'3 years of Naya Pakistan': PM Imran briefs nation on PTI's performance so far (2024)

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Aug 26, 2021 12:48pm

Nothing has been done for Karachi so far.

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Aug 26, 2021 12:50pm

Three years of economy, foreign policy and internal stability will bring facts to light today

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Aug 26, 2021 12:52pm

Performance o.0, what's that ?.

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Amir Sultan

Aug 26, 2021 12:53pm

@taarsh, you can blame yourself for voting for PPP in Sindh.

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Ali Sabir

Aug 26, 2021 12:55pm

Behind the government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship.

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Aug 26, 2021 12:59pm

@taarsh, Karachi is part of Sindh right ? Who is running Sindh government do u know!

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Aug 26, 2021 01:00pm

While most of us are not satisfied with PTI's performance, it is a good practice to share performance update. This should be done every year by every government. I hope they are honest about their failures also.

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Prof. Panda

Aug 26, 2021 01:01pm

They are incompetent and overconfident!

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Aug 26, 2021 01:09pm

If u are performing and people are satisfied then they will speak themselves loud and clear and then you dont required to address the nation and installed big screens to listen you sir you have not only failed and make life miserable for common men but you are making such big blunders that it negative effects will be feel for generations to come.

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Atif Khan

Aug 26, 2021 01:13pm

@taarsh, That is PPP administration’s responsibility whose callousness and laziness will hound them in the next elections…

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Farhan khan

Aug 26, 2021 01:18pm

Three years Performance, he works on planting trees, launching apps, 2 hours callings session with people, Inaugurating different useless project. We proud on him.

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Aug 26, 2021 01:23pm

Would this report be similar to the anti-State report published recently against the journalists, who question PTI and its selectors?

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Aug 26, 2021 01:26pm

I don't think anything has been achieved yet.May be long way to go

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Aug 26, 2021 01:26pm


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Aug 26, 2021 01:26pm

The PM is really good with juggling words. I wish he was equally capable of delivering on ground.

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Aug 26, 2021 01:26pm


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Aug 26, 2021 01:38pm

This can be broadcast live on comedy Central channel too. Is this a Joke ?, audit of performance or failure. ?Ask a normal person on the street,and he will tell you the performance.

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Hamza Ehsan

Aug 26, 2021 01:45pm

@taarsh, karachi comes under the jurisdiction of PPP. Maybe karachites should try voting in someone more competent?

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Farhan khan

Aug 26, 2021 01:48pm

Three years Performance, he works on planting trees, launching apps, 2 hours callings session with people, Inaugurating different useless project. We proud on him.

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M. Saeed Awan

Aug 26, 2021 02:06pm

The three years performance by PTI brought disastrous to country. The poor man is breathing his last.

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Aug 26, 2021 02:08pm

With your E-Govt Rankin on 153 and no digital initiatives, what will be the report like? Probably number if trees or houses etc.

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Aug 26, 2021 02:09pm

The biggest achievement is their publicity and propaganda. We will se a glimpse of that by the PM today.

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Aug 26, 2021 02:15pm


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Aug 26, 2021 02:20pm

@taarsh, why so hurry? let the PM do his illusionary speech he must have something for everyone.

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Aug 26, 2021 02:28pm

Biggest achievement Ik had is waaring sherwani. His life dream fullfilled. Never mind about othet false promises.

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Abdur Razzaque

Aug 26, 2021 02:29pm

"Where there is a will; there is a way". Thanks PM for your good imanic intention and determination to make Pakistan a strong one. History will never ever forget you and your dedication.

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Farhan khan

Aug 26, 2021 02:32pm

Three years Performance, he works on planting trees, launching apps, 2 hours callings session with people, Inaugurating different useless project. We proud on him.

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Dr. Pasha

Aug 26, 2021 02:32pm

Pakistan ruled by politicians only for 30 years? Who ruled other 45 years? Who is ruling from 3 years?

