15 Egg Substitutes In Cornbread (2024)

Quick Answer: 15 Egg Substitutes In Cornbreadare ground flax seeds, silken tofu, vegan mayo, greek yogurt, sour cream, carbonated water, aquafaba, winter squash, arrowroot powder, ground chia seeds, mashed banana, baking soda and vinegar, applesauce, soy lecithin, nut butter

Eggs are an essential part of most cornbread recipes. They act as blinders required to hold the batter together and create a cohesive bread.

However, if you are allergic to eggs, a vegan, or run out of eggs, there is an easy substitution.

Egg substitutes in cornbread

Now let’s check out the best substitutes for eggs in cornbread.

Our options are:

· Ground flax seeds

· Silken Tofu

· Vegan mayo

· Greek yogurt

· Sour cream

· Carbonated water

· Aquafaba

· Winter squash

· Arrowroot powder

· Ground chia seeds

· Mashed banana

· Baking soda and vinegar

· Applesauce

· Soy lecithin

· Nut butter

Now, check these substitutes and observe how they work for your next best dish.

1. Ground flax seeds

Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and are a good substitute for eggs in cornbread.

Flaxseeds are grounded, put in water, and given 10 to 15 minutes to bind together before proceeding to the rest of the recipe.

How to Substitute

Use one tablespoon of ground flaxseeds and three tablespoons of water for one egg.

We are preparing ground flax recipes at home.

· Mix one tablespoon of grounded flaxseeds with three tablespoons of warm water.

· Let it rest for 5–20 minutes to thicken

· Use the mixture and proceed to bake.

2. Silken Tofu

Silken tofu is best used in its purest form. Its natural taste makes it the best substitute for eggs in baking. It is very likely to find marinated tofu in grocery stores; hence it’s always important to check the labels before purchasing. It’s important to use soft silken tofu in baking cornbread.

How to Substitute

A quarter cup of pure silken tofu is equivalent to one egg in baking

Preparing silken tofu at home.

· Prepare the tofu by soaking up the excess liquid by carefully tilting the open package over the sink.

· Transfer it onto the plate.

· Combine all sauce ingredients in a bowl and pour it over the tofu.

3. Vegan mayo

Vegan Mayonnaise is one of the healthiest substitutes for eggs in cornbread recipes. It provides leavening, which helps the bread to rise into the fluffy texture people love.

How to Substitute

Three tablespoons of vegan mayo are substituted with one egg.

How to prepare homemade vegan mayo

· Add soy milk to a food processor bowl, and stand until the liquid begins to thicken.

· Add the mustard, salt, vinegar, and lemon juice to the bowl and blend for 30 seconds.

· Slowly add the oil in tiny drops, with the food processor running, to about a quarter.

· As the mixture begins to thicken and emulsify, continue adding oil, slowly increasing from drops to a thin stream.

· Process for 10 seconds.

· Taste the mayo and adjust it with sweetener or salt the way you need it.

· Let the mayo thickens more in the fridge, ready for use.

4. Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt helps maintain the sour flavor associated with cornbread when used as an egg substitute.

Stick to unflavored greek yogurt with minimal sugar, as regular yogurt could negatively impact the taste and leave your bread too sweet.

Cornbread made with greek yogurt is not suitable for vegans.

How to Substitute

Add one-quarter cup of greek yogurt to the eggless cornbread.

· Heat milk between 85–93 degrees Celsius in a medium pot, frequently stirring to avoid skin formation.

· Transfer the pot of milk to an ice bath to cool it to 37–43 degrees Celsius.

· Transfer half a cup of warm milk to a bowl. Mix with plain yogurt and stir until it’s well-blended. Add the remaining milk and mix well.

· Cover the bowl with a lid, wrap it in a moist warm towel to keep in the heat, and place it in an oven. Keep warm by turning on the oven light and letting the bacteria do their magic in making yogurt overnight.

· Line a mesh sieve with cheesecloth and pour your yogurt in. place over a large bowl and let it strain in the fridge for a few hours until it reaches a consistency you like.

5. Sour cream

Sour cream contributes to the cornbread’s iconic sour flavor, making it one of the best eggs substitute.

It also helps the ingredients stick together and becomes fluffy as the corn bakes.

Sour cream is not suitable for vegans and may not also be the best for jiffy cornbread.

How to Substitute

A quarter cup of sour cream can replace one egg. You might require to add a dash of baking powder to be sure your corn rises.

We are preparing sour cream at home.

