Meal Planning for Beginners: A Complete Guide (2024)

With conveniences like online grocery shopping and takeout on every corner, you no longer need to figure out your next meal too long before you’ll eat it. But planning your menu a week—or even a month—in advance can save you time and money, and help you eat more healthfully too.

Don’t worry: Meal planning doesn’t have to involve elaborate recipes or even cooking every dinner. “It can be as simple or as detailed as you want, and you can change it as needed,” says Jessica Cording, R.D., a New York City-based nutritionist and health coach. Read on for everything you need to know to set up and use a meal plan.

What is a meal plan?

A meal plan is a written list of what you (and your family, if you also have other mouths to feed) will eat for every meal over a set period of time. It can include things you cook as well as premade and restaurant meals; and it usually supports a specific goal, such as saving time, sticking to a budget, and/or eating healthier.

Meal planning includes choosing meals and finding recipes; shopping for ingredients; as well as prepping and cooking food. A meal plan needs to take into account the following factors:

  • How many people you’re feeding: Whether you live alone or have a big brood, you’ll need a head count to plan portions. The answer may differ for some meals, depending on your family’s schedule.
  • Dietary restrictions: Consider everyone’s food intolerances, allergies, and preferences.
  • Your goals: Are you making a meal plan to help you save time? Cut costs? Lose weight? Your goals affect how often you’ll cook and the recipes you choose.
  • Your schedule: “The biggest factor for success is to be realistic about how much time you can devote to planning and prep,” says Caroline West Passerrello, a registered dietician and a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
  • Your cooking skills: Even if you hate cooking, meal planning can work for you. “Convenience items [like precooked chicken] can be part of a plan,” West Passerrello says. Your menu might also include restaurant meals.

Why meal plans are perfect for weight loss

If you’re trying to lose weight, a set menu can help. Meal planning helps you eat a healthier and more varied diet, and people who plan their meals are less likely to be overweight, according to a study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. The reason is likely twofold: a study in the International Journal of Obesity found that meal planners tend to eat less at meals, and experts say they’re also less likely to reach for unhealthy foods when hunger strikes.

Other benefits of meal plans

Meal planning isn’t just beneficial for weight loss. It can also help you:

  • Spend less money: Eating at restaurants and buying prepared foods is always more expensive than prepping your own food, Cording says. And even if you make takeout part of your meal plan, you’ll be budgeting for it.
  • Reduce waste: Every time you buy or cook more food than you need and throw out the extra, you’re wasting a valuable resource. Planning meals helps reduce food waste, which is smart for the environment (and your wallet).
  • Save time: The time you spend planning a menu pays off during the rest of the week. When you know your meals in advance, you won’t spend valuable minutes debating what to cook, and you can buy all of your ingredients at once and do prep work in advance.
  • More variety: Meal planning boosts the variety of foods you eat according to a French study. That prevents boredom and helps ensure you get all the nutrients your body needs.

How to meal plan: 6 easy steps

Meal planning shouldn’t be difficult, and it will take less time as you get used to doing it. Here’s how to start:

1. Set your goals.

“A few common goals are losing weight, watching your intake of sodium, and minimizing intake of preservatives or additives,” Cording says.

2. Determine the number—and type—of meals you’re planning.

There’s no set formula here; the number of meals you plan may vary from week to week. You might only want to plan dinners, or maybe you want to figure out every meal of the day. Start by jotting down any meals you’re eating out, and then work around them. “Be realistic about your limits, schedule, and potential barriers,” Cording says. For example, many people find it’s easiest to cook three dinners a week and use leftovers and takeout for the other nights.

3. Choose recipes.

When selecting recipes, keep in mind your goals, cooking ability, and time. The WeightWatchers® app and website have loads of recipes, but try tapping into friends and families for ideas as well. And if you know you’re going to be super busy on a certain day, plan for a simple “recipe,” like a pre-cooked rotisserie chicken with a simple green salad and instant brown rice. “It still counts as preparing a meal,” Cording says.

4. Make a shopping list.

First, write down the ingredients and quantities you’ll need for each recipe. Then, add up the quantities of the same foods to make sure you’ll have enough. Next, check your pantry and fridge: Cross off any ingredients you already have off your list or readjust quantities as needed. To save time grocery shopping online or in store, sort your grocery list into food categories like fresh fruits and veggies, grains, proteins, dairy, and canned foods. Don’t forget to add condiments as well as packaged and convenience foods—not everything you eat is part of a recipe!