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Dr. Pasha

Aug 26, 2021 02:34pm

IK govt good in taking credit for small things. It makes mountain of Moles. Let me tell you this, ground situation became worst after IL took over.

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Sharjeel Syed

Aug 26, 2021 02:38pm

He is a motivational speaker :D

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Aug 26, 2021 02:45pm

@taarsh, Check PTI Karachi page on Facebook and Instagram then you will see how much work has been done so far.

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Aug 26, 2021 02:46pm

Nice will vote him again and again, just because he is honest and anti-corrupt, so things will eventually improve.

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Tanvir Khan

Aug 26, 2021 02:51pm

Explosive and unstoppable overpopulation in Pakistan is the primary cause of the destruction of our most precious ecosystems on which our livelihood depends. Secondly, Pakistani society is a deeply primitive sectarian society with fragmentary thinking. There are hundreds of self-centered states within the state of Pakistan! How can such a society thrive, and how can Prime Minister Imran Khan rightly rule it, although he is the most honest politician in Pakistan's history!?

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Aug 26, 2021 02:56pm

@Masood, Are you talking about your Modi here?

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Aug 26, 2021 03:09pm

@Amir Sultan, who has been elected from karachi .i.e PTI and Mr Taliban sorry imran khan himself. karachi and sindh is part of pakistan and federal government is fully responsible for its development especually when its collecting 80% of pakistan total tax from karachi alone if they only returned 5% to karachi it will be more developed then Dubai

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Tahir Raouf

Aug 26, 2021 03:12pm

Lets start from Kashmir deal and then come to price hikes, economic failures, mismanagements and thousands of uturns.

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Aug 26, 2021 03:30pm

IK govt performance was worse in the first year, and gradually improved, and is doing good presently.He is a honest man with vision and strong resolve, if compared with previous PM's IK is much, much better.

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Aug 26, 2021 03:33pm

3 years of doing nothing!

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shehryar mughal

Aug 26, 2021 03:47pm

He has successfully distroyed economy, foreign relations, stability, GDP, job creation... He is almost done what he came for.

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Aug 26, 2021 03:49pm

Nobody can compete with the PTI government working on environmental issues.

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To be honest

Aug 26, 2021 03:51pm

joblessness and inflation and nothing else, Nawaz sherif in his both tenures launched transports schemes i.e. coaches and yello cabs and then chingchi Rickshaws that created jobs for almst three generations, and then his development budgest expanded the size of economoy through more and better roads that also increased efficient access of rural areas to market place. It also increased a sense of awareness among rural communities. You dont have any vision or even thinking

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Aug 26, 2021 03:57pm

Hahaha performance, rupee 165Inflation 15%Unemployment 20%Increased IMF loans Dumped by USForign policy disaster And many more

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Aug 26, 2021 03:57pm

This self-congratulatory mindset has to end. If one has to praise oneself for contributing to the welfare of the people, it's not really much of a contribution.

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Aug 26, 2021 04:00pm

Karachi will develop - thanks to PPP

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Gerry Dc

Aug 26, 2021 04:21pm

In 3 years the PTI govt has taken out the juice of the poor people. If fair election held PTI will fail miserably

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Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad

Aug 26, 2021 04:23pm

The Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is 100 percent right.

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Aug 26, 2021 04:23pm

Offcourse it will be full of praises ! I wish he presents a comparison of essential items prices between 2018 and 2021 and compare it with the increase in salaries then the real performance would be known!

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Warid RhMen

Aug 26, 2021 04:31pm

how many more mouths to feed?how much the deficits increase, government and trade?how many more enemies were created inside and outside the border

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Aug 26, 2021 04:39pm

This will be the first govt to praise itself by itself

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Aug 26, 2021 04:43pm

Who knows more about performance? Public or PM. Mehngai khtm kro awam khush. Baqi ap jo kro awam ko koi lena dena nahi

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Aug 26, 2021 05:22pm

3 years of nothing and 2 years of nothing more. Country is suffering while PMIK doesn’t even pay taxes at the market value. What a pity?

