14 Ways to Get Hair Dye Off Your Hairline, Scalp, and Hands (2024)

However, getting great results using at-home hair dyes without staining your skin can be difficult when doing it yourself. The best hair dyes have properties that allow them to remain in place through weeks of shampoos. Those same qualities can make it hard to remove hair dye stains that get on your face, forehead, and hands after the process.

Knowing how to remove hair dye stains on your skin can help you enjoy your new color without mistakes.

This article describes how to get hair dye off your skin quickly and safely, and how to avoid dyeing your skin in the future.

14 Ways to Get Hair Dye Off Your Hairline, Scalp, and Hands (1)

More Ways to Get Dried Hair Dye Off Skin

While seeing your skin stained by hair dye may be shocking, there are many ways to remove it if you know the right approach. Of course, the results you achieve can vary based on the technique used and the ingredients that your hair dye contains. For example, removing black hair dye from your skin can be harder than lighter colors.

Hair dye remover

When searching for ways to remove hair dye from your skin, look for products specially formulated as hair dye removers. They can be found as convenient pretreated wipes or as a liquid in bottle form to be applied with cotton rounds.

Baby wipes

Baby wipes are designed to be gentle enough to cleanse a baby's skin without irritation, so they are typically safe to use on your face to remove dirt and makeup. Depending on each product's formulation, they may also be effective in removing hair dye stains on your skin.

Soap and water

Though it may take a few washes, some types of soap with warm water may remove hair dye, similar to the process of removing makeup, as well. Using micellar water or an oil-based cleanser before washing with soap may reduce the number of times you have to wash the affected area.


Toothpaste can be an effective stain remover. The abrasive ingredients in some types of whitening toothpaste may remove hair dye from your skin. Use a washcloth to gently brush the toothpaste over the stain without irritating the area.

Olive oil

Research indicates that olive oil may have stain-removing properties for hair dye. While the results were based on using olive oil to remove hair dye from wool, the olive oil did not harm the delicate cashmere wool used in the testing.

Though the research did not test the process on human skin, the use of olive oil on the skin for other purposes is not uncommon. Olive oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, making it a useful ingredient for skin care. Its properties can help moisturize skin and reduce the signs of aging.

Waterproof makeup remover

Waterproof makeup remover is made to remove waterproof mascara, indelible lipstick, and other long-lasting cosmetics, often among the most difficult to take off. The best makeup removers are oil-based and do not cause irritation. These products may also be effective in removing stubborn hair dye stains, depending on the ingredients involved.

Petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly is a gentle makeup remover that provides the added benefit of moisturizing while it removes cosmetics from your skin. Leaving the petroleum jelly on for a few minutes before you wipe it off may help to remove stronger stains like hair dyes.

White vinegar

Most hair dyes can withstand soaps and shampoos, which are alkaline substances. However, vinegar is acidic. This helps it break down the structure of some stains. White vinegar is generally safe for use on your skin.

Dandruff shampoo

Removing hair dye from your scalp without stripping the color from your hair is challenging. Use a shampoo with light exfoliating ingredients like salicylic acid or glycolic acid, which can work to remove the stained skin cells and bring new cells to the surface.

Exfoliating facial wash

Exfoliating facial washes and gels contain mild concentrations of AHAs (alpha-hydroxy acids) and BHAs (beta-hydroxy acids). These compounds work to slough off dead facial skin cells. While no research has tied these products to the removal of hair dyes, they may be effective in sloughing off the dyed skin cells during the exfoliation process.

Stubborn Stains on Hands and Other Areas

Since the skin on your hands is thicker than the skin on your face, these and other areas of your body can tolerate more abrasive products to remove hair dye from your skin. While these products should not be used on your face, they can be effective in treating hands:

Dish soap and baking soda

A mixture of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and liquid dish soap may remove hair dye from the skin. The properties of baking soda and its slightly abrasive texture make it useful as a cleaning agent.

Use a makeup remover pad to apply the mixture in a circular motion to the stain. Rinse the mixture off with warm water.

Liquid laundry detergent

Liquid fabric detergent contains ingredients like surfactants and enzymes that remove stains from fabrics. These cleansing substances may also help remove hair dye from your skin.

Create a handwashing solution of laundry detergent and water to remove the dye from your hands. Completely rinse off the detergent when the stain disappears.

Nail polish remover

While acetone and other nail polish remover ingredients can dry and irritate your skin, these products may safely remove hair dye stains from fingertips and fingernails when used in very small amounts.

Apply a small amount of nail polish remover to a cotton ball and rub it over the stain for a few seconds. When the hair dye is removed, wash your hands thoroughly.


