Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (2024)

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Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (3)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (4)

Image from Proeflokaal van Wees

Updated 30 May 2024 at 14:06

From mini pancakes to croquettes from a vending machine, Amsterdam offers the hungry traveller plenty of unique culinary experiences. Don't go home without trying at least one of these traditional Dutch foods.


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (5)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (6)

Image from Creative bros

So you went out for a few drinks. You forgot to eat dinner. Those 8% Belgian beers are beginning to take their toll. What to do? The answer is in the bitterballen. Delicious, deep-fried crispy balls traditionally served with mustard for dipping – they’re the ultimate in Dutch pub snacks and can be found on the menu at mostAmsterdam drinking establishments. Here's our round-up of the best spots to sample bitterballen in town.


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (7)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (8)

Image from Marie-Charlotte Pezé

If you try one Dutch sweet treat, make it a stroopwafel. Two thin waffles stuck together with a layer of sweet syrup; these delectable delicacies are best enjoyed hot and gooey from a street market or bakery. Several hotspots in the city have become hugely famous on social media in recent years, but there are plenty more alternative spots that are favourites of locals where you can also enjoy them. Here's our round-up of the best stroopwafels in Amsterdam.


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (9)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (10)

Image from Koen Smilde

Yes, but not just any fries. Trust us. You might see these thick-cut fries called patat or frites on menus, and traditionally, they come served in a piping hot paper cone slathered with any manner of tasty toppings. Ask for 'patatje oorlog'for a dollop of peanut satay sauce, mayo and onions, or a 'patat speciaal' for a mix of curry ketchup, mayonnaise and onions. See our tips for the best fries in Amsterdam.


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (11)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (12)

Unlike the thick and fluffy American variety, Dutch pannenkoeken (pancakes) have a thinner, crepe-like consistency with more surface area for delicious toppings. Order yours laden with fruit, cream and syrup from our picks of the best pancake restaurantsin Amsterdam.


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (13)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (14)

Image from Drie Fleschjes

Not a food but holding a no-less important role in Dutch gastronomy is jenever, the precursor to gin. This spirit, distilled from juniper berries, has a malty flavour similar to whisky and was traditionally used for medicinal purposes before becoming one of the country’s signature drinks. Served in a tulip-shaped glass, it’s often served alongside a beer, a combination known as a kopstootje, meaning “head butt”. Don't miss our guide to the best places to slurp jenever in Amsterdam.


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (15)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (16)

Image from Café Maxwell

As if you needed a reason to dig into a comforting slice of apple pie. The deep-dish Dutch version is infused with cinnamon, dotted with raisins and served until a smothering of whipped cream. Though it tops the dessert menu at most restaurants and cafés, Winkel 43 in the Jordaan neighbourhood - and nearby Cafe 't Papeneilandare said to serve one of the best. We've written a handy guide to the best appeltaart in Amsterdam.


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (17)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (18)

Haring (raw herring) may sound a little scary to the uninitiated, but every visitor to Amsterdam should give it a go. You’ll spot haringhandels (herring carts) serving up this Dutch speciality all over the city and at every street market -ask for a ‘broodje haring’ to get the fish served in a small sandwichwith pickles and onions. The best time to try raw herring is between May and July, when the herring is said to be at its sweetest. Here's our round-up of the best places for haring in Amsterdam.


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (19)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (20)

Image from Koen Smilde

If you’re not feeling quite brave enough to try raw herring (see above), then you can still get your fishy fix from kibbeling(battered and deep-fried morsels of white fish, usually cod). They’re every bit as delicious as they look and are typically served with a mayonnaisey herb sauce and lemon. Try it hot and fresh from a street market(our favourites are Dappermarkt and Ten Katemarkt) for the best kibbeling experience.


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (21)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (22)

Image from Verity Seward

Now we’re not talking about Michelin standard cuisine here, but these hole-in-the-wall cafés get into this list of Dutch must-tries on novelty value alone. Head into any FEBO, and you’ll see an array of hot snacks, including hamburgers, kroketten and frikandellen displayed behind glass doors. Put some coins into the slot and voila; dinner is served. All fanatics of deep-fried delicacies will do well to read this love letter to the snack bars of Amsterdam.


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (23)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (24)

The name literally means ‘oil balls’ - but don’t let that put you off. Essentially, they are deep-fried sweet doughnuts (sometimes containing fruit pieces) and dusted in powdered sugar, and they’re so delicious that they only come out around New Year’s Eve, just before the January diet kicks in. Here's a guide to the best oliebollen vendors around the city each Winter.


