All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (2024)

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So many types and all a little different.


Amy Zavatto

All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (1)

Amy Zavatto

Amy Zavatto has two decades of experience writing about wine, spirits and food and consults for restaurants and wine and spirits retailers.

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Published 11/2/20

All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (2)

You know how the dumpling is pretty much the great equalizer in the food world because nearly every culture seems to have its own version? The spirits world’s version of that is anise spirits. Once you start poking around, you realize there’s so much more than simply sambuca.

But first: What is anise? Also called aniseed, it comes from the Pimpinella anisum plant, whose long, stalky stems produce white flowers where the seeds form. It’s one of the oldest known culinary herbs and, according to “The Oxford Companion to Food,” hails from the Levant (a historical term referring to what’s now Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria) and was a Roman-era darling in desserts and other dishes. Pliny the Elder was a fan of its digestive charms.

And what about star anise? That’s actually the fruit of a type of tree from the magnolia family, native to southeastern China. But the resulting flavor is nearly interchangeable with aniseed because both contain the essential oil anethol, which gives that unmistakable (if sometimes polarizing) spicy, pungent licorice-like herbaceous flavor and the ability to take a liquid from clear to opaque with a drop of water or the addition of an ice cube.

Around the world, a multitude of countries and regions have each found its own spirituous anise expression. What follows is an overview.

  • Absinthe

    All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (3)

    Entire books have been written on the subject, poems composed, paintings and dances inspired, rumors spread. And indeed, the green fairy knows how to take over a party, exit early and leave everyone gossiping about her. Wormwood often gets the blame for the bad behavior of imbibers (so much so that the spirit was banned in the U.S. in 1912 and was only gingerly ushered back in during 2007), but in all likelihood, it was the spirit’s high ABV (anywhere from 45% to 74%—sure, that might make you hallucinate).

    The dominant flavor of the green fairy is anise, certainly, but that’s not really doing the spirit justice. It’s utterly complex, and the best way to untangle the giddy mix of other botanicals is to drink it in the traditional method, pouring a little absinthe into a glass and slowly dripping water over a sugar cube atop a petite slotted absinthe spoon. France is absinthe’s ancestral homeland, but brands have popped up all over the world, from the dozens of elegant version made in France to American craft upstart offerings, such as Philadelphia Distilling’s Vieux Carre Absinthe Superieure, with its minty-fennel aromatics and pretty decanter-style bottle.

    Try the Green Beast with absinthe. 41 ratings
  • Aguardiente

    All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (5)

    Although this spirit is found in other Spanish-speaking countries, plus Portugal, it’s in Colombia where this popular low-fi spirit (it typically doesn’t top 29% ABV) is flavored with anise and often used mixed with fruit juice or shot straight.

    Try the Canchánchara with aguardiente. 108 ratings
  • Anisette

    All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (7)

    It’s easy to confuse anisette with, say, pastis or other anise-centered spirits, but it is indeed its own type of liqueur. In contrast to pastis, which can range from 40% to 45% ABV, anisette has a lighter touch, clocking in at a mild 25% ABV. Anisette is sweeter and uses aniseed in the distillation as opposed to the pastis method of macerating. Marie Brizard is perhaps one of the most visible and easy-to-find brands of this aniseed flavored liqueur.

  • Arak

    All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (8)

    In Lebanon, anise-flavored arak (emphasis on the first “a”) is both literally and figuratively a communal spirit. “Arak runs through the veins of every Lebanese,” says May Matta-Aliah, a wine and spirits educator and Lebanese expat living in New York City. According to Matta-Aliah, arak is typically served from large carafes, often at long family Sunday gatherings for mezze at favorite local restaurants. Waiters will “break” the arak to your taste—that is, add water—which is often one-third arak to two-thirds water or at most half and half, because the spirit is so strong (over 50% ABV). A polite peculiarity of the drink: You never use the same glass more than once. “It louches and forms a slight film,” says Matta-Aliah. “They’ll put arak in your glass, add the ice and when you’re done will pour you a clean glass.” If you’re in Lebanon and a waiter offers you baladi, that’s the local homemade version, but labeled bottlings are abundant too, such as Arak Brun. All have a grape-based distillate made from the local white variety, obeidi.

    Try the Beet-On with arak.4 ratings

    Continue to 5 of 15 below.

  • Chinchón

    All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (10)

    Named for the area in Spain where it’s made, green aniseed—or matalahuga, as it’s known locally—is macerated in wine and then distilled to about 43% ABV. Chinchón, which can be made in both sweet and dry styles, is a recognized and protected spirit, and only anise from Seville can be used in its production, which has been happening on an official mass scale since 1912.

  • Mastika

    All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (11)

    This Greek liqueur may be better known for what its name implies, a tree resin called mastic derived from the evergreen Pistacia shrub, but aniseed is an equally dominant part of the flavor profile. Mastika (or mastiha or masticha) comes from the Greek island Chio, where the shrub is prominent. Fun fact: The resin that oozes from the plant is thought to be the original chewing gum. (The word mastika means “chew” in Greek.)

