Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (2024)

ThisGuide to Dehydrating Strawberries shows how to dehydrate strawberries and usethem in trail mixes and desserts. First I'll cover the basics of prepping, slicing, and drying strawberries, followed by recipes that highlight dehydrated strawberries.

Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (1)

Dried strawberry recipes on this page includeTrailAngel Cake, Apple-Berry Fruit Pudding,Strawberry-Granola Clusters, andStrawberry Tortillas with Chocolate or Peanut Butter.

Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (2)

Table of Contents

How to Dehydrate Strawberries

Health Benefits of Dried Strawberries

How to Make Strawberry Powder

Strawberry Tortillas with Chocolate or Peanut Butter

Strawberry-Raspberry Granola Clusters

Ideas for Using Dried Stawberries

Trail Angel Cake

Strawberry Fruit Leather

How to Dehydrate Strawberries

The first step in dehydrating strawberries starts at the store. Take a close look at the strawberries to make sure there is no mold in the package. There’s always one, right? Avoid strawberries which appear to have any soft or discolored spots. Also, the redder the better; strawberries don’t continue ripening after they are picked. Since they decline rapidly, plan to dehydrate strawberries shortly after you buy them.

Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (3)

Strawberries are likely to have pesticides on them unless you buy organic. Before cutting them, wash strawberries under cold water for several seconds using a colander. Pat dry with paper towels, or use a salad spinner to wash and dry strawberries.

How to Slice Strawberries for Drying

Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (4)

Slicestrawberries ¼-inch thick (½ cm), but set aside the narrower tapered ends andthe tops. I use thesmaller top and bottom piecesto make strawberry fruit leather.

Time & Temperature for Dehydrating Strawberries

Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (5)

Place strawberry slices directly on mesh dehydrator trays in a single layer and dehydrate at 135°F (57°C) until snappy dry. How long to dehydrate strawberries can vary depending on dehydrator model, size of load, external humidity, thickness of fruit, etc. The strawberries in the photo below were dry in 8 hours.

Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (6)

Dried strawberries will be very thin and easy to snap in half.

Yield: One Excalibur dehydrator tray loaded with 575 grams of sliced strawberries yields 40 grams of dried strawberries with a volume of 1¼ cups.

Storing Dehydrated Strawberries: Store in airtight containers at home. Use oxygen absorbers or vacuum-seal for long-term storage.

Health Benefits of Dried Strawberries

Strawberries have more vitamin C than oranges. They are high in Folate (B9), manganese, fiber, plus they are a good source of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory polyphenols and flavonoids. Source: Healthline.

How to Make Dehydrated Strawberry Powder

Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (7)

Grind or blend dried strawberries into powder to use as a topping for oatmeal and desserts, or to add strawberry flavor to drinking water.If using a blender, take your time to avoid overheating the blender.

Yield: 40 grams of dried strawberries yields 6 tablespoons of strawberry powder.

Best ways to use strawberry powder: I tested mixing dehydrated strawberry powder with powdered milk and sugar to make a strawberry milk shake, but the flavor of the milk powder overpowered the strawberry powder.

I like strawberry powder best added to fruit smoothies orsprinkled over oatmeal.

Recipes for Dried Strawberries

Strawberry Tortillas

Enjoy these for breakfast, as a midday snack, or for the evening dessert. Make strawberry tortillas with just strawberries—with a little sugar sprinkled on them—or complete the ensemble with peanut butter or Nutella chocolate spread.

Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (8)

Photo shows dried strawberries rehydrated in a GSI Dualist Cookset bowl, and then combined with peanut butter.

On the Trail:

Place ⅓-cup dried strawberries (15 grams) in a cup or bowl. Add ¼-cup of water and wait about ten minutes. You can rehydrate the strawberries with cold water, which is more convenient during a lunch break, but hot water is the way to go when making these for breakfast or after dinner. Just boil a little extra water when you make your coffee or tea.

Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (9)

Photo above shows strawberries rehydrated in hot water combined with Nutella chocolate spread.

I used two taco-sized tortillas. Spread peanut butter or Nutella on tortillas. Add half of rehydrated strawberries to each tortilla, fold in half, enjoy!

