Fem! Creepypasta x Male! Child Reader - Chapter 1 - Hedorah67 - Creepypasta (2024)

Chapter Text

- Sunday 22nd, September 2019-
-Location & Time: -
-POV: (Y/n) -

'Father': "(Y/N), GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE AND CLEAN THE LIVING ROOM!" I hear my 'father' yell from downstairs. I sit up in my bed.... well it's not even a bed, its just a pillow and blanket on the floor of the attic. I put my glasses on and get up from the bed and strech.

'Father': "IF YOUR NOT DOWN IN 10 SECONDS I'LL BREAK YOUR f*ckING ARM AGAIN! NOW GET DOWN HERE!". I quickly run out my room and head downstairs, only for my 'sister' to trip me and I fall down the stairs and lands head first on the ground.

'Mother': "Oh for f*ck sake! You got blood on the f*cking carpet!". I look to see there was indeed blood on the carpet and I feel my nose throbbing as blood comes out.

(Y/n): "I- I didn't mean to mu-" I was interrupted by my 'mother' kick me in the face, making more blood go on the floor. I then feel my 'Father' grab me by the hair and pulls me up to his face as I wince in pain.

'Father': "Your going to clean up this blood, then the living room as we're out. And I swear to god, if its not done by the time we get back, I'll break every bone in your body!" He yells in my face before throwing me into the wall. "Worthless piece of sh*t. Why did we have him?"

'Mother': "I don't know, but I wish I had him aborted". I crawl onto my hands and knees and let a few tears fall to the ground before my 'sister' kicks me in the gut.

'Sister': "Hey worthless, while we're out, clean my room"

(Y/n): "B-but its a-already clean from yesterday" I said. She pushes me onto my back and stomps on my stomach, causing me to cry in pain.

'Sister': "DON'T YOU DARE TALK BACK TO ME SLAVE! WHEN I SAY SOMETHING, YOU'LL f*ckING DO IT!!!". She then gives one final stomp to my chest and walks out the house with my 'parents'. I lie there cry and coughing up blood. Ever since I was born I've been the slave to these people.

I painfully get up and lean against the wall to catch my breath.

(Y/n): "Why do they do this to me *sob* I've done nothing to them...." I cried. After a few minutes my nose stops bleeding and the pain becomes bearable so I walk into the basem*nt to grab the cleaning equipment and start to clean the living room. I had no idea what they wanted me to clean in here, there was nothing dirty or dusty. I still clean everything, hoping it will reach their 'standards'.

- Time-skip an hour -

After an hour of cleaning I finally finished the living room and cleaning the blood from the floor.

(Y/n): "Hopefully this will please them..."

I then grabs the equipment and go back into the basem*nt to put it away, but while I was down there, I felt like I was being watched by someone. I look around and see nothing out of the ordinary so I shrug It off and walk back up stairs to my room, I was too tired and weak to clean my sisters room. I sat at the window of my room, looking out into the forest behind my 'home'. Sometimes I wish I could just run away from this place, to get away from all this abuse.

As my eyes look through the forest, they stop when I see what seem to be a person standing between two trees. Before my eyes could make out the features, I hear the front door being opened and stomping up the stairs.

'Sister': "Hey little sh*t. Look what mum and dad got me" she then takes out an Iphone X and brags about it. I ignore her and turn back to the forest to see the figure was gone. I try to look for them but I'm then grabbed by the shoulder and thrown to the floor by my 'sister'.

'Sister': "Hey! *punch* when I'm talking to you! *punch* I expect you! *punch* to listen!". She then delivers one final punch to my face, before taking my glasses and throwing them across the room. She then walks out my room as I crawl towards my glasses, and as I put them on, I notice they now have a crack in one of the lenses.

(Y/n): "G-god damn it...."

For the rest of the day, I stayed in my room playing Pokemon Red on a Gameboy my friend at school gave me. They only time I came out my room was to either go to the bathroom, clean the house or cook for my 'family'. Even though I'm a 9 year old kid, I actually cooked a pretty good meal, but as expected my 'family' wouldn't let me eat while they eat and would only give me scraps if there were any left.