5. Meal prep.

Meal prep might include anything from chopping garlic and stir-fry veggies to roasting a chicken or cooking a batch of grains: Your goal is to create pre-cut (and sometimes even pre-cooked) batches of ingredients to make it easier to make your chosen recipes throughout the week. How you prep for your week depends on your schedule. For example, you can do it all at once on Sunday or get cooking a few evenings a week for upcoming days. Either way, you’ll want to store your ingredients in separate containers and organize them in the fridge according to type of food (for example, all produce together) or recipe.

6. Cook!

Since you’ve already planned what to make and prepped the ingredients, cooking should be easier than ever. Just make sure you schedule enough time to put it all together before mealtime.

What is a weekly meal planner?

A weekly meal planner is a physical or digital calendar for meal planning. It helps you stick with your plan, decide what you need to buy, and develop menus for other weeks. You can try using a menu planning website or app—some will even generate your grocery lists based on your recipes—but low-tech options also work. Some ideas: Write your weekly meal planner on a wall calendar, print out a blank planner page every week, or use a bound version like the WW 52-week meal planner. If you’re feeding multiple people, it’s helpful to post the plan in a common area. “Have one place where everyone can see what’s coming up, so you’re all on the same page,” Cording says.

Sample weekly meal planner

Meal Planning for Beginners: A Complete Guide (1)

A healthy meal plan to get you started

Use this sample menu, which includes some favorite WW recipes, as inspiration for your first week’s plan.

Sample meal plan

MondayOatmeal with berriesTurkey sandwich;
carrots with hummus
Meatless Monday! Big pot of farro, 2 pans of roasted vegetables, eggsMonday!
TuesdayYogurt with berries and granolaGrain bowl with farro and veggies from Monday’s dinnerWW slow cooker shredded chicken
WednesdayOatmeal with berriesUse chicken from Tuesday’s dinner in a sandwich; fruitQuick vegetarian chili
ThursdayYogurt with berries and granolaBaked potato topped with chili from Wednesday’s dinnerBroiled steak and peppers with easy spicy green sauce
FridayOatmeal with berriesTurkey taquitos, canned refried beans; carrotsOrder in pizza; salad with chickpeas
SaturdayEgg baked in avocado with smoked salmon, capers, and dillItalian-inspired vegetable soup; turkey sandwichOut for dinner
SundaySweet pineapple and strawberry salsa with yogurtPull lunch from freezer: burger, bun; plus vegetable soup from yesterdaySlow cooker lasagna

Going beyond the meal plan

It can take a few weeks to get used to meal planning, but once you do you’ll discover it can help save time and stress. Just keep in mind: Sometimes you may have to nix your scheduled menu because you’re missing a key ingredient or you ran out of time to cook—and that’s okay. “Try to have a backup, like a note on your phone with what to order from your favorite takeout spot,” Cording says. “That way you’re not stressed out in the moment.”


Colleen de Bellefonds has been covering health and wellness for over a decade for publications including U.S. News & World Report, Women’s Health, Vice, Prevention, Healthline, and more. She lives in Paris, France, where she shares her croissants with her dog and plans her weekends around runs by the Seine.

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Meal Planning for Beginners: A Complete Guide (2024)


Meal Planning for Beginners: A Complete Guide? ›

There are five principles of meal planning – Adequacy, Balance, Variety, Moderation and Nourishment. By adequacy, we mean eating enough to support our bodies through day-to-day activities like school and work, and we're giving ourselves fuel to support physical activity.

How should a beginner start a meal plan? ›

So, if you're ready to meal plan regularly, here's a step-by-step guide on how to meal plan.
  1. Step 1 | Figure out a plan. ...
  2. Step 2 | Note what you have. ...
  3. Step 3 | Pick a few recipes. ...
  4. Step 4 | Make a grocery list. ...
  5. Step 5 | Shop, prep, and store.
Dec 14, 2023

What are the 5 basic steps of meal planning? ›

Meal Planning in 5 Easy Steps
  • Step 1: Determine your meal prepping technique. There are many different ways to prepare your meals and some may work better for you than others. ...
  • Step 2: Pick a day of the week for prep work. ...
  • Step 3: Find meals you enjoy. ...
  • Step 4: Make a shopping list. ...
  • Step 5: Start Small.
Oct 7, 2021

What are the 5 rules in planning meals? ›

They are:
  • Adequacy.
  • Balance.
  • Variety.
  • Moderation.
  • Nourishment.
Jan 28, 2020

What are the 5 principles of meal planning? ›

There are five principles of meal planning – Adequacy, Balance, Variety, Moderation and Nourishment. By adequacy, we mean eating enough to support our bodies through day-to-day activities like school and work, and we're giving ourselves fuel to support physical activity.