Tip: Baking paper (parchment paper) makes a clean work surface to prepare the tortillas. I use baking paper to fold up strawberry fruit leather—keeps it from sticking to itself—and then the paper gets used again for prep work after I eat the leather.

Strawberry-Raspberry Granola Clusters

Slicedis nice, but here’s another way to dehydrate strawberries—mash them with raspberries, combine with granola,and dehydrate into clusters. They’re delicious on their own or in a trail mix.

Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (10)

Photo:Dehydrated Strawberry-Raspberry Granola Clusters make a perfect trail mix withchocolate.

Yield: 2¾ cups(packed) dried berry-granola clusters (245 g)


  • 1 cup mixed strawberry & raspberry pieces(225 g)
  • 2 cups granola (200 g)
  • 1 Tbsp. honey
  • 2 tsp. fresh lemon juice

Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (11)

How to Make Strawberry-RaspberryGranola Clusters:

Step 1:

Wash strawberries, cut into smaller pieces, and combine withraspberries, honey, and lemon juice in a pan with a flat bottom. I used frozenraspberries and fresh strawberries.

Step 2:

Lightly heat mixture on low temperature to thaw berries (iffrozen) for just a few minutes. Heating also softens up the strawberries.Reduce berries to a slurry with a potato masher.

Step 3:

Add granola to pan with mashed berries.

Step 4:

Stir granola and berries until wellcombined.

Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (12)

DehydratingStrawberry-Raspberry Granola Clusters:

Spread mixture on a nonstick sheet and shape into a square(or donut shape for Nesco dehydrators).

Dehydrate at 135°F (57°C) for approximately 12 hours until almostbrittle but slightly pliable.

After about 6 hours, when the granola is substantially dry,flip it over and continue drying it directly on a mesh sheet.

When the strawberry-raspberry granola is dry and cool, breakit into smaller clusters. Store in an airtight container at home until ready topack for hiking or a backpacking trip.

Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (13)

Photo:Dehydrated Strawberry-Raspberry Granola Clusters as part of a trail mix with chocolate and nuts.

More Ideas for Using Dehydrated Strawberries

Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (14)

Fruity Trail Mix: Strawberries, bananas, apples, oranges. Shown in photo above.

Fruit co*cktail:Same mix as above, but rehydrated with cold water. Rehydrate ½-cup of driedfruit with 1 cup of cold water. Wait at least an hour for bestrehydration. You will end up with well-rehydrated fruit, plus a ½-cup offruity-tasting juice. Double the quantities for a bigger treat.

Classic Trail Mix: Dried strawberries, peanuts, and m&ms.

Oatmeal: Add ¼-cup of dried strawberries to your oatmeal.

Trail Angel Cake

Trail Angel Cake is frequently mentioned by Backpacking Chef readers as one their favorite trail desserts.

Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (15)

Photo: Dried strawberries are delicious when rehydrated in Trail Angel Cake.

Ingredients: ½ cup dried strawberries, 1cup dried angel food cake, 3 Tbsp. sweetened cocoa powder, and ½ cupwater to rehydrate.

You'll find the Trail Angel Cake recipe and desserts like Pineapple Up-Side-Down Cake on my dessert page.

See: Backpacking Dessert Recipes.

Dehydrating Strawberry Fruit Leather

Another fun way to dehydrate strawberries is to make strawberry fruit leather. Make it with juststrawberries, or combine strawberries with other berries or fruits.

On thetrail, enjoy strawberry leather as healthy snack, or rehydrate it intodelicious fruit smoothies and pudding.

Explore More...

Strawberry Fruit Leather Recipes.

Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (16)

Food Drying Books by Chef Glenn

Dehydrating Fruit Table of Contents.

Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail (2024)


Guide to Dehydrating Strawberries for Home & Trail? ›

Dry cut-side up at 130 to 140 degrees F. Use a dehydrator or dry in an oven if you are able to set the oven temperature low enough. Drying time depends on the size of the berry pieces, exposure to air to cut surfaces, temperature, air circulation and method of drying. 7 to 15 hours for slices.

What is the best way to dehydrate strawberries? ›

Dry cut-side up at 130 to 140 degrees F. Use a dehydrator or dry in an oven if you are able to set the oven temperature low enough. Drying time depends on the size of the berry pieces, exposure to air to cut surfaces, temperature, air circulation and method of drying. 7 to 15 hours for slices.