Like nail polish remover, ammonia should be reserved for removing hair dye from thicker skin only when other less-abrasive options won't work. Use this product only in very small amounts in well-ventilated areas. Wash the treated area to ensure you remove all traces of the product from your skin to avoid irritation.

Is It Easier to Remove Wet Hair Dye Than Dried Hair Dye?

The sooner you remove hair dye from your skin, the easier it will be. Removing wet hair dye prevents it from settling into your skin. It also reduces the risk of applying too much pressure or product and irritating the affected skin as you remove the hair dye.

How Quickly Does Hair Dye Come Off Skin?

The rate at which hair dye comes off your skin can vary based on whether the hair dye is permanent or semipermanent and the amount of dye causing the stain. Using one of the home treatments listed above should help most hair dyes come off your skin immediately when they work.

Without special treatment, permanent hair dye will eventually fade as cell turnover occurs. It takes about 30 to 50 days, depending on your age, for your skin to regenerate. Any untreated stains should disappear within that time regardless of the treatment it receives.

How to Get Beard Dye Off Skin

Beard dye differs slightly from hair dye because it is formulated to penetrate coarse facial hair. To remove beard dye from your skin, start with the strategies used to remove dried hair dye from your facial area. Avoid irritants like alcohol and detergents, which are best used on thicker areas of your skin.

What Doesn't Get Hair Dye Off Skin?

There is a wide range of recommendations for ways to get hair dye off your skin. Unfortunately, with no scientific data to back up these claims, it's impossible to be certain what will work to remove hair dye from the skin. Factors including the type of hair dye used can affect results.

Refining Your Dye Process to Limit Skin Staining

You can avoid getting hair dye on your skin when dyeing at home by applying the following tips from hair dye manufacturers:

  • Apply a barrier cream: Products like Vaseline petroleum jelly, Aquaphor ointment, and thick oils like olive or coconut oil make effective barriers. Try using a clear lip balm for applying a barrier in hard-to-reach areas like the space between your ear and the side of your head. When applying a barrier cream, be careful to avoid putting the substance on any hair strands since it could prevent the treated strands from fully absorbing hair dye.
  • Use a towel to protect your shoulders and neck from hair dye stains: Position an old towel around your shoulders and secure it in place with a clip. This will help protect your neck and shoulders and catch any drops that fall during the application process.
  • Wear disposable gloves during the dyeing process: Most DIY hair dye kits include at least one pair of disposable rubber gloves. Put on the gloves before you open the tube of dye to mix it. Keep your gloves on when you’re mixing the dye, applying it, and rinsing. Get a second pair of disposable gloves to have on hand in case you have to take off the first pair while you wait for the color to set.
  • Wear a professional-grade vinyl cape to protect exposed areas of your arms and back when dyeing your hair: While you can typically purchase a vinyl cape at a beauty supply store, you can also use an old T-shirt or blouse to protect your arms and other exposed areas from dripping hair dye. Consider protecting your legs if you're wearing shorts.
  • Use a bowl and brush to mix and paint on your hair dye: Using the right tools to mix and apply your hair dye will cause less mess and allow you to apply the dye more precisely. Squirting the dye from the bottle can increase your chances of getting stained skin during the application process.
  • Place a disposable shower cap over your head while waiting for the hair dye to dry: Wearing a shower cap over hair that is drenched in hair dye can prevent your skin from becoming stained by drips. It also allows you to move around during the setting process without risking stains on your skin, clothes, sink, or carpet.
  • Wipe away dye as you go: Wipe away hair dye with a damp towel as soon as you notice it on your skin. This avoids the stain from setting and having to be removed with additional products.


While dyeing your hair at home has its benefits, it can be hard to achieve the same results as the pros. One of the most common problems in at-home dyeing is getting stains on your skin.

Hair dye stains are not permanent and will not damage your skin. However, they can be unsightly and embarrassing until they fade. You can reduce hair dye on the skin by refining your dye process to limit skin staining. Treating stains quickly with the right products can also reduce your risk of having long-term hair dye stains on your skin.

14 Ways to Get Hair Dye Off Your Hairline, Scalp, and Hands (2024)


14 Ways to Get Hair Dye Off Your Hairline, Scalp, and Hands? ›

Use a non-gel toothpaste, and apply a small amount onto a cotton swab or your finger. Gently massage it over the dye on your skin. Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes, and then remove with a washcloth soaked in warm water.

How do you get hair dye off your hairline fast? ›

Use a non-gel toothpaste, and apply a small amount onto a cotton swab or your finger. Gently massage it over the dye on your skin. Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes, and then remove with a washcloth soaked in warm water.