· Put milk in a glass jar and place it a room temperature. Add vinegar and lemon juice, close the lid, and shake it well.

· Open the lid, add the room-temperature heavy cream, and shake again.

· Cover the jar with breathable cheesecloth or kitchen towel and a rubber band.

· Let sit in a warm place for up to 24 hours. It would be best if you had a thick luscious sour cream at this time.

· Cover the jar with its lid and store it in a fridge to chill. Your sour cream is ready for use.

6. Carbonated water

Carbonated water works as a great leavening agent for light and fluffy recipes.

It is also one of the best substitutes.

How to Substitute

A quarter cup of carbonated water is used as a substitute for one egg for quick cupcakes, cakes, and bread.

Preparations at home.

· Pour water into a glass jar.

· Add lemon juice or citric acid to the water and a bit of baking soda to the jar. The acid in the water mixes with the bicarbonate in the baking soda to produce the carbonated water.

· Store in the fridge. The carbonated water is ready for use.

7. Aquafaba

Aquafaba is a unique ingredient that most people have not heard of. It’s a leftover liquid from a can of beans.

Aquafaba is best for recipes that only use egg whites, like nougat, macaroons, marshmallows, and meringues.

How to Substitute

Use three tablespoons of aquafaba to replace one egg.

Preparing aquafaba at home

· Drain your chickpeas in a mixing bowl and reserve the liquid.

· Throw in a one-eighth teaspoon of cream of tartar. It makes the aquafaba whip-up much easier.

· Whip your aquafaba for 3–6 minutes to get to the desired thickness.

· Store it and be ready to use.

8. Winter squash

Winter squash combines several species like pumpkin, butternut, acorn, delicata, Hubbard, and spaghetti.

They are unique substitutes as they give that unique taste to corn.

How to Substitute

About three tablespoons of winter squash contribute to one egg.

Winter squash home preparations. For delicata squash

· Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius

· Halve the squash with a large sharp knife. Scrape the membrane and seeds with a large spoon from the squash.

· Slice the halves into a crescent-moon shape.

· Bring a few cups of water to boil in a pot. Place the pieces in the pot until they turn tender — steam for up to 15 minutes.

· Transfer the squash to a fresh container. It’s ready for use.

9. Arrowroot powder

Arrowroot powder is a starchy plant root suitable for egg substitutes.

It is used as a thickening agent and gluten-free flour. It also has health benefits in promoting weight loss and boosting your immune system.

How to Substitute

Add two tablespoons of the powder to three tablespoons of water and mix well. Then add the mixture to your batter.


· Wash the outer skin of the arrowroot to clean it thoroughly and trim the edges.

· Chop them to pieces and grind them in batches while adding water.

· Filter it into a clean bowl through a strainer. Let the liquid settle until sediment is formed.

· Pour the water in the top layer into another bowl gently. Mix with fresh water again and let it settle for the second time.

· Gently pour the water on the top layer and repeat the steps until the top water is clear.

· Dry the sediment for a minimum of one day. Arrowroot powder is ready for use when dry. You can grind it once to fine powder, sieve, and store it.

10. Ground chia seeds

Chia seeds form a gelatinous-like substance that expands when mixed with water. It takes about 15 minutes for chia seeds to clump together correctly, and it helps bind ingredients together, just like eggs.

Chia seeds have also been found to be having nutritional value.

How to Substitute

Whisk one tablespoon of ground seeds to three tablespoons of water until fully absorbed and thickened. Then add the mixture to your recipe in place of an egg.

Preparation at home.

· Add the chia seeds to the high-speed blender or food processor.

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· Start blending at the lowest speed and gradually increase to high-speed blending.

· The powder looks like a finely ground pepper when complete.

· Put in an airtight container and store in the fridge.

11. Mashed banana

Bananas also help your ingredients stick together and add moisture to your corn.

It is readily available and gives that final product the softness and sweetness you deserve. Go for a reasonably ripe banana and mash it before adding it to your recipe.

How to Substitute

Half a medium banana is equivalent to one egg in baking a cornbread.

Preparations of banana puree

· Slice a very ripe banana and add it to a blender

· Blend until very smooth

· Add cinnamon if desired and use it in baking corn

12. Baking soda and vinegar

Vinegar and baking soda can also maintain the sour flavor of cornbread.

They neutralize each other. They are also responsible for the raising activity in baking.

How to Substitute

One teaspoon of baking soda mixed with one tablespoon of vinegar can replace an egg in baked goods like cakes and bread.