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (25)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (26)

Image from Koen Smilde

Kaas (cheese) is big business in the Netherlands, so don’t go home without visiting one of Amsterdam’s many 'kaas' shops or markets and tasting some Gouda, Geitenkaas or Maasdammer. For an introduction to the most famous Dutch cheeses, stop byoneof theHenri Willig Cheese and More shops or visit the Reypenaer Tasting Room for a professionally guided tasting of their award-winning varieties. For a deep dive into the city's cheesiest offerings, check out our fondue round-up or our dedicated guide for cheese lovers.


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (27)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (28)

Repeat after us. 'PO-fer-jus'. These little fluffy clouds of battery goodness are served up at restaurants, street markets and pancake houses all over Amsterdam, but nothing can beat a bag of hot, buttery poffertjes from a street market vendor. Sprinkle them with powdered sugar and let the good times roll. Here's our guide to the best places to try pancakes and poffertjes in Amsterdam.


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (29)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (30)

This delicious ginger cake comes in loaves and is stodgy enough to ensure that one slice is always enough. The name literally translates to ‘breakfast cake’; though you can tuck in at any time of the day really because you’re a grown-up and nobody's going to stop you. Spread some thick butter on it for extra yumminess. Have a read of our round-up of cake shopsor best places for sweets and pastries to see if you can find it on the menu.


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (31)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (32)

One for cold winter evenings, stamppot is the ultimate Dutch comfort food, not dissimilar to British Bubble & Squeak. Translated literally as ‘mash pot’, this traditional dish involves potatoes mashed with other vegetables – traditional stamppot includes various combinations of sauerkraut, carrot, onion or kale - and is usually served with a big juicy sausage. Most Dutch food restaurants will offer this soul-warming dish, or check out this round-up of cosy spots for comfort food for more.

Dutch liquorice

Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (33)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (34)

Liquorice eating in Holland is something of a national pastime – in fact, the country boasts the highest per-capita consumption of the sweet in the whole world. But if anyone in Holland offers you some liquorice (and they will); BEWARE. This is not liquorice as you know it, but a more salty, black version known as ‘drop’. Approach with caution, and don’t say we didn’t warn you. Pop into a local snoepwinkel (sweet shop) to sample these strange delicacies.


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (35)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (36)

Snert. You heard us. Holland’s version of pea soup is a thick green stew of split peas, pork, celery, onions and leeks, and contrary to its name, it’s downright delicious. Widely consumed all over the Netherlands, snert makes for a hearty winter snacktraditionally served by street vendors to ice skaters on the frozen canals.


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (37)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (38)

The solid Indonesian influence on Amsterdam’s food scene can be felt (and smelled, mmm) all over the city, and no culinary tour of the Netherlands would be complete without a visit to an Indonesian restaurant. Order a rijsttafel (rice table) for the authentic Indish-Dutch experience, a medley of small dishes from all over the Spice Islands, developed in the times of Dutch colonisation to allow colonials to sample dishes from around Indonesia. Here's a guide to the best Indonesian restaurants in Amsterdam.


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (39)Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (40)

This cream-filled rectangular pastry is characterised by a layer of smooth pink icing. Tompouce is strictly regulated to ensure consistency in size, shape and colour – although, for the past few years, the icing has turned bright orange in Amsterdam around King’s Day.

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Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam (2024)


Dutch foods to try in Amsterdam | I amsterdam? ›

Typical Dutch dishes are stamppot boerenkool (mashed kale), Hutspot (stew of potatoes and carrots), erwtensoep (split pea soup) and bruine bonensoep (brown bean soup). Food which isn't typically Dutch, but which is 'seen' as Dutch are dishes like nasi (Indonesian dish) and bami (Chinese dish).

What do the Dutch eat in Amsterdam? ›

Typical Dutch dishes are stamppot boerenkool (mashed kale), Hutspot (stew of potatoes and carrots), erwtensoep (split pea soup) and bruine bonensoep (brown bean soup). Food which isn't typically Dutch, but which is 'seen' as Dutch are dishes like nasi (Indonesian dish) and bami (Chinese dish).

What food is Amsterdam best known for? ›

Here are the best Amsterdam foods everyone should try.
  • Dutch pancakes. ...
  • Raw herring. ...
  • Cheese. Enjoy classic Dutch delicacies. ...
  • Poffertjes. Enjoy small fluffy pancakes. ...
  • Snert. Try a traditional pea soup. ...
  • Tompouce. Enjoy a cream-filled pastry. ...
  • Dutch apple pie. Taste a deep dish pie. ...
  • Stamppot. Try Amsterdam's winter comfort food.