Do you need to pretreat strawberries before dehydrating? ›

Dried strawberries are fantastic on cereal, as a crisp snack, or as part of a trail mix blend of dried fruits and nuts. These berries keep their color when they are dehydrated without an acidic solution pre-treatment, unlike apples, pears, and many other fruits, making them beautiful all on their own.

How long will dehydrated strawberries last? ›

Dehydrated strawberries and strawberry slices will last for 4 - 12 months if they are completely dry. If they are frozen they will last 12 - 18 months, if dried and vacuum sealed they will last for many years.

How thick to slice strawberries for dehydrating? ›

Slice the strawberries: Using a sharp knife, slice the strawberries ¼”-⅜” thick. You can slice them cross-wise or pole to pole—either way works fine. Try to keep the pieces to a uniform size to help with even drying.

Do you put anything on fruit before dehydrating? ›

Pretreating Fruits

Place cut fruits in a solution of 3¾ teaspoons of powdered ascorbic acid (or crush 20 500-milligram vitamin C tablets) or ½ teaspoon of powdered citric acid in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes before placing on trays to dry.

Can you put sugar on fruit in a dehydrator? ›

- Place your candied fruit sugar on the plates of your dehydrator set to under 40 ° C. - Check from time to time to assess the progress of drying over 15-20 hours in the dehydrator is a good basis, but it depends on the size of candied fruit, climatic conditions and the performance of your applicance.

How to tell when dehydrated fruit is done? ›

Test for Dryness

Dried fruits are generally done when they reach about 20 percent moisture content. Because fruit will be more pliable when warm, cool several pieces and test by folding the fruit upon itself; it should not stick together. Berries should rattle when stored in a container.

How do you condition fruit after dehydrating? ›

To condition, cool the dried fruit to room temperature and store it, loosely packed in a clear, airtight non-plastic container such as a large glass jar. Let it sit for a week, checking daily for any signs of moisture or condensation. If you see any, put the fruit back into the dehydrator to dry longer.

How do you keep strawberries from sticking to dehydrator trays? ›

5 Ways to Prevent Food from Sticking to Dehydrator Trays
  1. Do not slice your food too thin. The standard cut thickness that works for most fruit or vegetables is 1/4 inch (6 mm). ...
  2. Turn the food after an hour. ...
  3. Use plastic mesh screens. ...
  4. Use parchment paper. ...
  5. Consider cooking spray. ...
  6. Oh No!
Aug 30, 2018

Does dehydrated fruit get moldy? ›

Molds tend to love dried fruits like apricots, raisins, dates, and figs among others. ⁵ Fruits naturally have a high moisture content so if they come into contact with mold spores while being prepped to dry, the spores can begin to grow and multiply.

Do you need to vacuum seal dehydrated food? ›

Benefits of Vacuum Sealing Dehydrated Meals

Protects food from moisture which could cause mold growth. Preserves the nutritional quality and appearance of dried food by removing oxygen. Prevents any oil or fat from going rancid, although you should still stick with minimal fat and oil in meals.

Can you eat too many dried strawberries? ›

Dried fruit can boost your fiber and nutrient intake and supply your body with large amounts of antioxidants. However, they are also high in sugar and calories, and can cause problems when eaten in excess. For this reason, dried fruit should only be eaten in small amounts, preferably along with other nutritious foods.

Can you put sugar on strawberries before dehydrating? ›

You can sprinkle a little sugar on top before dehydrating too for a sweet snack!

How to clean strawberries before dehydrating? ›

Strawberries are likely to have pesticides on them unless you buy organic. Before cutting them, wash strawberries under cold water for several seconds using a colander. Pat dry with paper towels, or use a salad spinner to wash and dry strawberries.

Do strawberries get sweeter when dehydrated? ›

Super Sweet: The process of dehydrating strawberries removes all the water and concentrates the natural sweetness of the fruit, making it a treat that is both healthy and delicious.

Are dried strawberries the same as dehydrated? ›

“A dehydrated fruit is a dried fruit but a dried fruit is not necessarily a dehydrated fruit. Everything depends on the quality of the drying process used.”

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.