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Aug 26, 2021 05:23pm

Does he need to? Anything that is marginally and automatically got better he will claim as his achievement, every failure will be fault of India and previous government. And rest will be propaganda for reelection.

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A Bostonian

Aug 26, 2021 05:24pm

If you guys really want to know how excellent your performance was, just have a glimpse at the foreign exchange rate of the rupee against dollar/pounds.

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Ibrahim S

Aug 26, 2021 05:57pm

Please no tree count or blaming vulgar and provocative women . Please address without blaming NS- domestic violence against women - religious mafia and terrorists - Afghanistan policy- energy - economyThank you

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ENGR Hamid Shafiq

Aug 26, 2021 06:03pm

Sorry I don't want to see you

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Aug 26, 2021 06:15pm

"Tigers of Insaf Youthwing are arranging live streaming of Prime Minister in 7 cities." You have to arrange this in smaller areas in the rural masses too.

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Aug 26, 2021 06:23pm

@akram, My foot. PPP is nothing but hoarding money from here and there into their coffers

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Ali Wadood

Aug 26, 2021 06:27pm

Yes he has done a lot of good for Pakistan

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Aug 26, 2021 06:31pm

3 yrs of worst form of martial law. Such a shame

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Syed Hammad Husain

Aug 26, 2021 07:10pm

Pathetic performance. Price of commodities increased astronomically during the first year and half without COVID-19. And the PM saying we have succeeded admirably. Unbelievable!

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Aug 26, 2021 07:25pm

@Asif, you keep crying and ignore the positive changes that has done by this govt.

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Aug 26, 2021 07:33pm

@taarsh, ask the Bhutto Zardari clan what have they done over the last 30 years

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Aug 26, 2021 07:35pm

Obviously, cronies and critics will try to sell their narratives, but the fact is that during the last three years Pakistan's image has improved internationally. And, as a result, our foreign policy, export along with welfare of the poor and the needy people have improved and additional projects will make further improvement in other areas. Give PTI chance to complete their five years tenor and judge their performance accordingly - at least, world leaders are recognising PM Imran Khan's efforts.

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Aug 26, 2021 07:37pm

@taarsh, please direct this question to Murad Ali Shah

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Farhan khan

Aug 26, 2021 07:41pm

@Adam, Please list the positive changes?

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Aug 26, 2021 08:00pm

What was domestic and foreign debt in 2018 and now. Everyone knows the prices then and now. Bravo!

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Aug 26, 2021 08:03pm

PM is loyale and sincere to nation but he can not control over-pricing.

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Aug 26, 2021 08:12pm

I will give full marks to PMIK for honesty otherwise PTI has been pretty incompetent , brought us to financial ruin with no real policies and undeserving another term

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Aug 26, 2021 08:25pm

Loss is gdp , increase in loans , inflation , scandals ( wheat , sugar , medicine ) , selected accountability, dissolve local government ( promise was power devolution) , gagging media , international isolation to name the few achievements

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Aug 26, 2021 08:43pm

Overall it has been a good start by PMIK and his govt., since last 3 years they have been filling the big holes dug by the previous corrupt govts.

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Aug 26, 2021 08:58pm

The people making fun of plantation should be ashamed of themselves. One day in the future he will be remembered as one of the saviour of planet earth.

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Aug 26, 2021 08:59pm

@DK, PTI Govt is excellent if its performance is on social media only. They have proved that you can deceive people very easily by telling lies and propaganda

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Aug 26, 2021 09:04pm

Where is IK's Tiger team? Not heard any accomplishments of that. Not sure if that team exists anymore...

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Aug 26, 2021 09:18pm

Their three years can be summarised in one sentence: LOOK BUSY, DO NOTHING!

