How to efficiently implement k Queues in a single array? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

Last Updated : 02 May, 2023


Introduction :

One efficient way to implement k queues in a single array is to use a technique called “circular array implementation of k queues.” This approach uses a single array to store elements for all k queues, and it divides the array into k segments, one for each queue.

To implement this approach, we need to keep track of two pointers for each queue: a front pointer and a rear pointer. These pointers will indicate the start and end of the segment in the array for each queue. We also need to keep track of the size of each segment to know how many elements are currently in each queue.

To enqueue an element into a particular queue, we need to check if there is any space left in the segment for that queue. If there is space, we can add the element to the end of the segment and update the rear pointer for that queue. If there is no space, we need to return an error or resize the segment (if possible).

To dequeue an element from a particular queue, we need to check if there are any elements in that queue. If there are elements, we can remove the first element in the segment and update the front pointer for that queue. If there are no elements, we need to return an error.

To implement this approach efficiently, we can use a circular array to avoid wasting space. This means that if we reach the end of a segment, we wrap around to the beginning of the segment, effectively treating the array as a circle

We have discussed efficient implementation of k stack in an array. In this post, same for queue is discussed. Following is the detailed problem statement.

Create a data structure kQueues that represents k queues. Implementation of kQueues should use only one array, i.e., k queues should use the same array for storing elements. Following functions must be supported by kQueues.

  • enqueue(int x, int qn) –> adds x to queue number ‘qn’ where qn is from 0 to k-1
  • dequeue(int qn) –> deletes an element from queue number ‘qn’ where qn is from 0 to k-1

Method 1 (Divide the array in slots of size n/k):

A simple way to implement k queues is to divide the array in k slots of size n/k each, and fix the slots for different queues, i.e., use arr[0] to arr[n/k-1] for the first queue, and arr[n/k] to arr[2n/k-1] for queue2 where arr[] is the array to be used to implement two queues and size of array be n.

The problem with this method is an inefficient use of array space. An enqueue operation may result in overflow even if there is space available in arr[]. For example, consider k as 2 and array size n as 6. Let we enqueue 3 elements to first and do not enqueue anything to the second queue. When we enqueue the 4th element to the first queue, there will be overflow even if we have space for 3 more elements in the array.

Method 2 (A space efficient implementation):

The idea is similar to the stack post, here we need to use three extra arrays. In stack post, we needed two extra arrays, one more array is required because in queues, enqueue() and dequeue() operations are done at different ends.

Following are the three extra arrays are used:

  1. front[]: This is of size k and stores indexes of front elements in all queues.
  2. rear[]: This is of size k and stores indexes of rear elements in all queues.
  3. next[]: This is of size n and stores indexes of next item for all items in array arr[].

Here arr[] is the actual array that stores k stacks.

Together with k queues, a stack of free slots in arr[] is also maintained. The top of this stack is stored in a variable ‘free’.

All entries in front[] are initialized as -1 to indicate that all queues are empty. All entries next[i] are initialized as i+1 because all slots are free initially and pointing to the next slot. Top of the free stack, ‘free’ is initialized as 0.

Following is implementation of the above idea.


// A C++ program to demonstrate implementation

// of k queues in a single

// array in time and space efficient way



using namespace std;

// A C++ class to represent k queues

// in a single array of size n

class kQueues


// Array of size n to store actual

// content to be stored in queue

int *arr;

// Array of size k to store indexes

// of front elements of the queue

int *front;

// Array of size k to store indexes

// of rear elements of queue

int *rear;

// Array of size n to store next

// entry in all queues

int *next;

int n, k;

int free; // To store the beginning index of the free list


//constructor to create k queue

// in an array of size n

kQueues(int k, int n);

// A utility function to check if

// there is space available

bool isFull() { return (free == -1); }

// To enqueue an item in queue number

// 'qn' where qn is from 0 to k-1

void enqueue(int item, int qn);

// To dequeue an from queue number

// 'qn' where qn is from 0 to k-1

int dequeue(int qn);