Vinegar and baking soda are commercially prepared; you buy, store, and use them whenever necessary.

13. Applesauce

Applesauce is an excellent substitute because it has pectin, a naturally occurring substance that helps ingredients stick together and remains stable.

Pectin will also prevent your cornbread from becoming too dry.

How to Substitute

One egg is equivalent to a quarter cup of applesauce in a substitute.


· Peel the apples cut them into pieces, and place them into a large pot. Add lemon juice, sugar, water, and salt.

· Boil on high heat, then lower the temperature. Cover the pot and maintain a low simmer for up to 20 minutes until the apples are tender and cooked thoroughly.

· Remove the pot from heat. Mash the cooked apples into fine applesauce. You can also use a blender.

· If the apple source is too thick, add little water to make it thin.

· The sauce is ready for use.

14. Soy lecithin

Soy lectin is made from soybean oil and works as a binder like an egg. It is a mixture of phospholipids and oils derived from soybeans.

How to Substitute

Add one tablespoon of soy powder to replace an egg.

Home preparation of soy lectin.

· Dilute the soybean slightly with water.

· Heat to 50–70 degrees Celsius.

· Hydrate the lectins to form a sludge. The lectin is then ready for use.

15. Nut butter

Nut butter can also be used in a pinch as an egg substitute. They are best for cookies, pancakes, and brownies.

How to Substitute

Use three tablespoons to stand in for one egg.

· Preheat oven to 350 degrees Celsius and add raw nuts to the baking sheet.

· Once toasted, remove them from the oven and transfer them to a clean dish.

· Blend them until creamy butter forms.

· Once creamy, add salt to taste and transfer into a clean jar for use.


What is the best substitute sweetener for cornbreads?

The best sweetener, as seen in this article, is banana puree, as they add sugar to the corn.

What is the other use of vinegar and baking soda?

Apart from baking, they can also be used in cleaning surfaces and walls of bathrooms. And in cleaning stained cooking appliances.

Is there any allergy related to these substitutes?

Yes. Vegans cannot use Greek yogurt because they fear skin reactions.

15 Egg Substitutes In Cornbread (2024)


15 Egg Substitutes In Cornbread? ›

You can whisk 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of water and 2 teaspoons of baking powder together to replace each egg in baked goods like cookies, brownies or quick breads. This substitution won't impact a recipes' flavor profile the way egg substitutions like mashed banana or flaxseed might.

What can you replace eggs with in cornbread? ›

The Best Egg Substitutions For Baking
  • Most consistent: Aquafaba. ...
  • Best for adding moisture: Mashed Banana. ...
  • Best for added nutrition: Flax and Chia Seeds. ...
  • Best for vegans: Tofu Purée. ...
  • Best for gluten-free: Arrowroot. ...
  • Most likely to already be in your fridge: Plain Yogurt. ...
  • Most neutral: Sparkling Water.

How much egg substitute for baking? ›

You can whisk 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of water and 2 teaspoons of baking powder together to replace each egg in baked goods like cookies, brownies or quick breads. This substitution won't impact a recipes' flavor profile the way egg substitutions like mashed banana or flaxseed might.

What to use if you have no eggs for baking? ›

Egg replacers
  1. Vinegar & baking soda. Replace 1 egg with: 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 tablespoon vinegar. ...
  2. Unsweetened applesauce. Replace 1 egg with: 1/4 cup applesauce. ...
  3. Plain or vanilla soy yogurt. Replace 1 egg with: 1/4 cup yogurt. ...
  4. Silken tofu. ...
  5. Ripe banana. ...
  6. Ground flaxseed.

Can you put too many eggs in cornbread? ›

Eggs are responsible for giving baked goods structure, which means the amount you use directly affects the resulting texture. Using too few eggs will make your desserts dense, but using too many will make them rubbery. The explanation for this lies in the fact that eggs are made up of protein.

Can I use mayonnaise as a substitute for eggs? ›

Mayonnaise. If you have a jar of mayo in the fridge, you can use 3 tablespoons in place of one egg. "Mayonnaise has been used as an egg substitute because of its moistening properties and is best suited for cakes with strong flavors, like spice cakes and chocolate cakes," Tutunjian says.

What is the best egg substitute for muffin mix? ›

Unsweetened Applesauce or Mashed Banana

Applesauce is a good choice when you don't want a strong flavor. If you're using mashed banana, you'll get a similar result with a more noticeable flavor. How to use it in place of eggs: For each egg you want to substitute use 1/4 cup of applesauce or banana.