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Aug 26, 2021 10:04pm

Exports and remittances all time high

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Aug 26, 2021 10:07pm

Ask your self 5 simple questionsIs the average Pakistan better off now or 3 years ago?Is the average woman safer now than 3 years ago?Was Pakistan's international stature more now than 3 years ago?Do we have a more sustainable economic and industrial policy now compared to 3 years ago?Do you think there is less corruption now or 3 years ago?

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Aug 26, 2021 10:15pm

@Farhan khan, I guess you prefer the corrupt type

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Zaibullah khan

Aug 26, 2021 10:21pm

Very ironic that the people are being crushed by the unprecedented high cost of living and the PM is seeking applause for his (poor) performance.

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A Shah

Aug 26, 2021 10:47pm

He is a gift to our enemies

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Aug 26, 2021 11:07pm

His performance can be measured by looking at his promises and their fulfilment for Karachi.

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Aug 26, 2021 11:08pm

High talker, zero performer.

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Aug 26, 2021 11:09pm

During the three years his performance focused to collect money by imposing taxes only.

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Aug 26, 2021 11:14pm

Single rupee coming to Pakistan as foreign remittance is due to knowledge of English of expatriates of Pakistan. But PMIK wants to wipe out English language from Pakistan and at the same time he wants foreign remittances for the survival of the country. Is he killing the “goose that lays the golden egg”? In the same token, is he taking the country back to obscurantism and male dominance?

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Loyal Pakistan I

Aug 26, 2021 11:14pm

Calling it a performance is shameful !

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Truth exposed

Aug 26, 2021 11:15pm

In the meantime he could have planted 10 trees.

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Aug 26, 2021 11:16pm

@BILAL , Due to devaluation of rupee at the stubborn insistence of IMF. The credit must go to IMF

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Emraan UK

Aug 26, 2021 11:28pm

No tangible growth in past three years in Pakistan.He destroyed the economy ,inflation & unemployment are touching sky and poor people are suffering alot because of this useless motivational speaker IK as PM.Some small optics & media managment will not save him in coming elections .

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Cardiac Arrest

Aug 26, 2021 11:30pm

IK has a great ability to self congratulate himself and he has made the county’s position worse over the 3 years. His foreign policy has been a massive failure and borrowing to run the country keeps going up. Economy is doing bad and he is congratulating himself.

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Aug 26, 2021 11:38pm

Over 3 years we've experienced unprecedented high prices on essentials: food, gas, electric and petrol.Harassment and rape of women and children have gone up. Police and judiary siding with criminals.Is this a record PTI should be proud of!

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Changez Khan

Aug 26, 2021 11:52pm

Great leader and great PM Imran Khan.

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Nafees Khan

Aug 27, 2021 12:24am

Did he establish Medina State or bit of it that he has been claiming or promising Imran has failed to deliver on all fronts may be with exception of planting trees.

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Aug 27, 2021 12:55am

In 3 years, Pakistani are worse off.The rupees has lost substantial in value, and therefore making our imports more expensive, and the poor people of Pakistan are paying the price, for the incompetent Government of Imran Khan.

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Ibrahim S

Aug 27, 2021 01:05am

Excuses, excuses . NS the crook completed several projects , some of them completed in your tenure .What projects have you started and what has been completed . Planting tree is not considered a project . A low level official or a high schooler can start it .

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Aug 27, 2021 01:08am

For IK government's performance and comparative study with previous governments everyone should watch Shahzeb Khanzada facts filled program of today.

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Aug 27, 2021 01:11am

@Asif, Media and mafias are spreading lies so govt has to show what it is doing well. I would say they are doing better than Nawaz and Zardari but still not good enough. PMIK needs a big majority to take on the mafias

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S. Nasheed Ahmed

Aug 27, 2021 01:53am

@Amir Sultan : Karachi was not allowed to vote.

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Aug 27, 2021 01:55am

Here comes the thug! USD before speech 164 and after speech 166.