  • Oghi

    All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (12)

    With an ABV greater than 50%, louching is certainly a requirement for this Armenian aniseed-flavored spirit. Similar to arak in Lebanon, homemade versions of oghi are easy to find, as those with the know-how will forage for local berries and such to make this fruit-based distillate. But commercial brands certainly exist, such as Artsakh and Ijevan.

  • Ouzo

    All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (13)

    For such a famed spirit, it was only in 2006 when ouzo won the origin-saving stamp of Greek authenticity. It was that year that it got PGI status (protected geographical indication) from the European Union, which, among other things, meant it could only be produced in Greece, and the brunt comes from the island of Lesvos. Its grape-based distillate (although grain can be used as well) is redistilled with aniseed, which gives it its distinctive fennel- and licorice-centric flavor. Keep an eye out for brands like Verino for high-quality versions.

    Continue to 9 of 15 below.

  • Pastis

    All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (14)

    France’s national café staple is a liqueur (which is to say, it contains sugar to sweeten it) made by macerating aniseed or star anise with licorice root—as opposed to distilling them, as other anise-centric spirits do—as well as other herbs depending on the brand. Ricard was the first in the early twentieth century, quickly followed by Pernod, and the two remain inarguably the most well-known (and, of course, are now owned by the same merged company), but there are many more to explore. Other brands have even popped up outside of France, like the lovely Tarquin’s Cornish Pastis, an English-made version that uses wild foraged flowers from the area in addition to the more typical star anise and licorice.

    Try the Momisette with pastis. 6 ratings
  • Patxaran

    All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (16)

    Quirky patxaran, or pacharán, from Galicia in northwestern Spain is a red-hued ringer in this category. Like others here, it isn’t purely made from aniseed; it gets its color and dominant aroma from being steeped with sloe berries. But the low-fi spirit (patxaran clocks in at around 25% ABV) is distilled with aniseed, a flavor that doesn’t come through until the very end, lingering on your tongue like a just-chewed little seed of anise—unless, that is, you chill or ice this sweet liqueur, and then that herby, sharp flavor stands at attention.

  • Raki

    All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (17)

    Turkey’s anise-flavored spirit is nicknamed lion’s milk for both its typical high ABV (around 45%) and its white, opaque appearance when cold water or ice are added, due to the oils from the anise, which is typical of other spirits in this category as well. Its base spirit is made from fresh or raisinated grapes. Because of high taxation on spirits in conservative Turkey, the robust bootleg booze market is alive and well and quite dangerous. Counterfeit raki with an extra dose of methyl has been the cause of illness and dozens of deaths over the years in Turkey. You’ll want to seek out one of the well-known brands, some of which have been experimenting with aging the spirit, such as Tekirdag’s Gold Series.

  • Sambuca

    All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (18)

    A little shot in your corto espresso, and you’ll sip one of Italy’s quintessential postmeal soothers. While other anise-flavored Italian liqueurs exist (namely anicione, sassolino, anisette and mistra), sambuca is easily the best-known outside of Italy for its super-sweet herby flavor from star anise, dill extract and elderflower. Its alcohol content runs around 38%. Well-known brands include the ubiquitous blue-and-white label of Romana and caffe staple Molinari, but other brands such as Meletti have a bit more complexity, with an herbaceous spiciness to counter the sweetness.

    Continue to 13 of 15 below.

  • Tsipouro

    All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (19)

    Likely the precursor to more well-known ouzo, Greece’s high-octane brandy (up to 45% ABV) is typically distilled from the pomace of grapes, like grappa in Italy. But while there’s an unflavored type, there’s a popular anise-flavored version, which can also have the addition of clove, fennel or nutmeg in the mix.

  • Unicum

    All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (20)

    Hungary’s herbaceous black-hued liqueur is a 40-herb affair, but aniseed is certainly one of the dominant flavors among the mix of secret bitter ingredients. So the story goes, the recipe was created by the Zwack family in 1790, who later fled Hungary during its period of communist rule after the government seized their factory and stashed the recipe with a friend. Once the Iron Curtain was lifted, production with the original recipe (which only members of the Zwack family know) resumed in their homeland. The spirit bears the family’s name, but once they introduced it into the American market, they tweaked it to be a little sweeter and pack less of a bitter punch, which didn’t sit well with Hungarian expats, who actually have a Facebook page devoted to their displeasure with the Americanized recipe.

    Try the Plum Toddy with Unicum.1 ratings
  • Xtabentún

    All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (22)

    Of all the anise spirits, the source of this Mexican liqueur name takes on a little romance: It gets its moniker from the eponymous flower from which bees draw the nectar for the honey that acts as the fermentable sugar for the spirit and is mixed with rum and aniseed. It also, as legend has it, is the name (Xtabay) of a Mayan Mary Magdalene-like woman who was buried under a rock that was covered in pretty white flowers the day after her death. Xtabentuún (ish-ta-ben-TOON) is extremely sweet, which is why mixing it is a more recommended endeavor than sipping it straight.

All About Anise-Flavored Spirits (2024)


What is an anise-flavored spirit? ›

Another example is sambuca, which originated in Italy. Anise must be its main ingredient, but it often features other flavors and tends to be on the sweeter side. While French pastis is a spirit made by mixing a neutral alcohol base with anise. It was created as a replacement for absinthe, which is also anise-flavored.

