IPL and Laser Skin Resurfacing: uses, differences and what to expect. - Amadi Aesthetics | Plastic Surgery & Med SPA (2024)

Over the course of your lifetime, your skin goes through a lot. Acting as a shield to protect internal organs, tissue, muscle, blood vessels and veins, the epidermis – the top layer of skin– is the first point of contact for most external elements; it’s only natural that old, tired-looking skin is one of the first signs of aging.

There are any number of factors that contribute to the deterioration of skin – sun exposure, pollution, poor diet, lack of exercise, stress, smoking, acne, genetics – some of these are more preventable than others but after decades of exposure to the elements, it’s a wonder that skin holds up as well as it does.

The bad news is that aging skin affects even the best of us. The good news is that it doesn’t have to.

Laser skin resurfacing and Intense Pulsed Light photo rejuvenation (IPL) are procedures used to combat signs of aging or damaged skin, such as superficial wrinkles, sun damage, hyperpigmentation and acne scarring (to name a few). The result of these treatments is younger, healthier skin, and a more rested, youthful appearance. Laser skin resurfacing and IPL can be used to rejuvenate and revitalize the skin on the face and neck and can also be used for vascular reduction and to remove unwanted hair and tattoos.

At Amadi Aesthetics, we use the Rohrer Aesthetics Spectrum Laser & IPL, an incredibly portable laser and Intense Pulsed Light system in one.Offering 4 different lasers and an IPL in one convenient platform, the system can be used for a variety of cosmetic procedures, including skin resurfacing, tattoo removal, removal of pigmented lesions, vascular reduction, hair removal and more.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

What is laser skin resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing is a procedure in which a laser process is used to improve the skin’s appearance and treat skin traumas. This is done by directing an intense beam of light at the problem area, thus superheating water in the skin and causing controlled vaporization of skin cells. Collagen stimulation encourages new skin cell development that produces healthier, younger-looking skin once the healing has completed. Laser skin resurfacing reveals smoother skin, even in tone and texture.

Types of lasers:

There are two different types of lasers used in laser treatments: non-ablativeandablative.

Ablative lasers are used on patients wishing to see more dramatic results. An ablative laser works by removing the top layer of damaged skin to reveal the new skin underneath. The two most common types of ablative lasers are CO2 and Erbium laser.

Non-ablative lasers work beneath the skin, heating up underlying tissue, leaving the surface intact and stimulating new collagen growth. Non-ablative laser treatments are generally used on patients with milder symptoms and because the top layer of skin remains unscathed, there is no wound healing and therefore less downtime.

Both ablative and non-ablative lasers can be used to treat many of the same conditions, however, patients who undergo non-ablative procedures may require multiple sessions. Non-ablative lasers can be used for reducing unwanted hair, tattoo removal, vein treatment, and discoloration in the skin.

IPL and Laser Skin Resurfacing: uses, differences and what to expect. - Amadi Aesthetics | Plastic Surgery & Med SPA (1)

CO2 Laser Resurfacing vs Erbium Yag Laser:

Carbon dioxide (CO2) laser resurfacing has been a popular choice in skin rejuvenation since the 1980’s. CO2 lasers use short, concentrated beams of light, targeting water molecules in problem areas, and vaporizing skin cells. This process is ablative, removing the top, damaged layer of skin to reveal the fresh skin underneath. CO2 resurfacing also stimulates collagen production, thus generating tighter, plumper skin. Due to the ablative nature of CO2 resurfacing, there is significant downtime involved, as the fresh skin heals. Patients can expect an initial downtime of 7-10 days, however this can vary depending on the area treated. After this initial recovery period, patients who undergo CO2 treatments may experience some pinking of the skin for up to six month post procedure. This can be easily covered with makeup.

The Erbium Yag laser, or Er:Yag, takes its name from the yttrium-aluminum-garnet crystal, the crystal used to generate light.Though they are still ablative in nature, Er:Yag lasers are much less so than other treatments, such as CO2, and therefore require much less downtime post treatment.

Both the Er:YAG & CO2 lasers create controlled injury to the skin, allowing the body to heal under optimal circ*mstances with an inflammatory response. By doing this, your body is specifically targeting the area of concern helping to resolve skin irregularities, such as wrinkling, discoloration and scar tissue.

