EudraCT Public website - Home page (2024)

EudraCT (European Union Drug Regulating Authorities Clinical Trials Database) is the database for all interventional clinical trials on medicinal products submitted to the National Competent Authorities (NCAs) of the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) from 1 May 2004 until 30 January 2023 under Directive 2001/20/EC, as well as for all trials conducted outside of the EEA that are part of a Paediatric Investigation Plan (PIP) and/or are conducted under Article 45 or 46 of Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006. Most of the protocol and results information of EudraCT trials is made publicly available through the European Union Clinical Trials Register (see Frequently Asked Questions).

Any EU/EEA trial with a foreseen Last patient last visit* after 30 January 2025 is required to transition to the Clinical Trials Information System to comply with Regulation (EU) 536/2014. This needs to be done as soon as possible, since this deadline includes the time necessary for completion of the Member State(s) procedure, which can take up to 3 months. More information here.

If your trial is expected to continue after 30 January 2025: see CTIS: how to get started and how to transition a trial. In case of a multi-country trial, sponsors should ensure the harmonisation of their clinical trial under the Directive through EudraCT, prior to transitioning their trial to CTIS: see Guidance for the Transition of clinical trials.

*This applies to all trials having at least one active site in the EU/EEA ('Active site' in the context of transition trials means that the last visit of the last subject, or other trial-specific interventions with the subject specified in the protocol) as well as to any EudraCT trial for which an additional member state application needs to be submitted.

As of 31 January 2023, all initial clinical trial applications in the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) must be submitted through the Clinical Trials Information System. As per EudraCT step-by-step guide, the use of the EudraCT database is now limited to:

  • the performance of amendments to EU/EEA Clinical Trial Applications for which the initial submission was done before 31 January 2023, for all trials foreseen to complete before 31 January 2025
  • the upload of third country files of trials conducted exclusively outside of the EU/EEA that are part of a Paediatric Investigation Plan (PIP) and/or in scope of Article 46 of the Paediatric Regulation (EC) 1901/2006 (so called “third country files”)
  • the update of EudraCT trial statuses by National Competent Authorities, for all trials foreseen to complete before 31 January 2025
  • the submission of results of EudraCT trials by sponsors

Clinical Trial Application recommendation: sponsors are recommended to include a functional contact point in section B.5.6 of the Clinical Trial Application/third country file, rather than details of one "person", which would require more frequent updates.

Requirement to provide results: sponsors are required to post EudraCT trials' results as per Joint Letter by the European Commission, EMA and HMA

CTIS: how to get started and how to transition a trial

Sponsors of EU/EEA EudraCT trials that are expected to continue after 30 January 2025 are required to transition those trials to the CTIS at their earliest convenience. It's important to be aware that the timeframe for the Member State(s) procedure, which can take up to 3 months, is part of the provided deadline. To know how to transition your trial, see CTIS: how to get started and how to transition a trial.


Due to essential maintenance of SPOR, the EudraCT website will experience issues between 11th of April at 6 pm (CET) and15th of April at 6 pm (CET). During this timeframe, it will not be possible for users to upload CTA XML files to perform amendments to trial protocols. Users may also experience service losses in other parts of the website (e.g. results section). We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused.


As of 31 January 2025, all EU/EEA trials need to be conducted under Regulation (EU) 536/2014. Any EU/EEA trial with a foreseen last patient last visit after this date is required to be transitioned to the Clinical Trials Information System as soon as possible: more information here.

A new version of the Frequently asked questions is now available. Sponsors are encouraged to refer to it for questions on EudraCT/EU CTR, before submitting a query through our Service Now.


A new version of the EudraCT results training environment is now live. This version can be accessed by users who already have access to the EudraCT results application. However, a pre-registration for the training environment is still necessary: full instructions on how to access can be found here. Please note that the old training environment credentials do not work in this new version, therefore it is not possible for users to retrieve old mock trials assigned in the old training environment.


The option of posting a 'summary attachment' in the EudraCT results section is allowed in case: the trial never started, the trial terminated early, it is not possible to post a 'full data set' or in case the trial has transitioned to CTIS. The questions appearing after the sponsor clicks on 'post results' have now been updated accordingly.