'Mother': "(Y/n)!" I hear my 'mother' shout while coming up the stairs. I quickly hide my Gameboy in a secret compartment in the floor boards. My 'mother' then enters my room with a belt and a smug grin on her face.

(Y/n): "M-mum, p-please don't! I beg you" I plead as she approaches me.

'Mother': "Shut the f*ck up!"

- ??? POV -

I was patrolling the perimeter of the forest as normal, seeing if anyone was foolish enough to enter during the night. As I walk, I hear the sounds of a kid yelling in pain while someone was shouting at them. I go towards the sounds and find they are coming from a house near the forest. I get closer and I now can clearly hear whats going on.

Kid (voice): "Mummy! Please! No more!"

Woman (Voice): " Shut the f*ck up! *smack* You're a worthless child! I don't even know why I had you!". I then hear the sound of a belt hitting the kid as he screams in pain. I then climb up a pipe on the side of the house to lift me to the attic window and to my horror, I see a small boy in glasses being beaten by a belt by what I presume is his mother.

Man: "What the f*ck is with all the screaming in here!". I then see a man come into the room and he picks up the boy by the hair and lifts him off his feet and punches him in the stomach, while the mother still beats him with the belt.

???: "That poor kid, he don't deserve being beaten". I felt my anger go up, as I badly wanted to go in there and kill them. But Slenda made it very clear that I can't kill outside the forest without her permission. (Just don't ask, go with it!)

???: "I need to tell the others about this. Hopefully they'll feel the same way about this" I said to myself as I climb back down the pipe and run back into the forest.

- Monday 23rd -
- (Y/n)'s POV -

I've just woken up from the sound of my 'Father' pounding on the door, shouting at me to wake up and cook breakfast. I sit up to feel my back and chest ache in pain from last nights beating. I get up and put my clothes on and go down stair to make my 'family' their breakfast.

'Father': "Remember you little sh*t, I want my eggs over easy and unfertilized" He says while slapping the back of my head, making me grunt in pain. I go to the fridge and grab a box of eggs and a packet of bacon and head to the cooker.

(Y/n) thoughts: "If I ever get out of this hell hold, I might get a job as a chef.... actually, maybe not..."

I start to cook the eggs and bacon while my 'family' sit at the table. talking about what the day ahead of them will be like. Thankfully it was a school day so I was able to get away from my 'mother' and 'father' for a couple hours. My 'sister' on the other hand was In year 13 (which means she's 19 or 18) at my school while I was a year 6, and you'd think she'd not abuse me there... your wrong. When I'm around people she acts all kind and 'lovable', but the moment we're alone, she'll either insult me or hit me.

Anyway, i finished making the eggs for my 'father' and put them on a plate and handed him it.

(Y/n): "H-here's your eggs s-sir"

'Father': "Shut the f*ck up c*nt" he replies while I return to the cooker. Then I feel someone grab my shoulder and throw me to the floor. When I look up I see my 'father' giving me a pissed off glare and holding his plate in my face. "What the f*ck did I say!"

(Y/n): "I-I don't k-know sir!". He then smashes the plate right next to me and proceeds to grab me by the shirt.

'Father': "I SAID OVER EASY!" he yells in my face.

(Y/n): "I-I'm sorry sir, I-I'll make some more!"

'father': "There ain't enough f*cking time!". He throws me back on the floor and kicks me in my side. I can hear my 'sister' laughing at me as I get back up.

'Father': "Right honey, I'll see you later" he says to my 'mother'.

'Mother': "Okay sweetie, have a good day". I hear the front door open and close and I slightly sigh now knowing one of them are gone.

'Sister': "Hey dick bag, bus is going to be here soon so hurry up with my food"

(Y/n): "I'm going as fast as I can" I mumble under my breath. I finish the bacon and hand a plate to my sister who scoff the food down like a pig. As normal I wasn't allowed any breakfast but I didn't mind since my only friend at school actually gives me food. I grab my backpack and leave go to the front door.

'sister': "Bye mum, love you"

'Mother': "Love you too dear". She then looks at me and gives me a glare.

(Y/n): "S-see you later mum..."

