How to make your sourdough bread more (or less) sour (2024)

This is part1 ofathree-part series examining the flavor of sourdough bread, and how to adjust it to taste. Please complete the series by reading part 2 and part 3.

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On the Baker’s Hotline we often hear from frustrated sourdough bakers who want to know how to change their starterin order to increasethesourness oftheir sourdough bread:“No matter what I do, I’m just not able to get the sour flavor I’m looking for!”In addition, there are others who complain that their bread istoosour and want to create a milder starter.

While bakers may diverge when it comes to the flavor they’re looking for, they’re united in wanting to know how to successfully manipulate their starters when it comes to sourdough flavor development.Not surprisingly, there’s no simple, foolproof way to “manage” your starter to produce bread that’s more or less sour. Still, there are three specific factors that can really affect your bread’s flavor:

  1. The health of your starter
  2. The level of the bread dough’s organic acids
  3. The complex relationships over time between levain, dough, fermentation, and proofing

I suspect you’re anxious to start experimenting with all these elements of your bread baking like a sourdough scientist. But before we can get into the fun stuff, we need to master the basics: in this case, creating a healthy, vigorous starter — the subject ofthis initial post. Once we master this, we can dive deeper with parts 2 and 3 of this series.

How to make your sourdough bread more (or less) sour (1)

Kristin Teig

What makes a great starter?

According to Debra Wink, microbiologistand nationally known sourdough expert, “For the mother culture,the objective is tobuild and balance healthy populations of yeast and bacteria with enough collective power to do what you want them to do later.”

Translation:First,build and maintain a healthy starter.Once you’ve done that,you can takethat healthy starter and use itas the basis for great sourdough bread, bread whose sour flavor you can tweak as desired during the preferment and dough stages.

Ifyoualreadyhave an active, healthy starter, one that reliably doubles in size within six to eight hours of being fed and consistently produces flavorful bread with a good rise, thenmore power to you — we never argue with success! The maintenance regimen you follow for your starter obviously works well in your environment.

But if the bread you bake isn’t rising or delivering the flavor you’re looking for, thenmaybe it’stime to think about how you care for your starter.

Know and understand your starter

Two of the key components of sourdough starter are yeast and lactic acid bacteria (LAB). To make bread that both rises well and delivers hearty flavor, we need to strike a balance that nurtures healthy populations of both. LAB are almost always present in larger numbers than yeast, although populations will vary from one starter to the next and at different times during the fermentation cycle.

Often, nourishing healthy populations of both yeast and LAB in your starter is actually about creating an environment that suppresses the LAB enough so that the yeast can still function well.

All things being equal, yeast would be glad to dwell and reproduce in a warm, wet, whole grain environment, just like LAB. But in order for yeast to stay competitive and perform as it should, it’s sometimes helpful to control conditions enough so that LAB are a little more challenged. This helps yeast hold its own, or even flourish and expand.

Conditions that keep LAB in checkConditions that favor LAB
Stiffer consistency (less water)Looser consistency (more water)
Cooler temperaturesWarmer temperatures
Feeding when less ripe*Feeding when more ripe*
Smaller, more frequent feedingsLarger, less frequent feedings
White flour (all-purpose or bread flour)Whole-grain flour (especially rye)

*Note: Less ripe and more ripe may sound confusing; ripe is ripe, right? But there’s typically an extended window of time when your starter is considered ripe (from the early moments of peaking, until it’s just beginning to fall). “Less ripe” means on the early end of the window, while “more ripe” is later on in that window. This window of time can vary in length from one starter to the next, and with varying conditions and feeding schemes.

How to make your sourdough bread more (or less) sour (2)

Martin Philip

Reaching middle ground

Picture the relationship between yeast and LAB as a spectrum between two poles: The conditions under which you maintain your starter can shift thebalancemore towardyeast ormore towardLAB, but these conditions always affectyeastandLAB in relation to each other.For instance, if you maintain your stiff starter at cooler temperatures, this will discourage LAB a little more than it does yeast. Yeast aren’t growing wildly under these conditions, and LAB aren’t dying out. It’s just shifting the ratio a little so that the yeast can do their part.