Due to essential maintenance, EudraCT and EU CTR websites will be briefly unavailable on 1st June, between 6 - 7 PM CEST. We apologize for this inconvenience and we thank you very much for your patience.


The "Become a results user" functionality is not working as expected and as described in the relevant instructions. Update24Apr2023: this issue is now solved.

Due to essential maintenance, a planned downtime is foreseen for the EudraCT and EU CTR websites on Saturday, April 1st, between 8 am and 6 pm CET. We apologize for this inconvenience and we thank you very much for your patience.


The EudraCT website has been affected by unexpected SPOR downtimes, which prevent users from performing usual functionalities, such as the uploading of an XML file. Update 24Feb2023: this issue is now solved; however, a few users have reported that they do not see their trials listed in 'your page', in order to post results. We encourage users to report this, in case they are affected, to allow a better investigation and resolution by our IT.

In addition, the EudraCT results training environment is currently not accessible: we will keep users updated on its accessibility through the present webpage.


Users have reported issues with filling in section H of the EU/EEA CTA for protocol amendments and with the generation of EudraCT numbers for third country files. Our IT is currently working on this, we thank you very much for your patience. Update 14Feb2023: this issue is now solved.


After implementing a system upgrade, on 02-02-2023 the EudraCT database experienced issues with results functionalities, which are now solved. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and we thank you for your patience.


The Clinical Trial Regulation is now mandatory for all initial EU/EEA clinical trial applications. The EudraCT website has been amended accordingly.


The EMA will be closed for public holidays until 03/01/2023 included. All requests submitted to the EudraCT team after 21/12/2022 will be processed from 04/01/2023. This includes Service Now queries, emails to and requests for assignments to trials for the purpose of posting results. We thank you for your understanding and we encourage you to refer to the Frequently Asked Questions in the meantime.


EudraCT and EU CTR experienced several unexpected downtimes recently. Both websites are now operational and users can access them. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and we thank you for your patience.


Due to essential maintenance, the EudraCT website will have a downtime this evening between 6 pm and 8 pm (CET). We apologise for this inconvenience and we thank you very much for your patience.


Sponsors of clinical trials on COVID-19 are reminded to include the term "COVID-19" in the title of their trial (section A.3 of the CTA). Sponsors are also reminded of the importance of timely reporting of SAEs (Serious Adverse Events) and of SUSARs (Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reactions) to the competent authorities, in order to protect the safety of the participants. In addition, we encourage sponsors of COVID-19 trials to post the relevant results as soon as it is feasible, also before the deadline.


Users have reported issues with uploading CTA XML files on EudraCT. Our IT is currently working on this, we thank you very much for your understanding and patience. Update 21Nov2022: this issue is now solved.


Kindly note that the EMA Service Desk has changed to ServiceNow and can be accessed via If you cannot access through this portal, please report your issue or ask your question through using the email address We thank you very much for your collaboration.


Due to essential maintenance of SPOR, the EudraCT website may experience momentary service losses on 3 and 4 September 2022. We apologise for this inconvenience and we thank you very much for your patience.


A considerable amount of clinical trials are currently marked as "ongoing" in the EudraCT database. In view of the upcoming transition of trials to CTIS, sponsors are encouraged to verify whether the correct status of their trials is reported on EU CTR. An end of trial form needs to be submitted to National Competent Authorities for the trials that should be marked as “completed” or “prematurely ended”. In addition, sponsors are requested to post results of these trials as per European Commission guideline 2012/C 302/03: to know how to post results visit Tutorials on posting results. For questions, refer to Contact us.


Following the issuing of the Joint Letter by the European Commission, EMA and HMA, National Competent Authorities and European Medicines Agency have sent reminders to sponsors who were not compliant with the European Commission guideline on results posting. Thanks to these reminders, the percentage of posted results substantially increased. However, for some trials the reminders were not successful: detailed lists of these trials can be found here.


Following the European Commission's Guidance on results postings, the European Medicines Agency and National Competent Authorities sent rounds of notifications in order to remind sponsors of their responsibilities as regards posting clinical trial results in EudraCT. In an attempt to reach sponsors who have not uploaded results yet, round of reminders are now being sent to email addresses stored not only in EudraCT, but also in other databases, such as the EMA Eudra Common Directory (results user roles list), EudraVigilance, SPOR and Art. 57 database.

