These Ciabatta Rolls have a thin crispy crust and very light ,soft crumb with lots of open pores.


  • We can make this ciabatta rolls with only four basic ingredients; flour,water, salt and yeast.
  • The method of making this ciabatta rolls is so relaxing and easy to do.
  • We don’t need any kneading or we don’t need to have any special equipments to make this ciabatta bread.
  • The actual manual work we need to do will be only less than 30 minutes (while preparing the dough(5 minutes) and while folding and shaping (20 minutes)
  • The resulting ciabatta rolls are super delicious with amazing flavor, big open crumb and a thin crispy crust.

We actually have a quicker version of making ciabatta bread with step by step video.And this ciabatta rolls recipe is modification of the same ciabatta bread recipe.

In this ciabatta rolls recipe, we are lightly upgrading the taste of our ciabatta bread.

We are not using a “biga” or “poolish” (a preferment usually added in ciabatta bread dough) and so it will be so much easier for us to make this ciabatta rolls.

What is the purpose of biga

The purpose of using a “biga” or “poolish” (a preferment usually added in ciabatta bread dough) is to add complexity to the bread’s flavor and is often used in breads that have open crumb like baguettes, pizza,focaccia etc.

In this method of making ciabatta rolls, we aren’t using “biga” or “poolish” but we are able to achieve a very similar or even better ciabatta rolls using our long cold fermented ciabatta bread dough.

What are the benefits of cold fermented dough

Slow fermentation in a cool place results in a better gluten structure.This leads to the formation of open crumbs and big bubbles.

When fermented at cold temperatures, yeasts produce carbon di oxide and other molecules very slowly and steadily.As the fermentation takes longer, the result is a more complex combination of flavor.



  • Flour: 350 g or approximately 2 and 3/4 cups (loosely packed)
  • Water :280 ml or approximately 1 cup +3 tbsp-1 tsp
  • Yeast :1 tsp
  • Salt :1 tsp


Ciabatta Rolls or ciabatta buns can be made in six simple steps.


Into a bowl add the water, salt and yeast.Stir to dissolve the salt and yeast in water.Then add the flour and combine them all together. Make sure there are no dry patches of flour left behind and our dough forms a smooth hom*ogenous dough.


Cover the bowl with a plastic film and let the dough sit and rise at room temperature or on the counter top for 2 hours.

After 2 hours of fermentaion,take the bowl and let the dough cold proof in fridge.


We can use the dough on the next day or after 24 hours of proofing in fridge.

Though this dough can be used even on the fifth day ,for getting the best results, I recommend to use the dough anywhere between 24 hours to 72 hours in fridge.


At cool temperatures, yeast produces carbon dioxide more slowly, so refrigerating the batter allows yeast to leaven at a slow and steady pace, providing more time for a more complex-tasting combination of flavor compounds to develop.As a result we get a more flavorful dough.


Take the dough out of fridge.

Now the gluten strands in our bread dough are good and developed.All that we need to do is to weave the gluten threads in such a way that it gets a better structure to hold all those air bubbles inside themselves.

We are going to stretch and fold the dough three times in every 30 minutes.

To stretch and fold the dough, lightly damp your fingers in water(this will prevent the tendency of dough to stick to our hands) and pull up on the side of the dough and fold it back down on itself.Turn the bowl 90 degrees and repeat.Do this until you have stretched and folded all 4 sides of the dough.We will do this for three times in every half an hour.


Ciabatta dough is an extremely wet (high hydration) dough. To give you an idea, most bread recipes sit around 60% hydration while this ciabatta recipe is at almost 80% hydration. Because of this, the dough is not kneaded the same way other yeast dough is. Rather, it is allowed to slowly ferment with a series of brief stretch and folds.

Apply some water on hands will make it so much easier to work with the dough.


The stretch and fold method serves two main purposes:

  • it layers the gluten to build structure in the dough,
  • it redistributes the heat within the dough


Now after 2 hours (after three round of folding and proofing for half an hour)transfer the dough on to a well floured work surface.We need to take care not to deflate the air bubbles .Dust the top of the dough with some more flour.This dough is very sticky ..but we can handle it by dusting the dough with flour.


Stretch the dough from underneath ,to form a rectangle and then divide it into small squares or to any shape you prefer.

As in the video,I divided the dough into 6 approximate equal squares.

Now place each of these squares on to another well floured work surface .Dust the top of them with some more flour and cover them with a plastic film.


Let the shaped dough squares sit and proof for another half an hour.


After 30 minutes of proofing, take the proofed dough and then gently place them onto a parchment lined sheet.I have used my cooling rack for this.

Using a bench scraper would be of great help during this time.

Now they are ready to go into the oven.

Slide the parchment paper onto the preheated baking stone or onto the preheated inverted baking tray.

And spray with some water immediately .

Close the oven door.

Bake at 425F for first 15 minutes and then reduce the temperature to 375 F and bake for another 5-8 minutes.