What we’re after, in the end, is a golden middle ground for your starter — one where both yeast and LAB are able to thrive and function at their best, enabling your starter to both raise your bread and affect its flavor.

Butwhat does that middle ground look like? Should your sourdough starter be stiff or liquid? What’s the best storage temperature? Which flour should you feed it with — and how often, and how much?It helps to think of thegoldenmiddle ground as more of a region between those poles rather than a precise destination. You can create wonderful, high-rising, flavorful bread with many types of starters.

If you’ve purchasedoursourdough starteror followedourstarter recipeyou have a liquid white flour starter (100% hydration: equal parts flour and water by weight). This type of starterdefinitely fallsin that middle ground. But if you have a stiff starter or a whole wheat or rye starter that’s delivering the results you want — then consider yourself golden!

In addition to finding balance and nurturing both yeast and LAB populations, how you maintain your starter matters. But just like reaching that sought-after middle ground, there are lots of ways to maintain a healthy and active starter. In the end, the most important consideration iswhether or notyour starter is delivering the results you want.

How to make your sourdough bread more (or less) sour (3)

Liz Neily

Taking care of business

So howdo wecultivatehealthy populations of both yeast and LABin our starter?

We follow theCARE model:

Consistent (feedings): Changes such as shifting the variables of hydration, flour type, or amount and frequency of feedings will require time for your starter to adjust.Anew feeding routine will change the balance and may even promote different microorganisms, and it takes time for these changes to settle into a new equilibrium.

Major changes like shifting from a white flour starter to a rye starter will likely take up to 10 days of room temperature feedings for the starter to completely make the conversion. This doesn’t mean that you can’t use your starter in the interim; just don’t expect to realistically evaluate the qualities you’re looking for inanew starter until the adjustment is complete.

Sometimes major changes can even adversely affect the consistency of your starter or produce a strange aroma. Don’t worry! Just keep feeding until your starter has had time to adjust to its new diet or conditions.

Adequate (room temperature feedings): While most mature starters can survive quite nicely when stored in the refrigerator and fed once a week, they won’t necessarily thrive under those conditions.

Allowing time for your starter to ferment at room temperature through at least a few feeding cycles serves to build, strengthen, and rebalance the populations of yeast and LAB you’ll need to get the job done whenit’s time for baking bread.

This is particularly true if you’re planning to bake a recipe that’s naturally leavened (no added yeast). The number of “revival” feedings necessary depends on how long your starter has been in the refrigerator, and how quickly it begins to behave like an active, healthy starter.

Responsive:For a 100% hydration starter, which is composed of equal parts by weight of starter, water, and flour (1:1:1), we recommend feeding twice daily at room temperature and at least once a week when stored in the refrigerator. This regimen should create a healthy starter, one that reliably doubles in volume within six to eight hours after feeding at room temperature and has a pleasant (or at least not unpleasant) aroma.

However, there may be times when your starter doesn’t do well under this maintenance routine.You may notice your starter rising sluggishly, or barely at all. Orit mayhave an unpleasant aroma: think acetone (nail polish remover) or another “funky,” nose-averting smell. We’ll address possible fixesfurther on in this article since it’s important to respond appropriately to these warning signs.

Easy:Make thefeedingprocess as easy as you can and you’remorelikely tofollow itconsistently.Here are some tips for success:

  • Settimes oftheday (or time of the week) for feeding, put it in your calendar, and stick with it.
  • Don’t worry too much about creating the perfect room temperature, unless your home is very cold or very hot, temperature somewhere between 68°F and 80°F should be fine.
  • If you find that feeding your starter several times in preparation for baking is generating more discard than you’re able to keep up with, considermaintaining a smaller starter, one that will generate less discard.

Adopting this CARE routine for your starter will create a firm foundation for using that starter to leaven and flavor your sourdough bread.

