to incorporate them into your diet:

  1. Selecting and Storing: Look for prunes that are plump and soft, not overly hard or sticky. Store them in a cool, dry place in an airtight container. Refrigeration can extend their shelf life.
  2. Hydration: If prunes are too dry or hard, you can rehydrate them by soaking in warm water for a few minutes. This makes them juicier and softer, ideal for eating or cooking.
  3. Snacking: Prunes can be eaten as a snack on their own. Their natural sweetness and chewy texture make them a satisfying treat.
  4. Adding to Dishes: Chop prunes and add them to cereals, porridge, or yogurt. They also work well in savory dishes like tagines or stews, providing a sweet contrast to savory flavors.
  5. Baking: Prunes can be used in baking to add moisture and sweetness. They are a common ingredient in cakes, bread, and energy bars. Prune puree can also be used as a fat substitute in some baked goods.
  6. Health Benefits: Both dates and prunes are high in fiber and antioxidants. They are beneficial for digestive health and can help in maintaining a healthy heart. However, due to their high sugar content, they should be consumed in moderation.

Remember, while both dates and prunes are healthy, they are also calorie-dense. Enjoying them in moderation is key to incorporating them into a balanced diet.

Additional Dietary Tips for Constipation Relief

Alongside incorporating prunes and dates into your diet, there are several other strategies and foods that can significantly aid in constipation relief.

Eat High-Fiber Foods

  • Whole Grains: Foods like whole wheat bread, brown rice, and oatmeal are excellent sources of fiber. For instance, a cup of cooked oatmeal offers about 4 grams of fiber. Aim for at least three servings of whole grains per day.
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, carrots, and Brussels sprouts are high in fiber. One cup of cooked broccoli provides about 5 grams of fiber. Including a variety of vegetables in your meals can boost your daily fiber intake.
  • Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are fiber powerhouses. A cup of cooked lentils contains about 15 grams of fiber. Incorporating legumes into your diet a few times a week can significantly improve bowel regularity.

Drink More Water

  • Water Intake: Adequate hydration is crucial for preventing constipation. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. The fiber in your diet absorbs water, which helps soften the stool.
  • Limit Caffeine and Alcohol: These can lead to dehydration. If you consume caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, balance them with plenty of water.
  • Herbal Teas: Certain herbal teas, like ginger or peppermint, can aid digestion and improve hydration.

Move Your Body

  • Regular Physical Activity: Engaging in regular exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, or yoga, can stimulate bowel movements. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week.
  • Routine: Establishing a regular time each day for bowel movements can train your body and improve regularity.
  • Stress Management: High stress levels can impact your digestive system. Practices like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or other relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

Portion Control and Balanced Diet

  • While high-fiber foods are beneficial, it’s important to gradually increase fiber intake to avoid bloating and gas.
  • A balanced diet that includes a variety of food groups, along with fiber-rich foods, ensures overall digestive health and nutrient intake.

By combining these dietary and lifestyle changes, you can create an effective, holistic approach to managing constipation. Remember, individual needs can vary, so it’s important to listen to your body and adjust your diet and activities accordingly.

Final Thoughts

Managing constipation effectively often requires a whole lifestyle approach. Focusing on diet, hydration, and lifestyle changes.

The debate of prunes vs dates for constipation, each with very high fiber contents, stand out as two of the most beneficial foods for alleviating constipation.

While prunes offer a lower calorie option with higher sorbitol content, dates provide a richer fiber profile, making both excellent choices simply depending on what you prefer to eat.

Beyond these fruits, incorporating a variety of high-fiber foods, staying well-hydrated, and maintaining regular physical activity are key to promoting healthy digestion.

It’s important to gradually increase fiber intake to avoid digestive discomfort and to balance this with adequate fluid intake. Regular exercise and stress management further contribute to overall digestive health.

Remember, while dietary and lifestyle changes can significantly improve constipation, persistent issues should be discussed with a healthcare professional. Each individual’s situation is unique, and what works for one person may not be suitable for another.

By understanding your body’s needs and making informed choices about diet and lifestyle, you can effectively manage constipation and improve your overall well-being.

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Printable High Fiber Food List (100+ foods!)

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Michelle Saari MSc, RD


Michelle Saari is a Registered Dietitian based in Canada. She has a Master's Degree in Human Nutritional Sciences and is a passionate advocate for spreading easy to understand, reliable, and trustworthy nutrition information. She is currently a full time online entrepreneur with two nutrition focused websites.

Prunes vs Dates for Constipation - (2024)


Prunes vs Dates for Constipation -? ›

Both prunes and dates are excellent choices for constipation relief due to their high fiber content. Prunes, with their lower calorie count and higher sorbitol content, might be more effective for some individuals.

What is better for constipation, prunes or dates? ›

Prunes have a slightly higher fiber content compared to dates. However, both fruits are excellent sources of dietary fiber, and incorporating either or both into your diet can help promote regular bowel movements.

How many prunes should I eat if I'm really constipated? ›

For children, Dr. Jow recommended one to two prunes or two to four ounces of prune juice daily. For adults, he suggested three to five prunes or half a cup of prune juice once or twice daily. And be careful not to eat too many prunes, warned Dr.

