Tips to Prepare for IPL Treatment | Allure Anti-Aging and Aesthetics (2024)

Tips to Prepare for IPL Treatment | Allure Anti-Aging and Aesthetics (1)

Tips to Prepare for Your IPL Treatment

The skin is the largest bodily organ and is responsible for protecting us from multiple forms of environmental harm. Unfortunately, we aren’t always as focused on protecting our skin as we should be. The results include discoloration, scarring, wrinkles, stretch marks, and signs of aging. These skin concerns can all negatively impact our self-confidence and can also be extremely difficult to remove on your own.

On a more positive note, there is a way to treat these stubborn skin ailments—and no, it doesn’t require surgery. AtAllure Anti-Aging and Aesthetics, we proudly offerIPL Skin Resurfacingat our Huntington Beach location to help you achieve glowing, healthier-looking skin. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your treatment.

Get To Know IPL Treatment

The best way to prepare for any surgery is to learn as much as you can about it. So, let’s jump right in and do just that. IPL treatment utilizes intense pulsed light technology (IPL) to painlessly but powerfully blast away a wide variety of skin issues. At Allure Anti-Aging and Aesthetics, we use Lumecca IPL to safely deliver 3x more energy through fast pulse repetition to breaks apart skin pigmentation, induce collagen production, and improve the color, tone, and texture of your skin, all without a scalpel or stitches.

What Issues Can IPL Treatment Treat?

IPL is an extremely versatile treatment that can help improve the appearance of a wide range of skin issues, including:

  • Sun damage
  • Rosacea
  • Age Spots
  • Uneven skin texture
  • Minimize scarring and stretch marks
  • Removing leg or facial veins

Best of all, there’s no post-operation recovery. You’re free to go about your regular routine right after treatment.

Also, the locations you can have IPL treatment are not limited to only the face. You can improve the appearance of your face, neck, chest, arms, and hands.

Best Tips to Prepare

To maximize your IPL treatments’ effectiveness, you can do a few before and after to optimize your results. The treatment area mustn’t be tanned or exposed to direct sunlight two weeks before your procedure. Sun exposure encourages the production of melanin, which can interfere with your IPL’s results.

Be sure to use an SPF of 30 or higher even when stepped outside for a brief period of time.

You should also moisturize regularly to help keep your skin hydrated. Hydrated skin is more likely to deliver better results and encourage healing.

Avoid some types of retinoid serums or creams because they can cause skin sensitivities.

Quit smoking and excess drinking as they can be contributing factors to skin issues.

IPL Treatment in Huntington Beach, CA

The best way to prepare for your treatment is to consult with a doctor. At Allure Anti-Aging and Aesthetics, our team of highly-trained skin care experts will share all of their tips and trick to help you achieve the absolute best results.

To learn more about Lumecca IPL in Huntington Beach, contact us at (714) 804-5460 or fill out our form online to schedule your consultation today!

Tips to Prepare for IPL Treatment | Allure Anti-Aging and Aesthetics (2024)
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