// To check whether queue number

// 'qn' is empty or not

bool isEmpty(int qn) { return (front[qn] == -1); }


// Constructor to create k queues

// in an array of size n

kQueues::kQueues(int k1, int n1)


// Initialize n and k, and allocate

// memory for all arrays

k = k1, n = n1;

arr = new int[n];

front = new int[k];

rear = new int[k];

next = new int[n];

// Initialize all queues as empty

for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)

front[i] = -1;

// Initialize all spaces as free

free = 0;

for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)

next[i] = i+1;

next[n-1] = -1; // -1 is used to indicate end of free list


// To enqueue an item in queue number

// 'qn' where qn is from 0 to k-1

void kQueues::enqueue(int item, int qn)


// Overflow check

if (isFull())


cout << "\nQueue Overflow\n";



int i = free; // Store index of first free slot

// Update index of free slot to index of next slot in free list

free = next[i];

if (isEmpty(qn))

front[qn] = i;


next[rear[qn]] = i;

next[i] = -1;

// Update next of rear and then rear for queue number 'qn'

rear[qn] = i;

// Put the item in array

arr[i] = item;


// To dequeue an from queue number 'qn' where qn is from 0 to k-1

int kQueues::dequeue(int qn)


// Underflow checkSAS

if (isEmpty(qn))


cout << "\nQueue Underflow\n";

return INT_MAX;


// Find index of front item in queue number 'qn'

int i = front[qn];

// Change top to store next of previous top

front[qn] = next[i];

// Attach the previous front to the

// beginning of free list

next[i] = free;

free = i;

// Return the previous front item

return arr[i];


/* Driver program to test kStacks class */

int main()


// Let us create 3 queue in an array of size 10

int k = 3, n = 10;

kQueues ks(k, n);

// Let us put some items in queue number 2

ks.enqueue(15, 2);

ks.enqueue(45, 2);

// Let us put some items in queue number 1

ks.enqueue(17, 1);

ks.enqueue(49, 1);

ks.enqueue(39, 1);

// Let us put some items in queue number 0

ks.enqueue(11, 0);

ks.enqueue(9, 0);

ks.enqueue(7, 0);

cout << "Dequeued element from queue 2 is " << ks.dequeue(2) << endl;

cout << "Dequeued element from queue 1 is " << ks.dequeue(1) << endl;

cout << "Dequeued element from queue 0 is " << ks.dequeue(0) << endl;

return 0;



// A Java program to demonstrate implementation of k queues in a single

// array in time and space efficient way

public class KQueues {

int k;

int n;

int[] arr;

int[] front;

int[] rear;

int[] next;

int free;

KQueues(int k, int n){

// Initialize n and k, and allocate memory for all arrays

this.k = k;

this.n = n;

this.arr = new int[n];

this.front = new int[k];

this.rear = new int[k]; = new int[n];

// Initialize all queues as empty

for(int i= 0; i< k; i++) {

front[i] = rear[i] = -1;


// Initialize all spaces as free

free = 0;

for(int i= 0; i< n-1; i++) {

next[i] = i+1;


next[n-1] = -1;


public static void main(String[] args)


// Let us create 3 queue in an array of size 10

int k = 3, n = 10;

KQueues ks= new KQueues(k, n);

// Let us put some items in queue number 2

ks.enqueue(15, 2);

ks.enqueue(45, 2);

// Let us put some items in queue number 1

ks.enqueue(17, 1);

ks.enqueue(49, 1);

ks.enqueue(39, 1);

// Let us put some items in queue number 0

ks.enqueue(11, 0);

ks.enqueue(9, 0);

ks.enqueue(7, 0);

System.out.println("Dequeued element from queue 2 is " +


System.out.println("Dequeued element from queue 1 is " +


System.out.println("Dequeued element from queue 0 is " +

ks.dequeue(0) );


// To check whether queue number 'i' is empty or not

private boolean isEmpty(int i) {

return front[i] == -1;


// To dequeue an from queue number 'i' where i is from 0 to k-1

private boolean isFull(int i) {

return free == -1;