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S. Nasheed Ahmed

Aug 27, 2021 01:57am

@Uddin : PM IKN made many promises, including a new Local Bodies law.

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Aug 27, 2021 01:59am

How many times IK will prove people wrong. I feel pitty for those who still think IK is not a politician, and does not know how to handle other political geeks.

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Shahzad Arif

Aug 27, 2021 02:01am

@taarsh, As long as people of Sindh would keep on electing PPP, nothing good would happen to Karachi! Please blame the voters who're electing same old corrupt leaders.

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S. Nasheed Ahmed

Aug 27, 2021 02:07am

Once upon a time, the Foreign Exchange Rate was kept stable at Rs. 60 / US $ 1 for 8 long years & Petrol was Rs. 60 per litre too. How does PM IKN's performance compare today ?

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S. Nasheed Ahmed

Aug 27, 2021 02:25am

To believe PM IKN's statements, one must have blind faith.

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Azhar Hussain

Aug 27, 2021 02:58am

@AAA, it seems your comprehension is Zero

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Aug 27, 2021 03:39am

IK: first 3 years were bad... before anyone asks about next 2 years, they are going to be worse... any questions?

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Aug 27, 2021 03:39am

@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad, correct about what?

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Dr. AsHamed.

Aug 27, 2021 03:55am

Who wrote the report!

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Fazal Khan

Aug 27, 2021 03:56am

When I read the comments on here they are from same mindset In bringing back corrupt politicians and their cronies to run the country on a credit card that future generations will pay, while they and their cronies align their pockets.IK is honest and all the figures he presented today show a positive trend. He will protect Pakistan’s sovereignty and not allow drones to kill Pakistanis and if that upsets other countries then it’s a price worth paying in my opinion

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Aug 27, 2021 04:59am

Poor performance. All social and economic indicators are going down!

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Aug 27, 2021 05:29am

PMIK is the greatest ever Prime Minister in the history of our nation. Except some U-turns and somersaults, he has done a world of good to people and the nation. He should be made the permanent PM along lines of his great friend and admirer Xi Jinping. A Nobel prize is waiting for his visionary TBT program to rid the region of pollution.

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Aug 27, 2021 05:39am

Grade F for performance and Grade A for talk

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Inamullah Lashari

Aug 27, 2021 07:04am

The PM is really good with juggling Words. I wish he was equally capable of delivering on the ground. Nothing he has done for any province still he is satisfied with himself. We are unable to understand he has done something for us.

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Aug 27, 2021 07:05am

@Farhan khan, So what is he supposed to do.. Ask for financial help and loans and fill up his bank balance. In other words , follow NS policy ?

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Aug 27, 2021 07:06am

@Bilal, Too much expectation in 3 yrs.

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surgical strike

Aug 27, 2021 07:19am

2021- grey list, 2020-grey list, 2019-grey list, 2018-grey list

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Aug 27, 2021 07:29am

This is simply called “blowing your own trumpets’. He is bragging about things when the realities are completely different. Let the common man praise your achievements. That is when you can say that you have performed well.

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Aug 27, 2021 08:04am

Criticism, all by noonies and PPP people am happy to see they are on the run... PTI haters will see PTI winning 2023 elections by 180+ seats. Noon and PPP together will get restricted to 60 seats at best. TLP will get more Seats than PPP and PMLN. Maryam and Bilawal sink their parties.

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Aug 27, 2021 08:09am

@taarsh, it is in jurisdiction of sounds government.

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Aug 27, 2021 08:17am

@Asif, I take it you are not satisfied,would you rather have looters back in power.because when they were looting the country.they threw plenty of crumbs to their subservient.who are now bleating at pti.

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Aug 27, 2021 08:20am

@Farhan khan, are you really proud, or being sarcastic.

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Aug 27, 2021 08:36am

@Brownman,most politicians in the world are selected or sponsored by various individuals and groups.the pakistani opposition pmln lost election due to their failures instead accepting defeat.they started blaming state institutions of rigging.the leaders pmln are crooks they should be in prison and the party banned,

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Aug 27, 2021 08:41am

This is what democracy is all about being honest to the voters.