I then go to the bus-stop with my 'sister and wait there, looking towards the forest. As I looked into the forest, I felt a weird presence, like someone watching me. I also swear I heard a very faint voice calling my name, but before I could figure out where it was coming from, the bus pulls up and I go to the back to see my friend. We smile at each other and I sit next to her.

Suzi: "Morning (Y/n), ready for another boring day of school"

(Y/n): "Yeah... I am...."

Suzi: "You seem down again. Did something happen?"

(Y/n): "N-no.... Just didn't get that much sleep...."

Suzi just looks at me, she knows I'm lying but he goes along with it. Me and her might be the best of friends, but I can't tell her about my life at home, that would lead to another world of problems....

Suzi: "Anyway, look what I got on Saturday!". He reaches into his pocket and takes out a game boy cartridge. It was a deep red and the picture on the front was of appeared to be a Pikachu though it looked to be black with piercing red eyes.

(Y/n): "That's totally not creepy...."

Suzi: "I know it is, which is why I want you to be with me while I play it, cause I'm kinda, maybe a little scared..."

(Y/n): "S-sure, I'll watch"

Suzi: "Yay!" She the hugs me bruised arm but I didn't care. Suzi was the only person in this world who liked me, and I liked her. She might of been a year older then me (Making her 10 ._.) but I liked her.... Like more then a friend, but I'm still too young to think of that. While Suzi hugs me, I look over to the front to see my 'sister' glaring at me while she sits with the 'cool' kids.

I look back at Suzi and I kinda blush. I know I'm too young to think about the whole going out thing but I didn't care. Suzi was a very beautiful girl. She was funny, she understood me, she was always there for me, and we both liked the same things.... and we both wore glasses.

*Time-skip. Break-time at the school*

I was sitting on a bench in the courtyard, waiting for Suzi. As I sat there with my head down, I could hear someone walking towards me, and when I look up I see my 'sister' approach me with her mate.

'sister': "Hey there lil bro!" she says in a fake cheerful voice. I went to walk away but she puts her arm around me and sits next to me. "Listen, since we both love each other, I was wondering if you could do your big sister a favor and complete my homework"

(Y/n): "W-well do you think y-you could get one of your o-other friends to do it?". I then feel her finger nails go into my skin as she gets annoyed. "O-on second though, I-I'll do it!"

'Sister': "Oh thanks bro, I'll make sure your reward tonight". I then get a sudden sense of dread after she says that. She then hands me her homework and walks away.

Suzi: "(Y/n)!"

I look over to see Suzi walking towards me. I smile at her and she smiles back before sitting next to me. "So how was your day so far?"

(Y/n): "I-it's been fine Suzi"

Suzi: "Are you okay? You seem a bit off today?"

(Y/n): "Suzi.... can I ask you something"

Suzi: "Go ahead"

(Y/n): "Well.... it might be a hard question... b-but when your older, is there someone you'd want to be with?". I look at her and she's blushing with a slightly shocked expression, but it turn into a smile.

Suzi: "W-well... there is one person I'd like to be with" she says while scooting closer to me.

(Y/n): "M-may I ask who?". Suzi then looks into my eyes and takes off her glasses, then mine. "W-what are you do-"

- 'Sister' POV -

I was hanging out with my friends, talking about boy we liked and talking out what to do with the unpopular kids in our year. But as we spoke, My eyes landed on my worthless brother and I instantly froze. Sitting on the bench with him, was his friend and they were KISSING!!!

'Sister' thoughts: "Who the f*ck said he could have feeling to some girl?!"

Friend: "Is there something wrong?"

'Sister': "Eh! oh no, just lost in though thats all" I laugh. I then look over at the two 'love birds'. "Just you wait till mum and dad hear about this" I mumble to myself while gritting my teeth together.

- (Y/n)'s POV -

After what seemed like eternity (......WHAT! the kid has never got love form his family, or anyone for that fact. This is the first kiss, it's magical..... okay i'll shut up now) we seperate and even though my vision is blurry, I looked into Suzi's eyes.

(Oh yeah, I might add that you basically can't see without your glasses. Your vision become unbelievably blurry and you basically can't see sh*t..... well at least he's not deaf ._.)

(Y/n): "I....Wha-" Suzi then puts a finger on my lips.