It may seem the bread is done at 15 minutes of baking but we need to wait for another 5 minutes..to get that right flavor and crispy crust.



Properly stored, ciabatta bread will last for about 2 to 3 days at normal room temperature.

To maximize the shelf life of homemade ciabatta bread, cool thoroughly before storing and place in plastic storage bag or breadbox, or wrap in foil and store at room temperature.

Its better not to store them in fridge as the bread will dry out and become stale faster than at room temperature.


Yes, they can be frozen.

To freeze ciabatta bread,Wrap tightly with aluminum foil or plastic freezer wrap, or place in heavy-duty freezer bag and freeze.Properly stored, it will maintain best quality for about a month.


Yes you can double the recipe..



  1. Steam inside the oven during the initial few minutes of baking:This isthekey to getting the perfect crispy, crackly crust on ciabatta bread. We can spray water inside the oven which will create a steamy environment or we can provide a steamy environment in oven by placing a baking pan with hot water on the bottom of the oven, just when we place the rolls for baking.
  2. To handle the sticky dough, (a)use wet hands while stretching and folding (b) dust the ciabatta dough with enough flour for shaping (b) use a bench scraperwhenever necessary. This ciabatta dough is very sticky with 80% hydration . So a bench scraper is very helpful to help handle and transfer the dough. You can also use flour if needed during transfer.
  3. Bake the ciabatta buns in a well hot preheated oven(425F).High baking temperature is one of the key factors for making crispy crusted ciabatta rolls.
  4. Use Cold fermented dough:this will give porous ,light ciabatta rolls and this will impart an improved flavor to our bread as well.

Is Ciabatta Bread Vegan

Yes Ciabatta bread is pure vegan.

We use only four ingredients flour, water salt and yeast to make this ciabatta rolls, which are vegan.

This ciabatta rolls recipe is modified from our easy and faster ciabatta bread recipe.



Ciabatta Rolls

These Ciabatta rolls are soft and airy inside, with that perfect crunchy, crackly crust.We can make these ciabatta buns with ony four basic ingredients.

Print Recipe Pin Recipe

Prep Time 30 minutes mins

Cook Time 20 minutes mins

proofing including cold proofing 1 day d 4 hours hrs

Total Time 1 day d 4 hours hrs 50 minutes mins

Course Breakfast

Cuisine American, Italian

Servings 6 Ciabatta rolls


  • 350 g Flour approximately 2 and 3/4 cups (loosely packed)
  • 280 ml Water approximately 1 cup + 3 tbsp-1 tsp
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Instant Yeast 1 and 1/4 tsp if active dry yeast


1.Prepare The Dough

  • Into a bowl add the water, salt and yeast.Stir to dissolve the salt and yeast in water.Then add the flour and combine them all together. Make sure there are no dry patches of flour left behind and our dough forms a smooth hom*ogenous dough.

2.Proof The Dough

  • Cover the bowl with a plastic film and let the dough sit and rise at room temperature or on the counter top for 2 hours.

    After 2 hours of fermentaion,take the bowl and let the dough cold proof in fridge.

3.Stretch and Fold The Dough

  • Take the dough out of fridge.

    We are going to stretch and fold the dough three times in every 30 minutes.

    To stretch and fold the dough, lightly damp your fingers in water(this will prevent the tendency of dough to stick to our hands) and pull up on the side of the dough and fold it back down on itself.Turn the bowl 90 degrees and repeat.Do this until you have stretched and folded all 4 sides of the dough.We will do this for three times in every half an hour.

4.Divide and Shape the Dough

  • Now after 2 hours (after three round of folding and proofing for half an hour)transfer the dough on to a well floured work surface.We need to take care not to deflate the air bubbles .Dust the top of the dough with some more flour.This dough is very sticky ..but we can handle it by dusting the dough with flour.

    Stretch the dough to form a rectangle and then divide it into small squares or to any shape you prefer.

    As in the video,I divided the dough into 6 approximate equal squares.

    Now place each of these squares on to another well floured work surface .Dust the top of them with some more flour and cover them with a plastic film.

5.Final Proofing

  • Let the shaped dough squares sit and proof for another half an hour.

6.Bake The Ciabatta Rolls

  • After 30 minutes of proofing, take the proofed dough and then gently place them onto a parchment lined sheet.I have used my cooling rack for this.

    Using a bench scraper would be of great help during this time.

    Now they are ready to go into the oven.

    Slide the parchment paper onto the preheated baking stone or onto the preheated inverted baking tray.

    And spray with some water immediately .

    Close the oven door.

    Bake at 425F for first 15 minutes and then reduce the temperature to 375 F and bake for another 5-8 minutes.

    It may seem the bread is done at 15 minutes of baking but we need to wait for another 5 minutes(at lower temperature 375 F)..to get that right flavor and crispy crust.


Keyword Ciabatta, Ciabatta bread, Ciabatta buns, Ciabatta rolls




What makes ciabatta different from bread? ›

Ciabatta is baked with a much higher hydration level, making the holes within the dough much bigger than a baguette. Ciabatta is also baked with a much stronger flour, which has a more delicate and sweet taste.