Depending on the intensity of the treatment, the recovery period from Er:Yag can vary from 3 to 5 days of sensitivity.

What conditions can Erbium Yag lasers treat?

  • Acne scarring
  • Cold sore scarring
  • Sun damaged skin
  • Mild to moderate facial wrinkles
  • Uneven pigment
  • Some superficial non-melanoma skin cancers
IPL and Laser Skin Resurfacing: uses, differences and what to expect. - Amadi Aesthetics | Plastic Surgery & Med SPA (2)

Neodymium Yag Laser:

Neodymium Yag laser, or Nd:Yag, is a non-ablative long-pulsed laser. Nd:Yag lasers can be used to treat a variety of conditions, much like the Er:Yag, but because it is non-ablative, there is very little downtime. Nd:Yag lasers typically have a wider application when treating the skin as opposed to an ablative laser. These can range from removing small unwanted veins, tattoo removal and hair reduction.

It is widely believed that laser treatments will not work on those with darker skin tones, but thanks to new developments in technology that is not necessarily the case. Though they might not be as effective as on those with lighter tones, Nd:Yag lasers can often be used on darker skinned patients for skin rejuvenation as well as tattoo and hair removal. Recovery and downtime for this laser will vary depending on the treatment being provided.

Uses for Nd:Yag Laser:

  • Vascular reduction
  • Pigment irregularities
  • Hair removal
  • Tattoo Removal
  • Vascular birthmarks

Laser Skin Resurfacing – Before and After

IPL and Laser Skin Resurfacing: uses, differences and what to expect. - Amadi Aesthetics | Plastic Surgery & Med SPA (3)

IPL – Intensive Pulsed Light

What is IPL?

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) photo rejuvenation is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that targets the cells that cause pigmentation, sun damage, and redness of the skin. IPL is gentler than laser treatments and is useful on patients who aren’t in need of extensive treatment. Several sessions may be required to experience dramatic results.

What is the difference between IPL and Laser treatments?

Both laser and IPL treatments are similar in application and are used to treat many of the same conditions. However, laser treatments focus only one wavelength of light on the problem area and IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) releases several, allowing it to treat a larger area faster and to address several conditions at once. Though IPL is often confused with laser treatment, it does not, in fact, utilize a laser, but instead broad spectrum visible light. Laser treatments can be either ablative or non-ablative; because IPL focuses on the second and underlying layers of skin, leaving the first intact, it is non-ablative. While laser treatments “resurface” the skin, IPL “rejuvenates.”

IPL and Laser Skin Resurfacing: uses, differences and what to expect. - Amadi Aesthetics | Plastic Surgery & Med SPA (4)

Need to know:

Before undergoing any laser or IPL treatment, it is important to let your doctor know all of your current oral medications and vitamin supplements you are currently taking as well as any topical products used on the area being treated. It is also important to let your doctor know if you have a history of cold sores as these procedures may induce an outbreak. Your doctor may prescribe an antiviral medication prior to your appointment as a preventative measure. Be honest about past and future sun exposure plans such as sunny vacations as this can greatly affect treatment results.

Still unsure which treatment is right for you?

No problem! It’s important to book a consultation with your doctor prior to deciding which route you want to take.

Learn more about Laser services and IPL or book a consultation.

IPL and Laser Skin Resurfacing: uses, differences and what to expect. - Amadi Aesthetics | Plastic Surgery & Med SPA (5)

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IPL and Laser Skin Resurfacing: uses, differences and what to expect. - Amadi Aesthetics | Plastic Surgery & Med SPA (2024)


What is the difference between IPL and laser resurfacing? ›

Laser treatments can be either ablative or non-ablative; because IPL focuses on the second and underlying layers of skin, leaving the first intact, it is non-ablative. While laser treatments “resurface” the skin, IPL “rejuvenates.”

What is the difference between vascular laser and IPL? ›

Which treatment works best for broken blood vessels? The VBeam laser can use different attachments and settings enabling it to treat blood vessels of different sizes and depths. IPL only works to treat overall redness but not specific vessels.

What is the difference between IPL and medical grade laser? ›

An IPL system will only have about 30% of its energy is absorbed by melanin, whereas a medical grade laser system will have about 98% of its energy is absorbed by melanin. This means that you need fewer laser sessions in order to target all of the hairs, and better long-term results.