What can I substitute if I run out of eggs? ›

When you're baking and run out of eggs
  • 1 egg = 2 tablespoons water + 2 teaspoons baking powder + 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.
  • 1 egg = 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce or mashed banana.
  • 1 egg = 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds and 3 tablespoons of water.
  • 1 egg = 3 tablespoons aquafaba.

What happens if you don't use enough eggs in baking? ›

If there isn't enough egg, your batter or dough may not be able to hold its structure or could end up overly dry or dense. On the other hand, if there is too much egg, your baked goods could lose their shape due to excess liquid, or have a rubbery (or even overly cakey) texture depending on the recipe.

Can I use oil instead of eggs? ›

For recipes which use eggs primarily as a leavening agent you can try a commercial egg replacement product (see above) or the following mixture: 1-1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil mixed with 1-1/2 tablespoons water and 1 teaspoon baking powder per egg.

What can be used as a binder if no eggs? ›

Some common egg substitutes include:
  • Mashed banana. Mashed banana can act as a binding agent when baking or making pancake batter. ...
  • Applesauce. Applesauce can also act as a binding agent. ...
  • Fruit puree. ...
  • Avocado. ...
  • Gelatin. ...
  • Xanthan gum. ...
  • Vegetable oil and baking powder. ...
  • Margarine.
Mar 30, 2021

Can I use butter instead of eggs? ›

Nearly any nut or seed butter is a delightful substitution for eggs: peanut, cashew, almond, or sunflower butter are all delicious choices that also add a distinct earthy flavor to the recipe. These work as a binder to keep the batter together, while adding richness & extra nutritional value to the final product.

How much banana equals one egg? ›

Generally, half a mashed banana (about 1/4 cup) can replace one egg. However, it's important to consider the moisture content of the recipe as bananas also add moisture. Do bananas affect the dish's flavor when used as an egg substitute? Yes, bananas do impart a mild banana flavor to the dish.

What is the secret to good cornbread? ›

Here are Mindy's five secrets:
  • Begin with the right cornmeal, which for Southerners is usually white. ...
  • Use full fat buttermilk and lots of it. ...
  • No egg and no sugar. ...
  • Use the right ratio of batter to the skillet. ...
  • Cook with a seasoned, 12-inch cast iron skillet.
Jul 23, 2021

What is a substitute for eggs in cornbread? ›

Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and are a good substitute for eggs in cornbread. Flaxseeds are grounded, put in water, and given 10 to 15 minutes to bind together before proceeding to the rest of the recipe. Use one tablespoon of ground flaxseeds and three tablespoons of water for one egg.

What makes cornbread hold together? ›

Put in an extra egg yolk.

Adding an egg yolk to your cornbread will help hold its shape while you're cutting and serving it. You can add a yolk even if your recipe doesn't call for any eggs at all--just put it in with the other wet ingredients.

What can I serve instead of eggs? ›

Egg Replacements
Alternative (equal to 1 egg)Best In …
1/2 banana, ripe and mashedBaked goods
1/4 cup applesauce or fruitBaked goods
1/2 cup silken tofuBaked goods, creamy sauces, pie fillings
1/2 cup firm tofuPatties, scrambles, sandwiches, fried rice/stir-fries
6 more rows
Apr 4, 2024

What vegetable can replace eggs? ›

What are the best egg substitutions?
  • Aquafaba. That's right, you can make an impressive egg white substitute using the water from a drained can of chickpeas. ...
  • Ground flax seeds. ...
  • Apple purée. ...
  • Yogurt (regular or dairy-free) ...
  • Mashed banana. ...
  • Silken tofu. ...
  • Chia seeds. ...
  • Coconut oil.

What can I use instead of bread with eggs? ›

Swap bread with nutrient-rich alternatives like sautéed vegetables, avocado halves, or lettuce wraps to enjoy eggs in a healthier, low-carb way. If you mean carbs, then hash browns/potatoes.

What to use in place of an egg in waffles? ›

Mashed fruit as an egg substitute works best in moist and dense recipes such as brownies, muffins, quick breads, pancakes, and waffles.
  1. Banana: 1/4 to 1/2 cup mashed or pureed.
  2. Unsweetened applesauce: 1/4 cup.
  3. Avocado: 1/4 cup.
  4. Pumpkin puree: 1/4 cup.
  5. Rehydrated and pureed prunes, raisins, soaked dates: 1/4 cup.
Mar 5, 2024

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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