What diet is best for beginners? ›

The Mediterranean diet is a low-carb, moderately high-fat diet that emphasizes vegetables, legumes, fruits, whole grains, olive oil and fish, according to Dr. Landry. Why is it easy? The wide array of acceptable foods on this diet make it easy to adapt to personal needs and incorporate a variety of different foods.

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It is important to “eat vegetables first and carbohydrate last” to ameliorate postprandial blood glucose and insulin even in fast eating, as supported by our previous study showing that eating fast with a mixed eating with vegetable, protein, and carbohydrate elevated postprandial blood glucose compared with slow ...

What is the 5 5 5 meal plan? ›

The diet focuses on eating at regularly timed intervals five times throughout the day. It also suggests that the food you eat is made up of five 80g portions of fruit and vegetables each day, especially greens that are high in fibre and low in carbohydrates.

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Planning, prepping, preparing and properly packaging your meals can be simple, healthy, delicious, cost effective, and save you unwanted calories.

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Avoid These Mistakes While Meal Planning – How to Meal Plan...
  • Mistake #1: Winging it. ...
  • Mistake #2: Forgetting snacks. ...
  • Mistake #3: Ignoring the calendar. ...
  • Mistake #4: Making it boring. ...
  • Mistake #5: Neglecting your freezer. ...
  • Mistake #6: Thinking you have to do it all. ...
  • Mistake #7: Forgetting to double up.
Jan 26, 2021

What should my meal plan look like? ›

A healthy eating plan: Emphasizes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products. Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. Limits saturated and trans fats, sodium, and added sugars.

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6 Golden Rules You Need to Abide By While Designing Your Menu!
  • Right pricing.
  • Choose the right material.
  • Design your menu logically.
  • Keep the words appealing.
  • Promote your signature dishes.
  • Collect customer feedback.
Jul 13, 2018

What are the 5 basic steps of menu planning? ›

Building a Restaurant Menu
  • Step 1: Build a List (By Category) This is where all menus need to start - before you can set pricing and build a pretty menu, you need to have menu items. ...
  • Step 2: Establish Priority. Next is setting your priority, as we mentioned above. ...
  • Step 3: Set Your Prices. ...
  • Step 4: Design. ...
  • Step 5: Proofread.

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6 Steps to Meal Planning Success
  • Step 1: Take Stock. Check your pantry and fridge for staples you have on hand and like as well as items that need to be used. ...
  • Step 2: Map Your Meals. ...
  • Step 3: Focus on Fresh. ...
  • Step 4: Pack in Protein. ...
  • Step 5: Love Your Leftovers. ...
  • Step 6: Plan Ahead.

What are the six simple steps in planning a meal? ›

6-Step Meal Planning Guide
  1. Plan ahead, but not too far ahead. ...
  2. Shop your fridge and cupboards first. ...
  3. Plan your menu around your weekly activities. ...
  4. Plan a leftovers night. ...
  5. Use your menu plan to make a shopping list. ...
  6. Place your menu plan on your fridge.

How do I start an eating plan? ›

Here are six steps to making a meal plan:
  1. Give yourself time to plan. Set aside time each week to make a meal plan. ...
  2. Check what you have. Check what ingredients you already have in your cupboard, fridge or freezer. ...
  3. Include some of your favourite meals. ...
  4. Use up your leftovers. ...
  5. Cook in bulk. ...
  6. Make your ingredients work.

What is the first thing to do in planning a menu? ›

Menu Planning Steps
  • Write down days of the week and meal ideas: The first step is to decide which days will the food be cooked for. ...
  • Find recipes: Once the first step is done and out of the way, recipes should be hunted for. ...
  • Collect and save recipes: Half the battle is won when the recipes are found.

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