What are 3 popular foods in the Netherlands? ›

12 Dishes to Try in the Netherlands
  • Poffertjes. Start the day off right with a healthy helping of poffertjes, or fluffy little pancakes. ...
  • Hagelslag. ...
  • Pannenkoeken. ...
  • Oliebollen. ...
  • Drop. ...
  • Stroopwafel. ...
  • Herring 'Hollandse Nieuwe' ...
  • Erwtensoep or Snert.

What is the national dish of Amsterdam? ›

Stamppot (English: Mash pot) is a traditional Dutch dish made from a combination of potatoesmashed with one or several vegetables.

What is a typical Dutch dinner? ›

AVG'tje. This standard term for a Dutch dinner stands for Aardappel, Vlees, Groenten, or potato, meat and vegetables. A lot of Dutch households tend not to go for an existing dish, so much as a combination of these basic essentials.

What are the food taboos in the Netherlands? ›

In the Netherlands there are only a few things that you can eat with your hands publicly without it being frowned upon: chips, pizza, bread and meat with a lot of bones, like chicken or spare-ribs. Using your hands and fingers to eat rice, vegetables, potatoes or meat without bones isn't on!

Do you tip in Amsterdam? ›

This one is pretty simple to answer – the Dutch do not have a tipping culture as strongly-ingrained as much of the English-speaking world. In a bar, restaurant, or private boat tour in Amsterdam, provided the service was good, a tip of around 10% is appreciated but not automatically expected.

What drink is Amsterdam known for? ›

Jenever (Genever)

Jenever is a Dutch alcoholic drink - a spirit with a malty taste flavoured with juniper berries. It is made in Amsterdam, Groningen, Dordrecht and Schiedam.

What is a traditional Dutch breakfast? ›

A typical Dutch breakfast consists of bread, whether or not toasted, with cheesemeat butter and sweet toppingslike chocolate spread, sprinkles and flakes. In addition to a sandwich, Dutch people also often eat rusks, gingerbread, currant bread or a plate of porridge.

What is a delicacy in Netherlands? ›

1. Poffertjes. Probably one of the most famous Dutch dishes, Poffertjes are small pancakes, baked in an iron skillet, and traditionally served with melted butter and dusted with icing sugar. You can enjoy these all year round, but Christmas and New Year are typically the best times to have them.

What is the most eaten fruit in the Netherlands? ›

The most-consumed fruit and vegetables in the Netherlands are bananas, apples, oranges, mandarins and tomatoes. For the supply from developing countries, (tropical) fruit is the most important category with strong growers such as avocado, banana and blueberries.

What you must eat in Amsterdam? ›

What to eat in Amsterdam: a recommendation
  • Bitterballen. These snacks are meaty treats that are deep fried in batter and usually served with a tangy sauce to dip them into. ...
  • Stroopwafels. ...
  • Pannenkoeken. ...
  • Broodje Haring. ...
  • Jenever. ...
  • Poffertjes. ...
  • Stamppot. ...
  • Kaas.
Dec 17, 2023

Is Amsterdam a foodie city? ›

Best places to eat in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is a gastronomic melting pot, bursting with everything from Indonesian dishes to a New Zealand-style brunch – as well as all the local delicacies you'd expect.

What are the food balls in Amsterdam? ›

Bitterballen (plural of bitterbal) are a Dutch meat-based snack, made by making a very thick stew thickened with roux and beef stock and generously loaded with meat, refrigerating the stew until it firms, and then rolling the thick mixture into balls which then get breaded and fried.

What is a typical Dutch breakfast? ›

A typical Dutch breakfast consists of bread, whether or not toasted, with cheesemeat butter and sweet toppingslike chocolate spread, sprinkles and flakes. In addition to a sandwich, Dutch people also often eat rusks, gingerbread, currant bread or a plate of porridge.

What does a Dutch person eat in a day? ›

It is not unusual for the Dutch to eat bread in the morning and afternoon, and end the day with potatoes, vegetables and meat. Although it does not sound so spectacular, Dutch food culture is known for its long traditions and influence from other cultures.

What is the dining etiquette in the Netherlands? ›

It is polite to keep one's hands above the table until all have finished eating. It is recommended to take a small portion as your first helping, so you're able to accept a second helping. The Dutch tend to avoid wasting food. Thus, many appreciate it when their guests finish everything on their plate.

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