1st-Ever F-22 Raptor ‘Shot Down’ Using Russian-Origin AD Missiles Over Yemen, Ansar Allah’s Hilarious Claim (2024)

The Houthis’ (Ansar Allah) claim about shooting down an American F-22 Raptor has been called out as hyperbole, as the aircraft in question was never deployed for the strike mission.

Reports on X claimed that the F-22 was “shot down over Sanaa,” which was one of the six sites targeted by the United States and the UK. There has been no visual evidence of any downed US warplane.

The archaic Soviet-vintage air defense capabilities are seen as unable to take out the world’s first 5th-generation fighter jet. However, once, a Soviet-vintage Pechora missile flummoxed the US Air Force and brought down the USAF’s first stealth fighter jet.

March 27, 1999, was a rainy night, a Soviet-vintage Pechora did what has not been done so far – shoot down a stealth fighter. The US Air Force’s F-117 stealth fighter Nighthawk, the supersecret “Black Jet,” was on a night mission in Yugoslavia when the aircraft was shot down by the Serbian Pechora. The pilot had to eject behind the enemy lines.

“I took off from Aviano Air Base, Italy. I flew the F-117 to the target and dropped two 2,000-lb—laser-guided weapons on a very specific target in the Belgrade area. I came off the target 20 nautical miles northwest of Belgrade when it happened,” the F-117 pilot, whose name has been withheld, later recalled.

1st-Ever F-22 Raptor ‘Shot Down’ Using Russian-Origin AD Missiles Over Yemen, Ansar Allah’s Hilarious Claim (1)

Neither the pilot nor the Air Force want to say more about how the Serbs shot down an F-117 except that the culprit was “an enemy missile system.” Two aircraft were shot down during the Kosovo campaign: The other was an F-16 Fighting Falcon.

The F-117 was shot down at 8:38 pm; by 1:00 am, Serbian television was showing footage of civilians dancing around the burning, crumpled wreckage of the stealth fighter, with its serial number (82-806) and other markings visible.

The F-117 was developed in the 1980s under a “black program” and was unveiled only in 1989 when 50 of these fighter jets were already flying.

The Serbian battery commander Colonel Dani Zoltan, whose missile downed the F-117 later, explained how he turned his Soviet-vintage SA-3′ Pechora’ missiles into a lethal weapon. He had search and control radars, as well as a TV tracking unit.

The SA-3 missiles that entered service in 1961 were not considered a major threat to NATO aircraft. NATO’s electronic countermeasures during their bombing missions have been demoralizing for the Serbian troops. But Zoltan tweaked his system to achieve the kills.

Besides bringing down the two fighter jets, Zoltan forced many bombers to abort their missions in the face of unexpectedly accurate missiles.

After studying the American countermeasures and their F-117 fighter jet, Zoltanrealized that the biggest threat he faced came from the HARM (anti-radar missiles) and electronic detection systems deployed by the Americans. The Colonel ditched all cell phones and radio communication and relied on landlines and foot messengers for his communication.

His network of human intelligence would alert him when the enemy aircraft got airborne. The colonel tweaked his serac radar to get a lock on the stealth fighter jet. After that, he would switch on his tracking radar for a minimal amount of time, making it difficult for the Americans to take him out with their HARM missiles.

The SA-3 was guided from the ground, and Zoltan needed to take short-range shots at American bombers to get accurate shots and to stop them from using jamming and evasive maneuvers to make the missile miss. The F-117 he shot down was only 13 kilometers away. Zoltan overcame the stealth by using a modified long wavelength of his radar system.

In other words, the primitive long wavelength radars that the Serbs used are like “prodding for something in the dark using a long stick.” The Serbs extended their wavelengths to make the “stick” even longer, piercing through F-117’s “invisible cloak.”

1st-Ever F-22 Raptor ‘Shot Down’ Using Russian-Origin AD Missiles Over Yemen, Ansar Allah’s Hilarious Claim (2)

The Americans later suggested that the downed F-117 did not have electronic attack support. According to most accounts, the night aircraft was shot down was the only one where EA-6B Prowlers were not present to take out enemy’s radars.

Nighthawks mostly flew combat missions with support from jamming aircraft, includingEF-111 RavensandEA-6B Prowlers. The F-117s lacked any defensive countermeasures of their own and relied on its stealthy shaping and radar-absorbent material to evade radars.