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Aug 27, 2021 10:32am

Observed & being found that half of your Ministers/Cabinets members having lack of knowledge to govern/run the important ministries, That's why so many changes occurs during all those last three years.

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Saif Zulfiqar

Aug 27, 2021 10:37am

Every Pakistani is happy with the PTI except looters, thieves and currupt opposition parties.

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Aug 27, 2021 04:00pm

Only achievement so far is the smart U turn.

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S. Nasheed Ahmed

Aug 27, 2021 04:53pm

PM IKN can say whatever he wants ... but I'll not allowed to speak the truth !

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S. Nasheed Ahmed

Aug 27, 2021 04:55pm

There's a stark difference between PM IKN's performance & the good gentleman.

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S. Nasheed Ahmed

Aug 27, 2021 04:57pm

Whether or not we're allowed to mention his name, we shall always admire him.

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Aug 27, 2021 05:34pm

@taarsh, Nothing has been done for Karachi so far.Kindly refer to Asif Zardari or Bilawal Zardai, if they are not still sleeping till 1pm in the afternoon.

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Aug 27, 2021 05:35pm

@Justsaying, Three years of economy, foreign policy and internal stability will bring facts to light todayIt already has and its looking good.

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Aug 27, 2021 05:36pm

@AAA, Performance o.0, what's that ?.Modi's report card, condolences for you all.

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Aug 27, 2021 05:37pm

@Prof. Panda, They are incompetent and overconfident!No one heeds a Panda's comment.

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Aug 27, 2021 05:38pm

@M. Saeed Awan, The three years performance by PTI brought disastrous to country. The poor man is breathing his last.Bit you still have strenght to write this idiotic comment.

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Aug 27, 2021 06:37pm

@ABU TALIB, PMIK tries and selcts until he will have optimum team. Last 30 years of corrupt pml n and ppp have left few honest clean ministers and PMIK is doing with these few, the benefits will be felt by next generations. PmIK will leave an honest government and sharifs and zardaris will be history.

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Aug 27, 2021 06:38pm

@Zak, I don't think anything has been achieved yet. May be long way to goAn indian wouldnt know, hence your ignorant comment.

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Aug 27, 2021 06:39pm

@Jp, But Afghanistan victory and Indian terrorist training camps shut. Pre-requisite to a speeding rising economy.

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Rashid Khan

Aug 27, 2021 06:45pm

Want purana Pakistan back...PM IK can do all his PR but inflation and economy can be controlled by actions and not by container talks

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Aug 27, 2021 10:44pm

He lost trust internationally such that even China sends investigators to Pakistan.

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'3 years of Naya Pakistan': PM Imran briefs nation on PTI's performance so far (2024)


What good did Imran Khan do for Pakistan? ›

As the Trust's maiden endeavour, Khan established Pakistan's first and then only cancer hospital, constructed using donations and funds exceeding $25 million, raised by Khan from all over the world. On 27 April 2008, Khan established a technical college in the Mianwali District called Namal College.

Which prime minister completed 5 years in Pakistan? ›

Sharif was re-elected for a third non-consecutive term on 5 June 2013, which is a record in the history of Pakistan. No prime minister of Pakistan has yet served their full five-year term.

What are the promises of Imran Khan? ›

He announced that we will build parks and playgrounds. He promised to build four tourism sites every year for the development of tourism. He also promised to develop international standard beaches. Khan said that he specifically tasked his human rights ministry to work towards ending sexual abuse towards children.

What are the achievements of Imran Khan? ›

In 1996, Khan founded the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party. In 1983, he was recognized by Wisden Cricketers' Almanack as the Wisden Cricketer of the Year. In 2010, he was inducted into International Cricket Council's Hall of Fame. During his cricketing career, he received numerous Player of the Match awards.