// To enqueue an item in queue number 'j' where j is from 0 to k-1

private void enqueue(int item, int j) {

if(isFull(j)) {

System.out.println("queue overflow");



int nextFree = next[free];

if(isEmpty(j)) {

rear[j] = front[j] = free;

}else {

// Update next of rear and then rear for queue number 'j'

next[rear[j]] = free;

rear[j] = free;


next[free] = -1;

// Put the item in array

arr[free] = item;

// Update index of free slot to index of next slot in free list

free = nextFree;


// To dequeue an from queue number 'i' where i is from 0 to k-1

private int dequeue(int i) {

// Underflow checkSAS

if(isEmpty(i)) {

System.out.println("Stack underflow");

return Integer.MIN_VALUE;


// Find index of front item in queue number 'i'

int frontIndex = front[i];

// Change top to store next of previous top

front[i] = next[frontIndex];

// Attach the previous front to the beginning of free list

next[frontIndex] = free;

free = frontIndex;

return arr[frontIndex];




# A Python program to demonstrate implementation of k queues in a single

# array in time and space efficient way

class KQueues:

def __init__(self, number_of_queues, array_length):

self.number_of_queues = number_of_queues

self.array_length = array_length

self.array = [-1] * array_length

self.front = [-1] * number_of_queues

self.rear = [-1] * number_of_queues

self.next_array = list(range(1, array_length))

self.next_array.append(-1) = 0

# To check whether the current queue_number is empty or not

def is_empty(self, queue_number):

return True if self.front[queue_number] == -1 else False

# To check whether the current queue_number is full or not

def is_full(self, queue_number):

return True if == -1 else False

# To enqueue the given item in the given queue_number where

# queue_number is from 0 to number_of_queues-1

def enqueue(self, item, queue_number):

if self.is_full(queue_number):

print("Queue FULL")


next_free = self.next_array[]

if self.is_empty(queue_number):

self.front[queue_number] = self.rear[queue_number] =


self.next_array[self.rear[queue_number]] =

self.rear[queue_number] =

self.next_array[] = -1

self.array[] = item = next_free

# To dequeue an item from the given queue_number where

# queue_number is from 0 to number_of_queues-1

def dequeue(self, queue_number):

if self.is_empty(queue_number):

print("Queue EMPTY")


front_index = self.front[queue_number]

self.front[queue_number] = self.next_array[front_index]

self.next_array[front_index] = = front_index

return self.array[front_index]

if __name__ == "__main__":

# Let us create 3 queue in an array of size 10

ks = KQueues(3, 10)

# Let us put some items in queue number 2

ks.enqueue(15, 2)

ks.enqueue(45, 2)

# Let us put some items in queue number 1

ks.enqueue(17, 1);

ks.enqueue(49, 1);

ks.enqueue(39, 1);

# Let us put some items in queue number 0

ks.enqueue(11, 0);

ks.enqueue(9, 0);

ks.enqueue(7, 0);

print("Dequeued element from queue 2 is {}".format(ks.dequeue(2)))

print("Dequeued element from queue 1 is {}".format(ks.dequeue(1)))

print("Dequeued element from queue 0 is {}".format(ks.dequeue(0)))


// A C# program to demonstrate implementation of k queues in a single

// array in time and space efficient way

using System;

public class KQueues


int k;

int n;

int[] arr;

int[] front;

int[] rear;

int[] next;

int free;

KQueues(int k, int n)


// Initialize n and k, and

// allocate memory for all arrays

this.k = k;

this.n = n;

this.arr = new int[n];

this.front = new int[k];

this.rear = new int[k]; = new int[n];

// Initialize all queues as empty

for(int i = 0; i < k; i++)


front[i] = rear[i] = -1;


// Initialize all spaces as free

free = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)


next[i] = i + 1;


next[n - 1] = -1;


public static void Main(String[] args)


// Let us create 3 queue in an array of size 10

int k = 3, n = 10;

KQueues ks = new KQueues(k, n);

// Let us put some items in queue number 2

ks.enqueue(15, 2);

ks.enqueue(45, 2);

// Let us put some items in queue number 1

ks.enqueue(17, 1);

ks.enqueue(49, 1);

ks.enqueue(39, 1);