The F-117s did not have onboard threat-detection equipment, making F-117 pilots nearly oblivious to incoming missiles. They had another major weakness. Every time the pilot opened the wheel well or bomb bay doors, their low-observability rate decreased.

F-22 ‘Shooting Down’ Claims

The adage goes: aim for the moon, and you will land on stars. The Houthi rebels, wreaking havoc in the Red Sea, are taking it seriously. As the US and its allied forces are pounding the rebels, the Houthis’ belligerent ambition is losing touch with reality.

After their UAVs and anti-ship missiles have been swatted by the warships in the region, the Houthis have claimed they shot down a US Air Force Lockheed Martin-made air superiority fighter, F-22 Raptor, and one unnamed British fighter.

The credit was bestowed on the Soviet air-defense systems and anti-aircraft missiles provided to it by Iran. But the claim seems to be the Houthis’ way of manifesting a kill when there was none.

1st-Ever F-22 Raptor ‘Shot Down’ Using Russian-Origin AD Missiles Over Yemen, Ansar Allah’s Hilarious Claim (3)

According to US officials, the bombing targeted more than 6 targets in 16 different locations across Houthi-controlled swaths in Yemen. The strikes against the Houthi rebels were carried out by the Tomahawk missiles launched from US Navy surface ships and theOhio-class ballistic missile submarine USSFlorida(SSGN-728).

The air operations were carried out by the UK’s Royal Air Force and involved four Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4s aircraft, supported by a Voyager air refueling tanker. The Typhoons dropped Paveway IV-guided bombs to conduct precision strikes on Houthi facilities.

The world’s first ever 5th generation fighter jet, the F-22, is still the touchstone for the US’s superior air power, and undoubtedly, the Houthis would want a kill under its belt. But bringing down the aircraft from over 80 kilometers when the American and British fighter jets are equipped with modern technologies like electronic countermeasures and remote launch systems is far from reality.

The Raptor has a cross-section that is even smaller than the F-35, making it difficult to spot. It is faster than the F-35 and can reach the speed of Mach 2.2 powered by its two engines. This has earned the American ‘Ironbird’ the moniker of being ‘invincible.’

It would have indeed been a formidable feat for the rebels, who have so far managed to harass unsuspecting commercial vessels. In nearly two decades of official operation, no F-22 Raptor stealth fighter has ever been shot down before, but there have been a few that have crashed due to accidents.

While the Houthis are probably not capable of taking out a leading fifth-generation fighter, the group is still well-equipped thanks to their most prominent supporter – Iran. Similar to the Gaza-based Hamas terror group and Lebanon-based Hezbollah terror organization, the Houthis receive training, funds, and other forms of aid from Tehran. Following the takeover of Yemen’s Sana’a capital back in 2014, Iran’s contributions to these Yemen-based “rebels” grew steadily to include the transfer of weapons.

The Houthis’ Missile Punch

When the Houthis took over Sana in Yemen in September 2014 and other parts of the country in March 2015, theyseized most of the Yemeni government’s arsenal of Soviet-vintage Surface-to-air missiles and radars. The missiles included SA-2s, SA-3s, SA-6s, SA-9s, and man-portable air-defense systems.

These weapons were never considered a serious threat to aircraft, as many were obsolete and needed repair. The air-defense environment in Yemen has been largely benign. Reported losses in 2015 were minimal: one Moroccan F-16, one Bahraini F-16, two Saudi AH-64 Apache helicopters, and up to a dozen reconnaissance drones.

The 2016 tally was even smaller: except for one helicopter and one drone hit by an unspecified “special weapon,” there were no confirmed combat aircraft shot down by hostile fire that year, despite Houthi claims that they had destroyed an F-16, four helicopters, and sixteen drones.

The ability to shoot down an F-22 using these vintage systems is bleak and more bleak is the chance that the US would deploy an F-22 for the strike as an odd missile bringing down the Raptor would be bad press.

  • Ritu Sharma has been a journalist for over a decade, writing on defense, foreign affairs, and nuclear technology.
  • She can be reached at ritu.sharma (at) mail.com
  • Follow EurAsian Times on Google News
1st-Ever F-22 Raptor ‘Shot Down’ Using Russian-Origin AD Missiles Over Yemen, Ansar Allah’s Hilarious Claim (2024)


Has an F-22 Raptor ever been shot down? ›

However, once, a Soviet-vintage Pechora missile flummoxed the US Air Force and brought down the USAF's first stealth fighter jet.