What are the different types of IPL lasers? ›

There is a range of IPL machines including LumenisI® Quantum IPL® (the successor to PhotoDerm®), EpiLight® and Ellipse®. Individual machines may be specially designed to focus on certain problems but may not be equally effective. For the treatment of spider and thread veins, and some vascular birthmarks.

Who should avoid IPL? ›

Other factors that make people unsuitable for IPL treatment include:
  • currently or recently taking the acne drug Accutane.
  • having active acne.
  • suffering from a skin resurfacing disorder.
  • being susceptible to keloid scarring.
  • having severe scarring.
  • having suffered severe sunburn recently.
Feb 17, 2020

Is IPL skin rejuvenation worth it? ›

IPL may help if you have red, brown, or splotchy skin because of a health condition. Both IPL and laser treatments can be used to improve a variety of skin issues. The main difference is that IPL therapy is gentler on the skin and usually requires more sessions than laser therapy for comparable results.

What is better than IPL treatment? ›

BBL treatments not only diminish signs of aging, but they improve the health of the skin and can even be used to control chronic conditions like acne and rosacea. Unlike IPL treatments, BBL is proven to slow, and even stop, the gene expression associated with aging.

Does IPL reduce wrinkles? ›

IPL also improves your skin's texture and tone. Further, it will also help in minimizing pigmentation, giving you a more even and fair skin tone. All in all, IPL reduces fine wrinkles like no other. However, you might have to consider additional treatment sessions for deeper wrinkles.

How can you tell the difference between laser and IPL? ›

“The key difference between IPL and Laser is the type of light. Laser light is monochromatic, non-divergent and targets very specific concerns. IPL produces a broadband spectrum of white light, producing a mixture of many different colours. These colours can be controlled using filters.

Which is less painful IPL or laser? ›

No, IPL hair removal is typically less painful than professional laser treatments in-clinic because it uses lower-intensity light. However, both technologies feel the same when used in a portable, home use device engineered with advanced cooling air systems and UV sensors to minimize discomfort.

Should I get laser or IPL? ›

Laser is collimated, meaning it's slow to diverge or spread out. This makes laser light very powerful as nearly 100 per cent of the light can be effective in treatments. IPL is not collimated, so it is quick to spread out making it less effective in treatments.

Is laser cheaper than IPL? ›

The advantages of using laser over IPL: IPL is a cheaper, less effective technology for reducing body hair.

Is IPL the same as laser resurfacing? ›

Lasers are able to treat more specific skin concerns than IPL. Lasers are able to treat deeper layers of skin to promote collagen production, making them more effective at skin resurfacing. Non-ablative fractional lasers can be used safely to treat darker skin tones.

Is IPL good for jowls? ›

Drooping around the jawline and the chin is also fairly common. There is an effective cosmetic procedure that was created to deal with all of these issues while resulting in a beautiful, healthy and clear complexion. This procedure is called IPL skin rejuvenation.

What is the difference between IPL and vascular laser? ›

You can use VBeam for red or vascular areas, while IPL treats red and brown lesions. In expert hands, both can be made safe for all skin types with the right settings. A complete medical evaluation can determine which procedure is right for you.

Which is better, laser or IPL? ›

While both technologies have their advantages, laser hair removal is faster, more precise and can cater to darker skin tones while delivering permanent hair reduction. IPL and laser technology are also both available for safe, self-administered home use on the face, arms, legs, bikini line, chest and hands.

Is laser more expensive than IPL? ›

Laser treatments are often more expensive than IPL, though IPL may require more treatments in some cases. Overall, though, a course of IPL treatments is often less costly than laser.

Is IPL as permanent as laser? ›

The key difference between laser and IPL is the type of light. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a broadband pulsed light source, whereas laser is a monochromatic coherent light source. Both methods target the melanin in the hair follicle and permanent results can be expected from both.

What are the cons of laser resurfacing? ›

Laser resurfacing can cause side effects. Side effects are milder and less likely with nonablative approaches than with ablative laser resurfacing. Redness, swelling, itching and pain. Treated skin may swell, itch or have a burning sensation.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.