What gets hair dye off hands? ›

Rub on Some Oil

Oils have plenty of skin benefits, but it turns out that they also work to help lift off hair dye. Garshick recommends looking at oils such as olive oil and coconut oil that can clean off color while also being gentle on skin. You can even use baby oil on the affected area as a color remover.

Does vinegar remove hair dye from skin? ›

Dip a cotton ball or the corner edge of a washcloth in the mixture and gently rub the desired area. Rinse when done. Distilled white vinegar from your kitchen pantry can help you remove unwanted hair dye from your skin. Vinegar acts as a natural exfoliant and removes the skin cells that have changed color.

What removes hair dye the fastest? ›

Quick and Easy Ways to Remove Hair Dye
  1. Use a clarifying shampoo. If you need to remove hair dye fast, reach for a clarifying or anti-dandruff shampoo. ...
  2. Make a paste with baking soda. ...
  3. Vinegar rinse. ...
  4. Lemon juice rinse. ...
  5. Hydrogen peroxide. ...
  6. Vitamin C tablets. ...
  7. Olive oil treatment. ...
  8. Cinnamon and honey mask.
Oct 27, 2023

What fades hair dye fast? ›

Getting some sun — Long periods of time spent in direct sunlight can cause your shade to fade faster; if you're going for a walk, leave your hat at home and let your strands soak up some rays!

How to get hair dye off scalp without washing hair? ›

Apply makeup remover to the stained area using a cotton swab. Use a dense or creamy makeup remover, like cold cream, that will be able to rest on your skin. Completely coat all of the stained areas around your scalp and hairline. You can use liquid makeup removers like micellar water, but they may not be as effective.

How do you remove hair dye naturally? ›

Baking Soda Paste

Baking soda can be an effective way to remove permanent hair dye naturally because of its lightening properties. Try mixing baking soda with lemon juice, which is acidic, to create a paste. Then, work the paste through your hair, allow it to sit for five minutes, and rinse thoroughly.

How to get hair dye off skin with baking soda? ›

Dish soap and baking soda
  1. Combine equal parts of gentle dish soap and baking soda and stir into a paste.
  2. Use hands or a cotton pad to apply to stained skin.
  3. Scrub the area gently in circular motions.
  4. After scrubbing for a few minutes, rinse the skin with warm water to remove all the paste.
  5. Repeat as necessary.
May 26, 2020

Does hand sanitizer remove hair dye? ›

If stubborn dye stains are still present after scrubbing, hand or body scrubs, nail polish removers, and even hand sanitizers are also great ways to help remove hair dye marks. For stained nail beds, cuticle removers will do the job as well.

What is the best hair color remover for skin? ›

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective product for removing hair dye stains from the skin. The mild bleaching properties help break down the pigments in hair dye, making it easier to lift and remove color from the skin's surface.

How to strip black hair dye? ›

A bleach wash is gentler on your hair than a full head bleach, since it's diluted. It won't lighten your hair in the same way as a full head bleach, but it will help to get rid of any dark hair dye that's gotten built up in your hair.

How to get hair dye off hairline? ›

More Ways to Get Dried Hair Dye Off Skin
  1. Soap and water. ...
  2. Toothpaste. ...
  3. Olive oil. ...
  4. Waterproof makeup remover. ...
  5. Petroleum jelly. ...
  6. Dandruff shampoo. ...
  7. Exfoliating facial wash. ...
  8. Dish soap and baking soda.
Feb 21, 2024

Will rubbing alcohol remove hair dye? ›

Does rubbing alcohol remove hair dye from clothes? In order to remove blue, brown, or black hair dye from white clothing, you can rinse the stain with cold water and rubbing alcohol. This method works best for fresh hair dye stains.

How to get dye off scalp without washing hair? ›

Apply makeup remover to the stained area using a cotton swab. Use a dense or creamy makeup remover, like cold cream, that will be able to rest on your skin. Completely coat all of the stained areas around your scalp and hairline. You can use liquid makeup removers like micellar water, but they may not be as effective.

How long does hairline dye last? ›

On most heads of hair, that would mean getting a good 6-8 weeks between touch-ups – but sometimes, even with permanent dye, colour fade can happen within a few weeks. Why does this happen? Typically, hair dyes are water soluble. When you wash your hair, the dye molecules simply dissolve and your new colour rinses away.

How do you fade hair dye ASAP? ›

There are a few ways to make hair color fade faster . One method is to use a clarifying shampoo , which can help strip away some of the color . Another option is to use a color - removing product , which is specifically designed to remove hair dye .

What do you put on your hairline when dying hair? ›

Apply Vaseline or petroleum jelly to the skin to prevent the dye from staining your hairline and face.

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