// Let us put some items in queue number 0

ks.enqueue(11, 0);

ks.enqueue(9, 0);

ks.enqueue(7, 0);

Console.WriteLine("Dequeued element from queue 2 is " +


Console.WriteLine("Dequeued element from queue 1 is " +


Console.WriteLine("Dequeued element from queue 0 is " +

ks.dequeue(0) );


// To check whether queue number 'i' is empty or not

private bool isEmpty(int i)


return front[i] == -1;


// To dequeue an from queue

// number 'i' where i is from 0 to k-1

private bool isFull(int i)


return free == -1;


// To enqueue an item in queue

// number 'j' where j is from 0 to k-1

private void enqueue(int item, int j)




Console.WriteLine("queue overflow");



int nextFree = next[free];



rear[j] = front[j] = free;




// Update next of rear and then

// rear for queue number 'j'

next[rear[j]] = free;

rear[j] = free;


next[free] = -1;

// Put the item in array

arr[free] = item;

// Update index of free slot to

// index of next slot in free list

free = nextFree;


// To dequeue an from queue

// number 'i' where i is from 0 to k-1

private int dequeue(int i)


// Underflow checkSAS



Console.WriteLine("Stack underflow");

return int.MinValue;


// Find index of front item in queue number 'i'

int frontIndex = front[i];

// Change top to store next of previous top

front[i] = next[frontIndex];

// Attach the previous front to the beginning of free list

next[frontIndex] = free;

free = frontIndex;

return arr[frontIndex];



// This code is contributed by aashish1995



// A Javascript program to demonstrate implementation of k queues in a single

// array in time and space efficient way

class KQueues




// Initialize n and k, and allocate memory for all arrays

this.k = k;

this.n = n;

this.arr = new Array(n);

this.front = new Array(k);

this.rear = new Array(k); = new Array(n);

// Initialize all queues as empty

for(let i= 0; i< k; i++) {

this.front[i] = this.rear[i] = -1;


// Initialize all spaces as free = 0;

for(let i= 0; i< n-1; i++) {[i] = i+1;

}[n-1] = -1;


// To check whether queue number 'i' is empty or not



return this.front[i] == -1;


// To dequeue an from queue number 'i' where i is from 0 to k-1



return == -1;


// To enqueue an item in queue number 'j' where j is from 0 to k-1



if(this.isFull(j)) {

document.write("queue overflow<br>");



let nextFree =[];

if(this.isEmpty(j)) {

this.rear[j] = this.front[j] =;

}else {

// Update next of rear and then rear for queue number 'j'[this.rear[j]] =;

this.rear[j] =;

}[] = -1;

// Put the item in array

this.arr[] = item;

// Update index of free slot to index of next slot in free list = nextFree;


// To dequeue an from queue number 'i' where i is from 0 to k-1



// Underflow checkSAS

if(this.isEmpty(i)) {

document.write("Stack underflow<br>");

return Number.MIN_VALUE;


// Find index of front item in queue number 'i'

let frontIndex = this.front[i];

// Change top to store next of previous top

this.front[i] =[frontIndex];

// Attach the previous front to the beginning of free list[frontIndex] =; = frontIndex;

return this.arr[frontIndex];



// Let us create 3 queue in an array of size 10

let k = 3, n = 10;

let ks= new KQueues(k, n);

// Let us put some items in queue number 2

ks.enqueue(15, 2);

ks.enqueue(45, 2);

// Let us put some items in queue number 1

ks.enqueue(17, 1);

ks.enqueue(49, 1);

ks.enqueue(39, 1);

// Let us put some items in queue number 0

ks.enqueue(11, 0);

ks.enqueue(9, 0);

ks.enqueue(7, 0);

document.write("Dequeued element from queue 2 is " +


document.write("Dequeued element from queue 1 is " +


document.write("Dequeued element from queue 0 is " +

ks.dequeue(0)+"<br>" );

// This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155



Dequeued element from queue 2 is 15Dequeued element from queue 1 is 17Dequeued element from queue 0 is 11

Time complexities of enqueue() and dequeue() is O(1).