Suzi: "I know we're too young for us to be boyfriend and girlfriend. But when we are older, I'd like to be with you, if you want too?"

(Y/n): "Yes, I would like that". Me and Suzi then spend the rest of break time together,playing her new pokemon game. It was kinda creepy but nothing seemed out of place, but when she made it to a cliff on Mt.Moon, the game glitched and stopped working.

Suzi: "Oh darn..."

(Y/n): "W-well it is a bootleg version so what should we expect..."

Suzi: "True. Well come on, lets get to class now". she jumped off the bench and took my hand. The rest of the day was alright, and when Lunch came, me and Suzi hanged out like normal. She gave me a bit of her lunch and we tried to see if the game would work, but the game boy wouldn't turn on. But I didn't care, being around her made me really happy, I just wish I could be around her after school instead of going back 'home'.

Suzi: "I'll see you tomorrow (Y/n)!" she cheerfully said while waving goodbye before she got into her mothers car. I wave back and smile until her mothers car drives away. I then get onto the bus and sit at the back. I then see my 'sister' get on and glare at me before sitting at the front. I then felt a shiver go down my spine as I started dreading what will happen when I get home.

As the bus made its way back to my 'home', I started to feel cold. Normally I wouldn't mind, but It was weird since Its been pretty hot today. I then start to hear the faint sound of what I think was static, along with someone calling my name. I look around the bus, trying to figure out were the sounds were coming from, but I didn't find the source. But when I look out the window towards the forest, I swear I saw a tall person standing between the trees.

(Y/n): "W-what the?"

Bus driver: "Final stop". Just as he said that, the cold and sounds instantly stopped. I then grab my bag and get off the bus and head 'home'. I reach 'home' and enter. I then started to head to my room but then my 'sister' grabbed me by the neck and shoved me into the wall.

'Sister: "Listen here you little sh*t, I saw you and that little friend of yours kissing earlier! So, this is whats going to happen. Tomorrow, your going to say you don't want to be friend with her anymore, and if you don't, I'll tell mum and dad!" she shouts at me.

(Y/n): "B-but why. She's my only friend..."

'Sister': "You don't deserve any friends! So will you do it?!"

(Y/n): ".....no...." I mumble.

'sister': "What did you say?"

(Y/n): "I said no!" I shout at her, causing her to be shocked, but then she became very pissed.

'sister': "Don't you dare yell at me!". She then grabs me by the shirt and drags me to my room. She throws me in and slams the door shut.

- Time-skip, Night time -

It was now night, and my parents were home. I haven't come out my room yet, fearing that if I do, I'll be beaten senseless by my 'sister'. I still didn't get it, why did she want me to stop being friends with Suzi? all we did was kiss each other.

(Y/n): "I-It's like I'm not allowed anything h-happy in this world....."

I then get my game boy out and start to play on it, at least they don't know I have this.

'father': "(Y/n)!". I jump as I hear my father shout my name as he enters my room. I quickly hide the game boy behind my back. "What's that?!"

(Y/n): "W-whats what s-sir?". He then growls and stomps towards me. He then grabs me by the hair and pulls me up, making me wince in pain. I then drop the game boy onto the floor and my dad grabs it.

'father': "Where the f*ck did you get this?!" he shout at me.

(Y/n): "M-m-my f-friend g-gave me it-"

'father': "Bullsh*t! *smack* you don't have any friends! you stole this!"

(Y/n): "N-no I didn't!"

'father': " THEN WHERE DID YOU GET IT!" he shout while throwing the Game boy onto the floor, breaking it.

'sister': "It must of been that girl you hang out with!". I look to the door to see my 'sister' and 'mother' standing there, both looking angry.

'father': "what! a girl!?"

'sister': "Yes dad, and thats not all!". I then start to shiver and cry as I know whats coming. "Earlier today I saw him and that girl kissing. And when I told him to stop being friends with her, he had the balls to yell back at me!". My 'father' the looks back at me with a very pissed off face. He then throws me to the ground and starts to take off his belt as I crawl into the corner.

'father': "YOU KISSED A GIRL! AND WORSE YOU SHOUTED AT YOU SISTER! I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU A LESSON YOU'LL NEVER FORGET!". He then starts to hit me with the belt, making me cry out in pain.