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The F-22 Raptor Is Rare

The F-22, in many respects the most advanced fighter jet ever created, ended its production run in 2011. While the F-22 remains in service, with 186 operational airframes flying with the US Air Force, no new F-22s will be built, meaning what we have is what we've got.

Has an F-22 ever seen combat? ›

The F-22 fighter jet took decades and almost $70 billion to develop. While it's been considered combat ready since 2005, the F-22 had never been used in combat until air strikes began in Syria this week. The F-22 fighter jet took decades and almost $70 billion to develop.

How fast can the F-22 Raptor go in Mach? ›

Here's the key stat you've been waiting for: the Raptor F-22's top speed goes over a staggering Mach 2.0 with afterburners engaged. That translates to a mind-blowing 2,414 kilometres per hour (1,500 mph).

What is the weakness of the F-22 Raptor? ›

These cuts, and the long-standing ban on exporting advanced F22 technology to any nation, explain the F22's most significant weakness: its astronomical cost. There is no economy of scale to the aircraft.

Can anything beat the F-22 Raptor? ›

There is one fighter jet that is definitely superior for air superiority. The F-15 Eagle regularly defeated the F-22 Raptor in tests. Some of the features that made and keep the Eagle the king of the skies are missing on the Raptor. In May of 2021 the Air Force decided to retire the Raptor and keep the F-15EX.

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F-22 Is Better at Aerial Combat

The F-22 is faster than the F-35 – MACH 2.2 versus MACH 1.6 for the Lightning II. The F-22 is 30 percent heavier, but it may be more maneuverable due to its Pratt & Whitney F119 engines providing more thrust (70,000 pounds) than the single Pratt & Whitney F-135 engine on the F-35.

Is the F-22 Raptor the best fighter jet in the world? ›

The F-22 is the most powerful and sophisticated fighter in the world, but it has its weaknesses. Keenly aware of the F-22's limitations – especially with regard to range – the Air Force is hastening the twin-engine, single-seat jet to an early demise.

Why did the F-22 fail? ›

Throughout the 2000s when the Department of Defense was primarily fighting counterinsurgency wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the USAF's procurement goal of 381 F-22s was questioned over rising costs, initial reliability and availability problems, limited multirole versatility, and a lack of relevant adversaries for air ...

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The F-22 Raptor: A great aircraft

It combines advanced technology, such as stealth, sensor fusion to produce superb situational awareness, and an airframe that is highly maneuverable and can supercruise, or fly at supersonic speeds without the use of afterburners.

Can an F-22 do ground attacks? ›

The F-22 has a significant capability to attack surface targets. In the air-to-ground configuration the aircraft can carry two 1,000-pound GBU-32 Joint Direct Attack Munitions internally and will use on-board avionics for navigation and weapons delivery support.

Does F-22 have any kills? ›

It took nearly two decades in service for the F-22 Raptor to record its first air-to-air kills — both of which have come within the past week, but neither kill was against the jets it was actually designed to fight.

Why does the US sell the F-35 but not the F-22? ›

The aircraft is NOT in production & the US is keeping every single F-22 for its own use. It is actually illegal to sell the F-22 to other nations. The F-35 was specifically intended to be exported.

What beats F-22 Raptor? ›

Besides those aircraft no Generation 4 aircraft can stand up to F-22 Raptor. No fighters can defeat the F22 unless the pilot makes mistakes or some of the F22 systems fail.

What will replace the F-22 Raptor? ›

According to recently released budget documents, the Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program will cost around $28.5 billion for fiscal 2025-2029. While the price tag is staggering, NGAD is expected to replace the service's F-22 Raptors and will be the most advanced component of the Air Force's fleet.

How many F-22 raptors have crashed? ›

16 crashes (most did not result in the destruction of the aircraft) have been recorded while the F-22 has been in US Air Force service. Around five Raptors have been total write-offs. The F-22 Raptor is the world's most advanced dedicated air superiority fighter jet, operated only by the US Air Force.

Does the F-22 have any kills? ›

Summary. The F-22 Raptor, a highly capable US fighter jet, has never had a 'kill' in active combat until recently shooting down surveillance balloons. Its lack of kills in combat is due to the change in the military environment and a diminished role for air-to-air combat.

Why was the F-22 Raptor discontinued? ›

On 9 June 2017, the USAF submitted their report to Congress stating they had no plans to restart the F-22 production line due to cost-prohibitive economic and logistical challenges; it estimated it would cost approximately $50 billion to procure 194 additional F-22s at a cost of $206–216 million per aircraft, including ...

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