The best part of the above implementation is, if there is a slot available in the queue, then an item can be enqueued in any of the queues, i.e., no wastage of space. This method requires some extra space. Space may not be an issue because queue items are typically large, for example, queues of employees, students, etc where every item is of hundreds of bytes. For such large queues, the extra space used is comparatively very less as we use three integer arrays as extra space.

Issuses in efficiently implement k Queues in a single array :

While the circular array implementation of k queues is an efficient way to implement multiple queues in a single array, there are several issues that need to be considered to ensure that the implementation is correct and efficient.

  1. Size allocation: One issue is deciding how to allocate the size of each queue segment in the array. If the size of one queue segment is too small, that queue may fill up quickly, causing a lot of unnecessary resizing and memory allocation. On the other hand, if the size of one queue segment is too large, there may be a lot of wasted space in the array.
  2. Overflow/underflow: Another issue is handling overflow and underflow. If the array becomes full, there will be no space to enqueue elements, and if the array becomes empty, there will be no elements left to dequeue. It is important to handle these cases properly to avoid errors or unexpected behavior.
  3. Tracking size: To properly implement the k queues in a single array, we need to keep track of the size of each queue segment to know how many elements are currently in each queue. This can add overhead to the implementation, as we need to update the size of each segment whenever we enqueue or dequeue an element.
  4. Implementation complexity: Finally, the circular array implementation of k queues can be more complex to implement and maintain than a simpler implementation using separate arrays for each queue. This is because we need to keep track of multiple pointers and manage the circular nature of the array.

Examples of Queues in a single array :

  1. Multi-Threaded Programming: In multi-threaded programming, where multiple threads need to access shared resources in a concurrent manner, a circular array implementation of k queues can be used to implement a thread-safe data structure. Each thread can access a particular queue, and the queues can be managed in a thread-safe manner.
  2. Resource Management: In a resource management system, such as a job scheduler or task manager, queues can be used to manage resources efficiently. Using a single array to implement multiple queues allows efficient management of multiple resources.
  3. Web Servers: In web servers, queues can be used to manage incoming requests from clients. A single array implementation of multiple queues can be used to manage multiple request queues, such as HTTP and FTP requests, in a single data structure.
  4. Operating Systems: In operating systems, queues can be used to manage system resources such as CPU time and memory. A circular array implementation of multiple queues can be used to manage multiple queues of processes or threads, allowing efficient resource management.
  5. Data Structures: Queues are a fundamental data structure used in many algorithms and software applications. A circular array implementation of multiple queues can be used to implement queue-based algorithms such as breadth-first search, shortest path algorithms, and simulation algorithms.

How to efficiently implement k Queues in a single array? - GeeksforGeeks (1)



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How to efficiently implement k Queues in a single array? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


How to efficiently implement k queues in a single array in C? ›

A simple way to implement k queues is to divide the array in k slots of size n/k each, and fix the slots for different queues, i.e., use arr[0] to arr[n/k-1] for the first queue, and arr[n/k] to arr[2n/k-1] for queue2 where arr[] is the array to be used to implement two queues and size of array be n.

What is the most efficient way to implement stack and queue together? ›

One of the most efficient ways to implement both a stack and a queue together is to use a deque (double-ended queue) data structure. A deque is a generalization of a queue that allows elements to be added and removed from both ends, making it a suitable data structure for implementing both a stack and a queue.

How can you efficiently implement a circular queue using an array without wasting memory space? ›

Implement Circular Queue using Array:
  1. Check if the queue is empty by checking if front is -1. ...
  2. Set x to queue[front].
  3. If front is equal to rear, set front and rear to -1.
  4. Otherwise, increment front by 1 and if front is equal to n, set front to 0.
  5. Return x.
Jul 7, 2023

How could you use a single array to implement three stacks? ›

Approach 1- Go for a fixed division of an array means if we divide our array into 3 equal parts and push the elements of an array into three fixed-sized stacks. For stack 1, use [0,n/3] For stack 2, use [n/3,2n/3] For stack 3, use [2n/3,n].