Is ciabatta bread better for you than regular bread? ›


Ciabatta bread is relatively high in carbohydrates and has nearly zero grams of fiber,” Richards cautioned. Mowrer added some other red flags, which include “higher carbs, calories and sodium per slice compared to other bread.”

How do you make hard ciabatta bread soft? ›

In the oven: Preheat oven to 200° or Warm setting. Wrap the bread in a damp (not soaking) towel, place on a baking sheet, and pop it in the oven for 5-10 minutes. In the microwave: Wrap the bread in a damp (not soaking) towel, place it on a microwave-safe dish, and microwave on high for 10 seconds.

Should ciabatta dough be wet? ›

Traditional ciabatta is characterized by a slipper shape as well as an extremely porous and chewy texture. Originating from the Lake Como region of northern Italy, ciabatta means “slipper” in Italian. Ciabatta dough is wet and sticky with hydration levels often 80% or higher.

Which is healthier, ciabatta or sourdough? ›

Sourdough bread is healthier than traditional ciabatta bread. Ciabatta bread is a popular type of Italian bread, and therefore, is less nutritious than sourdough bread due to the leavening agent used. However, if you are searching for a healthier ciabatta bread, you can choose one made with sourdough or whole grains.

Is focaccia the same as ciabatta? ›

Here are three differentiating points between focaccia and ciabatta: Texture: Focaccia has a lightweight, cake-like consistency that is similar to pizza dough. On the other hand, ciabatta has a dense consistency and a chewy texture. Baking: Focaccia is baked as a flatbread, while Ciabatta is baked as loaves.

Can type 2 diabetics eat ciabatta bread? ›

The whole wheat, calcium, and fiber found in ciabatta bread can aid in proper digestion, prevent type 2 diabetes, and promote bone health (although not all ciabatta is made from whole wheat).

Which bread is anti-inflammatory? ›

Refined grains, such as the grains found in white bread and white pasta, are known to increase inflammation across the whole body. Sourdough bread and rye bread are both good options for an anti-inflammatory diet. The best sourdough and rye bread varieties to reduce gut inflammation are those made from whole grains.

Why doesn't my ciabatta have holes? ›

Simply put, you have to control the temperature of the bread. Allowing ample time for your bread dough to rise and the yeast to form will create the holes in the bread that give it a lighter texture. Letting your dough get puffy and grow before it goes into the oven is critical.

Why is my ciabatta not crispy? ›

If your crust is becoming soft too quickly and not staying crispy you simply need to bake the bread longer. The best way to do this is to lower the temperature of your oven slightly and bake a few more minutes to achieve the same color you would have at the higher temperature.

How do you make big holes in ciabatta bread? ›

How to... get bigger holes in your bread
  1. A longish overall dough rising time. Now this needs some planning, and perhaps might require tweaks to your recipe. ...
  2. The ratio of water to flour in your dough. ...
  3. Manipulating the dough during the rising time. ...
  4. Delay the addition of salt until the end of mixing.
Apr 14, 2023

Why is my ciabatta gummy? ›

Try less water with your flour. Uneven heat in your oven can be the culprit – if you loaf is nicely golden on the outside but gummy or moist in the inside, it's baking too quickly on the outside. Trying reducing the temperature you're baking at and bake for a bit longer.

Why do you spray water on bread dough? ›

This little cheat compliments another great hack – covering the dough in the oven with a cake tin or lid. Wetting the dough causes the surface to steam. Covering it traps the moisture. This partnership stops the bread from drying out on the surface in the hot air of the oven and forming a premature crust.

Why is my ciabatta chewy? ›

It's made with a very wet dough, and it's pretty much a no-knead recipe. This results in an extremely airy interior, and a crisp, brown, chewy crust.

What are the characteristics of ciabatta bread? ›

A ciabatta is an Italian yeast-leavened artisan and hearth-type bread made with a lean formula. It is characterized by having a crisp crust and a large, irregular and open crumb grain (cell structure).

Why does ciabatta bread taste so good? ›

It is comprised of just flour, yeast, and water. This fermented sponge is what gives the ciabatta its amazing, slightly tangy flavor.

Is ciabatta always sourdough? ›

Ciabatta is usually a yeasted bread but can be a sourdough. It starts as a very wet dough and is a rough or rustic bread with an open crumb. Often dusted with flour, this helps with handling this sticky dough. A bakery in Chattanooga, TN makes a beautiful ciabatta loaf that is full of garlic cloves.

What is the difference between a ciabatta and a baguette? ›

"It reminds people of the older breads," Arnaldo Cavallari told The Guardian, describing his loaf as the "taste of an old-fashioned bread." The texture of ciabatta is chewy yet light and fluffy, with all its extra open-crumb air holes. By contrast, a French baguette, while airy, has small holes and a crisp crust.

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