(Y/n): "P-please stop!"

'Mother': "Hey honey, let me take over". my 'dad' then hands her the belt and she walks towards me.

(Y/n): "Why can't you let me be friends with her! I did nothing wrong!" I yell at them, only to get a belt to the face.

'mother': "Because you don't deserve it! You deserve nothing! your just a worthless *smack* piece *punch* of f*cking sh*t!".

As I lay on the floor, coughing up blood and crying from the pain, I look up to see all three of them standing over me. Then my father takes my glasses off me and throws them on the floor, making me go blind and I could hear one of the lenses smash on impact

(Y/n): "Please *sob* stop, I'm begging you!"

'mother': "Your never leaving this house again! you'll never see the outside or the little girlfriend of your again!". I was crying my eyes out at this point. I was hurt both mentally and physically at this point. They beat me to a pulp, and now they're going to keep me trapped here in this hell. I then look up to where I last saw them and

(Y/n): "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME! I'VE DONE NOTHING TO YOU! ALL I EVER WANTED WAS TO BE LOVED BY YOU! AND NOW YOUR TRYING TO SEPARATE ME FROM THE ONLY PERSON IN THIS WORLD WHO DOES LOVE ME!-". I was cut off by the sound of the window behind me being smashed open and then hear someone stand in front of me.

???: "I'm going to f*cking kill all of you!!!" I hear a female voice shout before the sounds of fighting started happening. I try to feel around from my glasses, being stepped on 'accidentally twice by either my 'family' or the attacker. I find them and put them on, and as I thought one of the lenses was gone while the remaining one has a crack in it. I stood up to see my dad fighting a girl who looked around my 'sisters' age. She was wearing a white hoodie, black pants and she hand a knife in her left hand. She then looks at me I freeze from fear when I see her face. Her skin was completely white, her hair was black, but the worst thing were her mouth. She had a smile carved from ear to ear.

She then approaches me but I back up with each step. My father tries to tackle her from behind but this girl quickly step to the side while turning around to face him. My 'father' crashes into the wall next to me and I scream a little.

'Father': "Don't just stand there! HELP ME YOU LITTLE sh*t!" I yells at me before pushing me forward so I'm facing the girl. I put my tiny fists up but its obvious I'm scared out my mind as I'm visibly shaking and crying. "OH YOU f*ckING WHIMP! MOVE!" he yells as he gets up. He pushes me to the side as her darts towards the girl, while I crash into a couple boxes. I landed hard on the ground and banged my head too, causing me to cry out in more pain while covering my head with my arms. I then feel a pair of hands pick me up so I open my eyes to see the girl holding me like a princess from one of those Disney films.

???: "This child is coming with me! People like you don't deserve him!" the girl shouts at my 'father', who was on the floor covering his throat with his hand with blood leaking through his fingers. I then roll out of the girls arms and land with a thud on the floor. I quickly get back on my feet and run out my room and head towards the kitchen. I reach the back door and quickly unlock it and open it, but I'm then grabbed by the hair and I see my 'Mother' and 'sister'.

'mother': "where the hell is your father!" She yells in my face.

(Y/n): "H-He's with the girl! S-She cut his throat!" I cried out while trying to get her to stop grabbing my hair. My 'mum' was about to shout at me again but then cried out in pain as something hit her in the back. She collapses to the floor as I see that a knife had struck her in the back, which I look to the entrance of the kitchen to see the girl standing there with a crazed smile.

???: "Go to sleep bitch!". She says while taking the knife out my mums back and licking the blood off the knife. I finally throw up as all this blood was just to much, then my 'sister' grabs me and runs out the back door towards the forest.

- Jess's POV -

"sh*t! That bitch took him with her, and worst she's gone into Slenda's woods. If she finds them first before me she'll kill both the bitch and (Y/n). . . f*ck I screwed up now" I thought as I slit the mothers throat open like the husbands before running out the back door as I hear the police in the distance closing in.

-End chapter 1-

Fem! Creepypasta x Male! Child Reader - Chapter 1 - Hedorah67 - Creepypasta (2024)
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Article information

Author: Mr. See Jast

Last Updated:

Views: 5528

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (55 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.