What is the most efficient way to implement priority queue? ›

Priority queue can be implemented using an array, a linked list, a heap data structure, or a binary search tree. Among these data structures, heap data structure provides an efficient implementation of priority queues.

What is the method to implement queue in C? ›

Solution 1: Declare q as a record and pass the address of q to the function create: struct queue q; create (&q); Solution 2: Declare q as a pointer and allocate a new queue variable: struct queue *q; q = malloc(sizeof *q); create(q);

What is the easiest way to implement a queue? ›

A queue can be implemented using Arrays, Linked-lists, Pointers, and Structures. The implementation using one-dimensional arrays is the easiest method of all the mentioned methods.

What is best suited for implementing a queue? ›

Since a queue is a FIFO (first in, first out) data structure, lists can be used to efficiently implement queues, as the objects added to the list are stored in the order in which they are added, and the objects can be removed from the list from the beginning of the list.

What is the most efficient queue? ›

Compared to physical queueing, call queues are more efficient since they don't require customers to stand in line and physically queue up. Why are queues important? Queues matter because they are part of the customer experience with your customer service.

What is the advantage of implementing a queue using an array? ›

Array-Based vs List-Based Queues:
PropertyArray-Based QueuesList-Based Queues
AdvantagesConstant Access Time, Efficient for Small QueuesDynamic Size, Efficient for Large Queues
DisadvantagesFixed Size, May Require Resizing, Inefficient for Large QueuesSlower Access Time, More Complex to Implement
5 more rows
May 2, 2023

Why a queue implemented with a circular array is better than that implemented with a normal array? ›

Whenever the first Element gets removed in an Array-Like arrangement, you must move your remaining Elements one position to the front, so the head is not null . In your circular Queue, you just increase your pointer to the first Position. That are less operations on an update and gives you a better performance.

What are the disadvantages of queue which is implemented using array and how to overcome it? ›

Drawbacks of Queue Implementation Using Array

This is because all the elements in the array need to be shifted to add the new front element. In the array implementation of a queue, memory is allocated for the maximum size of the queue, even if the queue is not full. This can result in inefficient use of memory.

How to efficiently implement k stacks in a single array in GFG? ›

A simple way to implement k stacks is to divide the array in k slots of size n/k each, and fix the slots for different stacks, i.e., use arr[0] to arr[n/k-1] for first stack, and arr[n/k] to arr[2n/k-1] for stack2 where arr[] is the array to be used to implement two stacks and size of array be n.

Can we implement two stacks in a single array? ›

The pseudocode to implement two stacks in an array is as follows: Store the elements in the two stacks and initialize an array with the total number of elements in both the stacks. Run a loop to divide the array into two halves, from ar[0] to a[n/2] for stack1 and from ar[n/2 + 1] to ar[n-1] for stack2.

How multiple queues are implemented using an array? ›

Approach 1: Implement K Queues in a Single Array

A brute force solution for this problem is creating an array of size N and dividing it into k slots wherein each slot contains N/k elements. Use the array slots as follows: arr[0] to arr[N/k-1] for the first queue. arr[N/k] to arr[2N/k-1] for the second queue.

How to implement multiple stacks using single array in C? ›

The idea to implement two stacks is to divide the array into two halves and assign two halves to two stacks, i.e., use arr[0] to arr[n/2] for stack1, and arr[(n/2) + 1] to arr[n-1] for stack2 where arr[] is the array to be used to implement two stacks and size of array be n.

Why is linear implementation of queue using array inefficient? ›

Drawbacks of Queue Implementation Using Array

This is because all the elements in the array need to be shifted to add the new front element. In the array implementation of a queue, memory is allocated for the maximum size of the queue, even if the queue is not full. This can result in inefficient use of memory.

How to implement priority queue with array? ›

Array-based implementation of a priority queue:
  1. Create an array to store the elements of the priority queue.
  2. To insert an element into the priority queue, add the element to the end of the array.
  3. To remove the highest priority element (in a max heap) or the lowest priority element (in a min heap),
Mar 2, 2023

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.