IPL vs Laser hair removal: Learn the differences | Braun AU (2024)

IPL vs Laser hair removal: Learn the differences | Braun AU (1)

Nowadays you’ll find a wide range of devices and salon services for light-based hair removal. All methods will leave your skin smooth and hair-free, yet how do you decide between laser and IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) hair removal methods? Is it necessary to always go to a salon or can doing it yourself at home being just as effective?

The difference between Laser and IPL hair removal

The key difference between laser and IPL is the type of light. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a broadband pulsed light source, whereas laser is a monochromatic coherent light source. Both methods target the melanin in the hair follicle and permanent results can be expected from both. Professional laser treatment is working more selective and therefore the very high energy will focus on the hair follicle rather than surrounding skin. Therefore Professional laser will lead to fast results as well as being suitable to darker skin tones. Energy, frequency and hair colour are all determining factors in the efficacy of the treatment, while the light source, whether it is a laser or an intense pulsed flash light plays a minor role.

IPL vs Laser hair removal: Learn the differences | Braun AU (2)


Monochromatic coherent light source

IPL vs Laser hair removal: Learn the differences | Braun AU (3)


Broadband pulsed light source

The Methods.

Both IPL light and laser impulses reach the root of the hair via the melanin. This stimulation has a ‘damaging’ effect on the root and after a few treatment sessions, will inhibit the root to produce new hair. Dark hair and fair skin are the perfect combination to get the most effective results.

The Methods.

Are hair removal salons worth it?

Which do you prefer, hair removal at home or in a salon? Doing it yourself at home will save time, yet you’ll have to do it more regularly to begin with. Having hair removal treatment in a salon requires the know-how from a professional and can lead to faster results. In either case, results will be similar – a considerable reduction in body hair.

Are hair removal salons worth it?

The only IPL with an intelligent SensoAdapt™ skin tone sensor

Continuously reads your skin tone and adapts the intensity for a safe, most effective treatment.

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The only IPL with an intelligent SensoAdapt™ skin tone sensor

IPL vs Laser hair removal: Learn the differences | Braun AU (2024)


IPL vs Laser hair removal: Learn the differences | Braun AU? ›

The key difference between laser and IPL

IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light - it works by concentrating a beam of light onto hair follicles, heating them up and stunting regrowth.
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is the type of light. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a broadband pulsed light source, whereas laser is a monochromatic coherent light source. Both methods target the melanin in the hair follicle and permanent results can be expected from both.

Which is better, IPL or laser hair removal? ›

In short, laser hair removal is safer, more effective, and the only way hair removal should ever be performed. Both treatments have been available commercially since the mid 1990s, but are distinctly different.

How can you tell the difference between laser and IPL? ›

“The key difference between IPL and Laser is the type of light. Laser light is monochromatic, non-divergent and targets very specific concerns. IPL produces a broadband spectrum of white light, producing a mixture of many different colours. These colours can be controlled using filters.

Does IPL really remove hair permanently? ›

The hair will grow back over a long period of time – so it's not 100% permanent, but the expensive, long-lasting hair removal treatment offers almost-permanent hair removal after a series of repeat visits.

Is it possible to remove 100% of hairs in an area with laser or IPL hair reduction? ›

Hair removal from a destroyed hair follicle is permanent. However, people who undergo hair removal can expect that some hair in the targeted area will grow back. Over time, it is possible to treat the area again to reduce the number of hairs that regrow. In some cases, it may even be possible to eliminate all hair.

Does IPL really stop hair growth? ›

While IPL can significantly reduce hair growth, it does not guarantee permanent hair removal. Many users notice a significant reduction in hair density and thickness, making regrowth finer and lighter.

Is IPL cheaper than laser? ›

IPL provides more variety in treatments that can be used for conditions and uses other than hair removal. IPL is a cheaper option in comparison to laser in regards to hair removal, however, less effective.

Can IPL remove all pubic hair? ›

That might have left you asking yourself, “Can I use IPL for pubic hair?” You sure can, but there are a few important steps to take to ensure you get the best results. Trim existing hair: First, shave, epilate, or wax your intimate area.

Does hair grow back thicker after IPL? ›

IPL hair removal devices and in-clinic laser treatment will put your hair follicles in a state of dormancy, but eventually, hair will grow back finer and fewer, regardless of your choice of hair removal treatment.

What happens if you use IPL too often? ›

Using IPL too often can be ineffective and painful. IPL is most effective while your hair is in the growth phase –if you treat your skin multiple times a week, your hair can become dormant and IPL treatment won't work as well. Additionally, while IPL is a gentle treatment, too much of it can be a bad thing.

Will I regret laser hair removal? ›

Regret usually stems from choosing the wrong provider. While laser hair removal itself is rarely regrettable, what can lead to regret is choosing the wrong provider. A cheap, inexperienced clinic may use outdated equipment or incorrect techniques, leading to less effective treatment or even unwanted side-effects.

Does hair fall out in IPL? ›

After IPL hair removal

The hair will appear to grow (though very slowly) for 2 to 4 weeks and should then fall out; this is the treated hair being pushed out of the follicle, not new growth. Any hair that does not fall out was either too fine, too light, too deeply rooted or possibly wasn't treated.

What is better than IPL? ›

BBL is a more precise treatment than IPL, allowing for improved targeting of specific skin issues with greater accuracy. It also can reduce wrinkles and stimulate collagen production, resulting in smoother, younger-looking skin.

What are the advantages of IPL over laser? ›

IPL may help if you have red, brown, or splotchy skin because of a health condition. Both IPL and laser treatments can be used to improve a variety of skin issues. The main difference is that IPL therapy is gentler on the skin and usually requires more sessions than laser therapy for comparable results.

What is best for permanent hair removal? ›

Electrolysis can permanently remove unwanted hair. Once your hair is gone, you won't need maintenance treatments. It works on all hair types, including light-colored hairs, which lasers cannot remove.

Are the results from laser or IPL permanent? ›

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a broadband pulsed light source, whereas laser is a monochromatic coherent light source. Both methods target the melanin in the hair follicle and permanent results can be expected from both.

What is more effective than laser hair removal? ›

Electrolysis is considered a more permanent solution than laser hair removal (it stops hair growth completely while laser hair removal slows and reduces hair growth), but it requires more individual sessions (closer to 14), and the sessions can take longer. You might not see full results for nearly 18 months.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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