How to make your sourdough bread more (or less) sour (4)

Kristin Teig

How to helpyour underperforming starter

What do you do when your starter just isn’t responding well to regular feedings?Itmaytake more than 12 hoursto barely double in size; or it may have developed an unpleasant “off” odor.

Here are some factors that might be responsible — andhow you can address them.

Adjust the water temperature.Seasons change, and cooler temperatures in your kitchen may be causing your starter to slow down — or in hot weather, to rise and fall too rapidly. Feeding with warmer water in the winter will help speed up fermentation, while cooler water in the summer will help bring the starter back to its temperature comfort zone.

Don’t let your starter fall completely between feedings. Yeast prefers being fed when your starter is ripe or a bit less so, while LAB are surging ahead as the starter moves past ripe — so feeding near the starter’s peak keeps both sides strong.

Take advantage of your refrigerator.While it’s best to feed your starter near its peak, we understand that life intervenes and it’s not always possible. In that caserefrigerate your starter, which will sloweverythingdown and extend the optimum feeding window.

Adjust the ratio of starter compared to flour and water.Our 100% hydrationstarter,with its ratio of 1:1:1 (starter:water:flour,by weight) generally does well under moderate to cool conditions. However, if you’re in a warm environment (whether due to season or climate) you may find your starter peaking too early and falling too soon rather than lasting until the next feed.

Since feeding your starter more than twice daily can quickly become tiresome, here’s how to slow things down:change the 1:1:1 ratio tosomething like 1:4:4. Since a larger meal takes longer for your starter to consume and ferment, increasingthe amount of flour and water you’re feeding relative to the amount of startershould slow things down and bring feeding times closer to your ideal of twice a day.*

*Don’t be alarmed if it seems to take quite a bit longer for your starter to get going when you first switch to larger feedings. The bulk of activity will occur during the final few hours.

Worried about too much discardwhen feeding 1:4:4? Simply reduce the amount of starter you’re feeding. For example, instead of feeding 50g of starter with200g of water and200g of flour, start with 25g of starter and feed with 100g each flour and water.If this still sounds like too much discard, consider maintaining a smaller starter. For our smaller starter recipe, a 1:4:4 feeding would look like this: 7g starter + 28g water + 28g flour.

Next time: Where does flavor come from?

Now that you’ve learned how to maintain a healthy starter—onethat balances the needs of its two key components, yeast and LAB — you’re ready to take that starter and bake some delicious bread with the flavor you want. Our next post will examine exactly where the sour flavor comes from in sourdough bread.

Continue the series:
How to make your sourdough bread more (or less) sour: part 2
How to make your sourdough bread more (or less) sour: part 3

Our thanks tomicrobiologist and sourdough scientist Debra Wink, without whoseknowledge and insight thisarticlewouldn’t have been possible.

Cover photo by Liz Neily.

How to make your sourdough bread more (or less) sour (2024)


How to make your sourdough bread more (or less) sour? ›

Water temperature: The higher the temperature of fully kneaded dough, the more likely your resulting bread will be more (rather than less) sour. The principal way bakers can influence the temperature of fully kneaded dough is through the temperature of the water used to mix the dough.

What makes sourdough more or less sour? ›

Keep the dough temperature lower: Lactic acid bacteria are most active in the higher temperatures of the mid 80s-90sºF. Keeping the dough in the 76-78º F range will still ferment and produce bacteria but will encourage lactic acid bacteria instead of acetic acid bacteria resulting in a more mild flavored loaf.

How do I make my sourdough starter more -( or less )- sour? ›

Longer fermentation

As your dough proofs, the good bacteria eats up sugars and starches in the flour. This decreases the sweet undertone and creates a more sour undertone. The longer you ferment, the more starches and sugars the bacteria eats, and the more sour your bread will be.

How do I get my sourdough to rise more? ›

So don't leave your dough in a warm oven, on a radiator or in sunlight. It will likely be too warm and will dry out your dough too. Instead, find a cosy spot, with no drafts, for your dough to rise. And, if your sourdough starter is struggling to get going, consider finding it a warmer spot too.