The EMA recommends all sponsors to verify if their trials comply with the Guidance on results postings through looking for their sponsor name in EU CTR. To learn how to post results visit Tutorials on posting results.

Previous news can be found here

For the UK, as of 1.1.2021, EU Law applies only to the territory of Northern Ireland (NI) to the extent foreseen in the Protocol on Ireland/NI.

EudraCT Public website - Home page (2024)


Is CTIS replacing EudraCT? ›

Sponsors must transition a trial from EudraCT to CTIS if at least one of the following conditions is fulfilled: the trial authorised under the CT directive is going to be submitted to an additional EU/EEA member state(s). the EudraCT trial completion date is expected to be after 30 January 2025.

Is EudraCT mandatory? ›

A EudraCT number is required in order to apply to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for a Clinical Trial Authorisation (CTA) and to apply for Research Ethics Committee (REC) approval for your study.

What does the EudraCT number mean? ›

A EudraCT number is a unique identifier of the trial and once. issued, it never expires. It identifies a specific trial.

What is the difference between NCT number and EudraCT number? ›

The EudraCT number enables authorities, research teams and the general public to retrieve information about specific studies and follow their development. In a global context, the NCT number, which stands for National Clinical Trial, is significant.

Which countries use CTIS? ›

The Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) supports the flow of information between clinical trial sponsors, European Union (EU) Member States, European Economic Area (EEA) countries and the European Commission. CTIS went live with a searchable public website on 31 January 2022.

What is the difference between EU CTR and EU CTD? ›

EU-CTD obliges multiple safety submissions to NCAs and ECs, whereas EU-CTR requires all safety reporting via EudraVigilance. A single safety report can be submitted for trials involving more than one IMP, but all unexpected events which affect a trial's benefit-risk balance must be reported within 15 days.

What countries are part of the EU CTR? ›

The EUCTR replaces the previous European Clinical Trials Directive and governs the conduct of clinical trials in all EU Member States, including Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, ...

Does the EU CTR apply to medical devices? ›

Products that physically combine a medicinal product or medical substance with a medical device fall either within the scope of the MDR or the EU Clinical Trial Regulation (CTR). The intended function of the medical device determines whether the MDR or CTR applies.

How do I upload results to EudraCT? ›

Post results

Once logged in 'your page', select the relevant trial and click on 'Edit': 2. Afterwards, click on 'post results' at the top right corner of the trial's page: 3.

What is a comparator drug? ›

Comparators are existing marketed drug products, or new drugs in development (including placebo versions). The comparative in vitro dissolution rate of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) from a new solid oral dosage form, in particular, is an important regulatory consideration for formulation development.

What is a placebo in EMA? ›

A placebo is a control product that does not contain an active substance (a dummy treatment) that is given to people taking part in a Clinical Trial.

What replaced the EudraCT number? ›

The EudraCT Number is unique and is needed on other documents relating to the trials (e.g. SUSAR reports). No new EudraCT numbers are issued since February 2023. They have been replaced by EU CT numbers.

At what stage in the trial development process should the EudraCT number be applied for? ›

A EudraCT number is required in order to apply to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for a Clinical Trial Authorisation (CTA) and to apply for REC approval of your clinical trial.

What does EU CTR stand for? ›

This document provides answers to the most frequently asked questions received on the EudraCT database and on its public interface, the European Clinical Trial Register (EU CTR).

What is CTIS in clinical trials? ›

What is CTIS? The Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) is the online system for the regulatory submission, authorisation and supervision of clinical trials in the European Union and the European Economic Area.

What is the difference between harmonized and consolidated protocols? ›

According to EU guidance, the protocol may either be harmonized or consolidated prior transitioning a multinational trial. A harmonized protocol is identical across all EU member states, while a consolidated protocol allows for some procedural differences but maintains a core identical protocol.

Where are CTIS stationed? ›

New CTI's are typically stationed at one of five primary duty stations in Maryland, Georgia, Texas, Hawaii or Korea and the majority of billets for individual languages are located at the same operational sites. Therefore, CTI's can expect to spend a significant portion of their careers in one location.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.