What alcohol tastes like anise? ›

Absinthe, Aguardiente, Anisette, Aquavit, Arak, Mastiha, Ouzo, Pastis, Patxaran, Raki and Sambuca to name a few.

What is anise alcohol made from? ›

The production process begins with the collection of the ripe seeds of the anise plant. The seeds are dried and crushed to release their characteristic aroma and flavor. Then, the crushed seeds undergo a distillation or maceration process in neutral alcohol.

What is anise-flavored liquor Greek? ›

Ouzo (Greek: ούζο, IPA: [ˈuzo]) is a dry anise-flavored aperitif that is widely consumed in Greece. It is made from rectified spirits that have undergone a process of distillation and flavoring.

What are the benefits of drinking anise? ›

Anise is an herb. The seed (fruit) and oil, and less frequently the root and leaf, are used to make medicine. Anise is used for upset stomach, intestinal gas, “runny nose,” and as an expectorant to increase productive cough, as a diuretic to increase urine flow, and as an appetite stimulant.

Is anise flavoring good for you? ›

The Bottom Line. Anise seed is a powerful plant that is rich in many nutrients and boasts a wide array of health benefits. It has anti-fungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and may fight stomach ulcers, keep blood sugar levels in check and reduce symptoms of depression and menopause.

Is anise liquor illegal? ›

Absinthe was banned in most of Europe between 1905 and 1910, and the United States followed in 1912. Europe reintroduced it around the 1950's and the United States allowed the sale of absinthe in 2007 based on science that the spirit was no more dangerous than other spirits currently available at the time.

What is the Italian liquor that tastes like anise? ›

Sambuca (Italian: [samˈbuːka]) is an Italian anise-flavoured liqueur. Its most common variety is often referred to as "white sambuca" to differentiate it from other varieties that are deep blue ("black sambuca") or bright red ("red sambuca").

Is sambuca the same as anise? ›

Anise liqueur

Sambuca is similar to anisette but made from a distillation of star anise. Sambuca 'con la mosca,' which means 'with the fly' in Italian, traditionally comes with three coffee beans floating on top to symbolize health, wealth and good luck.

What is anise liqueur called? ›

While other anise-flavored Italian liqueurs exist (namely anicione, sassolino, anisette and mistra), sambuca is easily the best-known outside of Italy for its super-sweet herby flavor from star anise, dill extract and elderflower. Its alcohol content runs around 38%.

What is the Mexican liquor that tastes like licorice? ›

Xtabentún (Spanish pronunciation: [(i)ʃtaβenˈtun]) is an anise liqueur made in Mexico's Yucatán region from anise seed and fermented honey produced by honey bees from the nectar of xtabentún flowers. Rum is then added to the anise and honey mixture.

What is a strong aniseed Flavoured spirit? ›

Ricard. Ricard is a famed pastis (perhaps even the original) with strong liquorice and aniseed flavours. It's the very definition of a French classic and the ultimate taste of the Mediterranean.

What is the spirit of anise used for? ›


Anise is well known as a carminative and an expectorant. Its ability to decrease bloating and settle the digestive tract still is used today, especially in pediatrics. In high doses, it is used as an antispasmodic and an antiseptic and for the treatment of cough, asthma, and bronchitis.

What is similar to anise liquor? ›

All the Anise Spirits That Aren't Absinthe, Explained
  • Ouzo (Greece) Ouzo 12 is a popular brand of the anise-flavored Greek spirit. ...
  • Sambuca (Italy) Sambuca is synonymous with Molinari in many Italian households. ...
  • Pastis (France) Pastis, the French liqueur, is often referred to as an alternative to absinthe.
Nov 17, 2019

What is an anise-flavored drink called? ›

Varieties include: Absinthe, a drink popular throughout Europe. Aguardiente (only Colombian Aguardiente) Anis, popular in Spain. Two varieties: "seco" or dry and "dulce" which is more sweet.

What is aniseed flavored spirit drink? ›

Aguardiente. Although this spirit is found in other Spanish-speaking countries, plus Portugal, it's in Colombia where this popular low-fi spirit (it typically doesn't top 29% ABV) is flavored with anise and often used mixed with fruit juice or shot straight. Try the Canchánchara with aguardiente.

What is anise spirit in the Middle East? ›

Arak or araq (Arabic: ﻋﺮﻕ), is a distilled Levantine spirit of the anise drinks family. It is translucent and unsweetened.

Which is an example of anise liqueur? ›

Key examples

Most traditional anise liqueurs come from countries around the Mediterranean. While Pastis is France's contribution to the category, Italy has sambuca, Greece has ouzo and Turkey has raki. Other anise-flavored liqueurs include arak, mastika and Alaki.

What drink is made with anise? ›

Anise-forward co*cktails that come to mind include French Pearl, Golden Cadillac, Maiden's Blush No. 2, Fontainebleau Special, Simon Says, Crème de Café, Corpse Reviver No. 4, Anis'tini, Absinthe Frappé, Cactus Banger, Tick-Tack Martini, etc.

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