Does vinegar make sourdough more sour? ›

Sourdough bread is one of the most difficult to make, especially for beginners. Instead of making it the “long way,” you can make a sour-flavored loaf by simply adding vinegar. And, it turns out, adding a bit of vinegar can make for an overall bouncier loaf.

Can I add honey to my sourdough starter? ›

Feed a sourdough starter 4-12 hours before starting the bread, ensuring it is active and bubbly. Mix your starter, water, and honey in a large bowl. Add in flour and salt and mix with your hands to make a shaggy dough. Cover the dough with a damp towel or beeswax wrap and allow to autolyse for 30 minutes.

Can I add citric acid to sourdough bread? ›

Sourdough purists will scoff at this, but... for those of you who like a more sour sourdough loaf, adding 1/4 teaspoon or so of this “sour salt”—citric acid—to your dough will definitely up the pucker quotient.

What happens if I use less starter in sourdough? ›

As a general rule, the less sourdough starter you use, the slower your dough will ferment - resulting in a more sour flavored loaf. The more starter you use, the faster your dough will ferment - resulting in a less sour loaf.

What to do if your starter is too sour? ›

My starter is very acidic. How can I de-acidify it? Try feeding your starter a high feeding ratio (e.g., 1:5:5) and discard and refeed right after the starter rises and peaks. This is known as the “peak-to-peak” method.

Can you use too much starter in sourdough bread? ›

If you have too much starter compared to the additional flour and water you're adding, your hungry starter consumes all the nutrients and then it's not as bubbly.

How do you increase sourdough starter fast? ›

Feed your starter 1:2:1 which means you'd feed it twice as much flour as water. This 1:2:1 ration can be handy if you are trying to strengthen your sourdough starter. It will decrease the hydration though, so it's often something you just do for a few days.

How to fix sluggish sourdough starter? ›

If you're like me and have neglected your starter for a little too long — perhaps you've been out of town or simply forgot it in the back of the fridge — you can use a little whole grain flour (such as pumpernickel or whole wheat flour) to feed your starter and give it a boost.

What makes sourdough bread raise? ›

Sourdough differs from most bread in that it contains no baker's yeast, relying instead on a fermented “starter” of water and flour to provide lift. This also provides its sour flavour and chewy texture.

How do I get my sourdough to taste more sour? ›

How To Make Sourdough More Sour
  1. Use more whole grain flours across the sourdough process.
  2. Oxygenate your starter.
  3. Feed starter less and keep the hooch.
  4. Use a stiff starter.
  5. Add starter after peak.
  6. Ferment the dough longer and at cooler temperature (using less starter)
  7. Keep your bread basic (no additional flavors)
Jun 10, 2020

Should I stir my sourdough starter between feedings? ›

It is important that you stir the sourdough starter every day in the morning and in the evening. Feed the starter. Add 60 g flour and 60 g lukewarm water, stir well to combine, and let sit out for 24 hours.

What happens if you add vinegar to sourdough starter? ›

Acetic acid, or vinegar, is the acid that gives sourdough much of its tang. Giving acetic acid-producing organisms optimal conditions to thrive and multiply will produce a more tangy finished product.

What makes sourdough sour dough? ›

Sourdough is naturally leavened bread, which means it doesn't use commercial yeast to rise. Instead, it uses a 'starter' – a fermented flour and water mixture that contains wild yeast and good bacteria – to rise. This also produces the tangy flavour and slightly chewy texture you'll find in sourdough.

How do you fix weak sourdough? ›

In order to strengthen your sourdough starter try and give it flour only for one or two feeds. This will make the mixture stiffer. If your starter is quite runny, it should be easy to stir the extra flour into the mixture. If it seems a little stiff, it will loosen up as it eats and ferments the flour.

Why does my homemade bread taste sour? ›

If your bread has a sour, yeasty flavour and smells of alcohol then you have either used too much yeast.or you may have use stale yeast or creamed fresh yeast with sugar.

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