Why did Imran Khan lose Pakistan? ›

According to a leaked classified Pakistani cable, at a March 7, 2022 meeting, the U.S. State Department encouraged the Pakistani government to remove Imran Khan from office because of his neutrality on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Who was Pakistan's best leader? ›

He is revered in Pakistan as the Quaid-e-Azam ("Great Leader") and Baba-e-Qaum ("Father of the Nation"). His birthday is also observed as a national holiday in the country. According to his biographer, Stanley Wolpert, Jinnah remains Pakistan's greatest leader.

Who is the next prime minister of Pakistan in 2024? ›

Sharif will serve a term, at most of almost one year to fulfill Imran Khan's term until the 2023 Pakistani General Election, though the election may be called earlier. On 3rd March 2024, Shehbaz Sharif was re-elected for the second time as the country's 24th Prime Minister.

How old is Pakistan in 2024? ›

A prestigeous flag hoisting ceremony was organized in the Embassy of Pakistan on the occasion of 84th National Day of the country.

Who has more power, President or Prime Minister in Pakistan? ›

The President, who is at the apex, is elected by members of both Houses of the Parliament and the Provincial Assemblies. The Prime Minister, who heads the Cabinet and is meant to aid and advise the President in his functions, belongs to the National Assembly.

What does the Quran say about Imran? ›

When the word "Imran" is mentioned in the Quran, it could be referring to one of two people. First, there is Imran, the father of Prophets Moses and Aaron. Second, there is Imran, the father of Miriam (Virgin Mary, the mother of Prophet Jesus).

Why was Imran Khan assassinated? ›

Suspects. The Punjab Police announced that they had arrested the gunman who had shot Khan, identifying him as Muhammad Naveed. In a video shared by the police, the suspect stated that he shot Khan as he was "spreading hatred and misleading the people", as well as making "blasphemous and anti-religion" remarks.

Who took Imran Khan oath? ›

Oath of office ceremony of Imran Khan
Imran Khan taking oath as 22nd Prime Minister of Pakistan alongside then President Mamnoon Hussain on 18 August 2018
DateAugust 18, 2018
ParticipantsPrime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan (Assuming office) President of Pakistan, Mamnoon Hussain (Administering oath)
1 more row

How old was Jemima Khan when she married Imran? ›

In 1995, at the age of 43, he married the 21-year-old British heiress, Jemima Goldsmith - the daughter of one of the world's richest men at the time. The marriage lasted nine years and produced two sons.

What does Imran Khan do now? ›

Apart from acting in films, Khan is a social activist, and has written columns for the Hindustan Times. He is a supporter of PETA, having appeared in events organised for the group.

What is the political view of Imran Khan? ›

Who helped in making Pakistan? ›

List of Founders of Pakistan
Name (Birth and date)Place of representation and origin
Muhammad Ali Jinnah (1876–1948)Karachi, Sindh
Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877–1939)Sialkot, Punjab
Ashraf Ali Thanwi (1863–1943)Thana Bhawan, Muzaffarnagar
Shabbir Ahmad Usmani (1887–1949)Bijnor, North-Western Provinces
25 more rows

What is the role of PTI in Pakistan? ›

Currently, the PTI governs Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab at the provincial level and acts as the largest opposition party in Sindh, while also having significant representation in Balochistan.

How good was Imran Khan as a cricketer? ›

One of the finest cricketers to emerge from Pakistan, Imran Khan's average with the ball was an envious 22.81 in Test cricket. However, 362 wickets in Tests and 182 ODI wickets are not the only impressive figures next to his name.

Who is the honorable Prime Minister of Pakistan? ›

Prime Minister of Pakistan
Incumbent Shehbaz Sharif since 4 March 2024
Executive branch of the Government of Pakistan
StyleThe Honourable Mr. Prime Minister (informal) His Excellency (diplomatic)
TypeHead of government
17 more rows

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Author: Roderick King

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Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.