How many dates to eat per day for constipation? ›

Dates Helps to Prevent from Constipation:

Deficiency of fiber in the body causes constipation. Dates is rich in fibre, so intake of 2-3 dates every day morning in an empty stomach can cure you from constipation.

How long does it take for prunes to cause a bowel movement? ›

How quickly prunes or prune juice will work depends on each individual. Some will see results in as little as a few hours. For some, it may take a day or so. Using this “go-slow” approach makes you more likely to improve symptoms without rapid urgency or even diarrhea.

Which fruit has the most laxative effect? ›

Apples and pears: These fruits contain high levels of water, which can help to ease digestion and prevent constipation. Grapes: These fruits have a high skin-to-flesh ratio and are fiber-rich. They also contain a lot of water, which helps to add moisture to hard stools.

Should I eat prunes in the morning or at night? ›

Prunes. The high concentrations of vitamin B6, calcium, and magnesium in prunes all help produce melatonin. These proteins are often lacking in a plant-based diet, so this is a great late-night snack if you're dairy-free.

What simple trick empties your bowels immediately? ›

Try These Tricks for Quick Bowel Movement Stimulation
  1. Drink coffee. Regarding drinks that make you poop, coffee is probably the first that comes to mind. ...
  2. Squat when you poop. ...
  3. Use a fiber supplement. ...
  4. Take a stimulant laxative. ...
  5. Take an osmotic laxative. ...
  6. Take a lubricant laxative. ...
  7. Try a stool softener. ...
  8. Use a suppository.
Aug 2, 2022

What to drink first thing in the morning to help you poop? ›

Here are the 7 Tips to help you poop when you wake up: In the morning, drink warm water with lemon to stimulate bowel movement and hydrate the body. Consume fiber-rich foods such as whole grains and fruits to improve digestion and regularity.

How to stimulate a sluggish bowel? ›

Perform stimulation with your finger every day until you start to have a regular pattern of bowel movements. You can also stimulate bowel movements by using a suppository (glycerin or bisacodyl) or a small enema. Some people find it helpful to drink warm prune juice or fruit nectar.

Which date is the best for constipation? ›

Medjool dates also contain insoluble fiber, which is essential for healthy digestion. Eating enough insoluble fiber helps prevent constipation and inflammation in the digestive tract.

What is the best time to eat dates? ›

Morning is the best time to consume dates or we can take them as a pre-workout snack, and as an evening snack too. You can start your day with dates which helps and gives you a much-needed energy boost. They kick-start your metabolism and keep those mid-morning hunger pangs at bay.

Who should not eat dates? ›

Diabetics: Dates are high in natural sugars, primarily glucose and fructose. While they also contain fiber, which can help slow down the absorption of sugars, people with diabetes should monitor their blood sugar levels carefully when consuming dates and consider their overall carbohydrate intake.

What is better than prunes for constipation? ›

Grab a kiwi instead. Actually, make it two. A new study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology found that two kiwifruit a day helped to relieve constipation. Plus, research has shown that kiwi is better tolerated than prunes or psyllium, Chey says.

How many prunes to eat to relieve constipation? ›

For some, consuming too many prunes or drinking a large quantity of prune juice may induce uncomfortable bloating or diarrhea. Start by eating three to five prunes or sipping on ½ cup of prune juice after dinner to see if this helps bring on a bowel movement the next morning.

What if prunes are not working for constipation? ›

If you experience chronic constipation, or if eating prunes and drinking prune juice doesn't solve your problems, contact your doctor for professional advice. Also, make sure to talk to your doctor if you begin to experience: rectal or abdominal pain. blood in your stool.

What works as good as prunes for constipation? ›

Not just prunes: foods to help you get regular
  • Prunes — Prunes have fiber as well as fructans and sorbitol, fermentable sugars that can have a laxative effect. ...
  • Kiwis — Kiwi is a high-fiber, lower-sugar fruit that doesn't bring on the bloated tummy. ...
  • Popcorn — ...
  • Water — ...
  • Flaxseeds — ...
  • Oranges — ...
  • Oatmeal — ...
  • Rice —
May 18, 2015

How do you stimulate a bowel movement quickly? ›

Exercising increases blood flow to your abdomen, stimulating your digestive tract, and encouraging the movement of stools. Give yourself an enema. Enemas, which you can find in the pharmacy, introduce fluid into your rectum, softening your stool and helping you poop. Eat a high-fiber diet.

Are dates or figs better for constipation? ›

Figs are a fiber powerhouse, offering around 9.8g per 100f of fruit, which is higher than the 6.4 grams typically found in dates. The fiber in these fruits is linked to improved digestive health, relief from constipation, and the potential to enhance heart health by reducing cholesterol.

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  • whole grains, such as whole wheat bread and pasta, oatmeal, and bran flake cereals.
  • legumes, such as lentils, black beans, kidney beans, soybeans, and chickpeas.
  • fruits, such as berries, apples with the skin on, oranges, and pears.
  • vegetables, such as carrots, broccoli, green peas, and collard greens.

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